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Member since Jul 16, 2021
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Found a way to do this by passing HL7.[OBX] into the function instead of the fields
ClassMethod TwoFieldsInSegments(list1 As %String = "", value1 As %String, value2 As %String, position1 As %String = "4", position2 As %String = "6") As %Boolean [ Final ]
set returnValue = 0
for i=1:1:$length(list1,">")
set list1Value = $piece(list1,">",i)
set position1value = $p(list1Value,"|",position1)
set position2value = $p(list1Value,"|",position2)
//w !,position1value,!,position2value if (value1 = position1value) && (value2 = position2value)
set returnValue = 1
quit returnValue