Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to join the upcoming InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Integrated Development Environments on May 19 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this edition of InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talks, we put the spotlight on Integrated Development Environments (IDEs). We'll talk about InterSystems latest initiative with the open source ObjectScript extension to Visual Studio Code, discussing what workflows are particularly suited to this IDE, how development, support, and enhancement requests will work in an open source ecosystem, and more.

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Hi Community!

We are glad to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems IRIS Native API Contest Kick-Off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the 3rd IRIS Programming Contest.

Date & Time: Monday, May 18 — 9:00 AM EDT

@Bob Kuszewski, InterSystems Product Manager
@Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

What awaits you? Please check the agenda below:

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Hi Developers!

As discussed in previous parts of Package Manager stories to turn your IRIS application into a deployable package you just need to introduce the module.xml file into the root folder of the repository and describe all the resources.

I’m pleased to introduce you to a new project template on Open Exchange which contains examples of how to make different types of resources of your InterSystems IRIS application a part of the ObjectScript package and so make the deployable ObjectSctipt package.

Let's see how you can describe your application resources using this template project as an example.

See the details below.

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· May 14, 2020 1m read
IRS Docker micro Durability

Allow limited durability for demo and development IRIS-Docker-micro-Durability During development of a container based demo I found the need to access a fresh docker
an instance of IRIS image (e.g intersystems/iris-community:2020. over and over.
To bypass loading my code repeatedly I developed this workaround.

It is a reduced variant of Docker - light weight durability

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As promised, here is Part 2 of our interview with Russ Leftwich! In this half, Adam Coppola talks with Russ about some of the InterSystems technologies that play a part in the concepts from Part 1, as well as some specific discussions about modern FHIR applications. After the interview with Russ, we were also joined by Jenny Ames to talk about the upcoming FHIR Dev Days. Check it out, and make sure to go subscribe to Data Points!

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Hi Community!

We're pleased to invite you to the Online Meetup with the Winners of the 2nd IRIS Programming Contest! It's a virtual Meetup with some of the winners of the past InterSystems IRIS Online Programming Contest.

Date & Time: Friday, May 8, 2020 – 11:00 EDT

What awaits you at this virtual Meetup?

  • Our winners' bios.
  • Short demos on their applications.
  • A short interview with all the winners about the past contest. Plans for the next contests.

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In the first article in this series, we’ll take a look at the entity–attribute–value (EAV) model in relational databases to see how it’s used and what it’s good for. Then we'll compare the EAV model concepts to globals.

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After I loaded the intersystems/iam:0.34-1-1 image in local, I am trying to do the next step of configuration.

2) Configure your InterSystems IRIS instance

2a) Enable the /api/IAM web application
2b) Enable the IAM user
2c) Change the password for the IAM user

Do we need to change these settings in iris.cpf file? any inputs where we have to configure? I have IRIS 2019.1.1 installed in my machine.



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I have just started to experiment with Using IRIS in Docker.

My first objective was to be able to enable global persistence within a Docker container. Using the following command I have managed to achieve this:

docker run --detach --publish 52773:52773 --volume /data/dur:/dur --env ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/dur/iconfig --name iris21 store/intersystems/iris-community:2020.

Within this container, I have created a simple global:

for i=1:1:10 set ^tmp(i)=""

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· May 5, 2020
ObjectScript Json Patch


alt text

An implementation of JSON-Patch in ObjectScript.

Why you should use JSON-Patch

JSON-Patch (RFC6902) is a standard format that allows you to update a JSON document by sending the changes rather than the whole document.
JSON Patch plays well with the HTTP PATCH verb (method) and REST style programming.


With zpm :

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Hi Developers!

We are going to establish a series of InterSystems IRIS Online Programming contests this year.

In March we started with ObjectScript CLI and here is the schedule of topics for the next few months:

  • April - InterSystems IRIS with REST API
  • May - InterSystems IRIS Native API application: use Python, JS, .NET, Java native APIs in your application to use IRIS
  • June-July - InterSystems IRIS AI/ML solutions. IntegratedML as a bonus
  • August - InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR application
  • September - InterSystems IRIS Full-stack application: IRIS as a server and UI on any framework and any form: and web, desktop, mobile UI
  • October - Interoperability solutions for InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health
  • November - Analytics Solution using InterSystems IRIS
  • December - Multi-model solution using InterSystems IRIS

All applications should be runnable with InterSystems IRIS in a docker container.

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Hi Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Developing Progressive Web Apps

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I am trying to install IAM in my local and I downloaded IAM-0.34-1-1.tar.gz and extracted. I went to the location where iam_image.tar is available and run below command in the command prompt.

C:\ESB\HC\IAM-0.34-1-1.tar\IAM-0.34-1-1\IAM>docker load -i iam_image.tar
unsupported os linux

Getting unsupported os Linux issue. Kindly let me know if anyone had this issue. Thanks!

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· May 1, 2020 1m read
Code sample to concatenate JSON arrays

ObjectScript doesn't include any built-in method for appending one JSON dynamic array to another. Here's a code snippet I use that's equivalent to the JavaScript concat() method.

Call it with any number of arguments to concatenate them into a new array. If an argument is a dynamic array, its elements will be added. Otherwise the argument itself will be added.

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in April 2020!

19 New applications in April 2020

FHIR Server and API Manager for MIT COVID-19 Challenge by Steven LeBlanc

This demo shows how InterSystems API Manager (IAM) can be used to view and test FHIR resources with InterSystems IRIS for Health. It comes pre-configured with a FHIR server, pre-populated with synthetic patient data. The new InterSystems API Manager (IAM) includes OpenAPI Swagger specs to quickly generate REST client code to work with many common FHIR resources.

Production Manager by Nikolay Soloviev

REST API to manage IRIS Interoperability Productions.

rest-api-contest-template by Evgeny Shvarov

Template repository for InterSystems IIRS REST API Programming Contest

JSON-Filter by Lorenzo Scalese

ObjectScript server-side JSON filter.

objectscript-openapi-definition by Guillaume Rongier

The objectif of this library is to generate the ObjectScript Class from an OpenApi definition.

FHIR-HL7v2-SQL-Demo by Guillaume Rongier

Ready to use a demo of an FHIR Server and HL7v2 transformation to the FHIR Server on IRIS For Health Intersystems The FHIR repo can be a query in SQL.

CloudWatch-IRIS by Anton Umnikov

Configuring AWS CloudWatch with InterSystems IRIS

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Hi Community!

The registration phase for the second InterSystems Online Programming Contest has already ended, and now the voting week begins!

We have 7 applications - so you have a set of applications to choose from!

How to vote?

This is easy: you will have one vote, and your vote goes either in Experts Nomination or in Community Nomination.

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Hi Developers,

New to machine learning? Watch this video on InterSystems Developers YouTube to understand the basic concepts of machine learning and how it provides value in applications around the world today:

What is Machine Learning?

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During runtime I build an object which is essentially a wrapper over in-memory table:

col1 ... colN
val11 ... valN1
val12 ... valN2

I want to use this object as a part of INSERT or UPDATE queries, based on a value of some column (the main use case one of the columns is an ID value)

What's the best way to expose the object to SQL?

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