Hello, I need to use IRIS to connect to an MSSQL base.
It has to be done via ODBC, I can't use JDBC at this time by client option.

I am trying to use Microsoft Driver

But I can't, my attempts result in:
Connection failed.
SQLState: () NativeError: [11001] Message:

I have done all DSN configuration, and my configuration is listed in SQL Gateway Connections. I know it's working, because when I run a test with isql I have the information that connects to the bank.

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0 720

The "Download Caché Evaluation" at the top of this forum takes the user to a page that only allows her to download versions of IRIS. What am I missing here? Does IRIS encompass Caché? I've wandered around both on the main website and in the Developer Community site looking for a way to only get Caché... Very frustrating.

I appreciate any help you all can provide. Thanks!

1 11
0 2.2K

We have multiple NTE segments in the ADT message. I need to loop through all of the NTE segments looking for "NAVIRADTHPT" in the NTE-4 field. I have yet to get this to work using the following code.

HL7.(NTE:4()) Contains "<NAVIRADTHPT>"

Here's how the segments look.

NTE|1||This patient is currently being seen for radiation therapy.|AHRADTHPT||20210223093342
NTE|2||This patient is currently being seen for radiation therapy.|NAVIRADTHPT||20210223113634

1 2
0 366

Is there a straightforward workflow in VS Code for moving a class from one namespace to another on the same server? With Caché/IRIS Studio, it was a (sort of) simple export/change namespace in file menu/import operation. But in VS Code it's not obvious (to me, at least).

I can add multiple namespaces to a workspace, but when using isfs:// paths I see only a "Download" option and no "Upload" or "Import/Compile." When I'm navigating the local file tree, I see Import options, but no way to select the namespace into which I want to import.

1 8
0 1.1K

I'm trying to send a message into a production on change a persistent object.

And when I change an object using SQL - I get an error,
when change the object using objectscript - I get a message (but not an error or exception)
But the most interesting - everything works fine (the object has been changed, and business service receives data)

Persistent class

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0 252
· Nov 15, 2023
SMS Texting solutions

I'm looking for an SMS Texting solution that will implement easily with IRIS. Our company uses Twilio for our .Net applications but I'm hoping there might be something else available. If anyone has experience with this please let me know!



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· Aug 11, 2020
JDBC Gateway Server

Hello all,

I'm trying to setup the JDBC Gateway Server so customers can connect to IRIS remotely using JDBC and not ODBC. But I'm facing a problem connecting, as our system department tells me IRIS is using the loopback address ( and that makes remote systems cannot connect to port 53773 (the default port for that).

So, I would like to change this host for the hostname but I cannot see where to do it:

1 15
0 1.3K

Languages like Java and C++ allows to develop a multi-threaded program with two or more parts that can run concurrently and each part can handle a different task at the same time making optimal use of the available resources specially when your computer has multiple CPUs. Is it possible In ObjectScript? If yes, Where I can get a good sample or application?

1 5
0 682

Hi all,

Just wondering if there's a quick way to get the DocType, without knowing it in advance, from a message body by building a string from the VersionID, MessageType, and TriggerEvent fields? (Similar to how it might be done dynamically in Rhapsody)

Can this then be used to set the DocType for a source message?

If this is not the best practice what is a suitable alternative approach?

Thanks for your help,

1 6
0 670

The Complex Recordmapper specify a map for headers, body, and trailers, but it expects all three to have fixed Leading Data to identify the record type. But what if the Header and Trailer have Leading Data, but not the body records? I can't seem to find a way to do this. For example:



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0 233

Hello Team,

please can someone help me in the below.

I'm trying to call a Rest API below specification working in postman, and receiving perfectly the response:

POST /PharmacyServices/api/Pharmacy/Upload?Key=aaaa&Username=bbb&Password=ccc HTTP/1.1
Host: abc:38440
Content-Length: 240
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="File"; filename="///xxxx/POC/CSV/20230607.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv

1 1
0 275

So, I needed to start Java Gateway, and found, that it does not want to work with the latest Java versions, I tried 20, 18, 17

Start External Language Server %Java Server:

Please wait...result will show below:

2023-07-26 19:46:24 Starting Java Gateway Server '%Java Server'
2023-07-26 19:46:24 *ERROR* Return from RunStartCmd: ERROR #5049: Java version '' is not supported.
2023-07-26 19:46:25 An error occurred while trying to start the Gateway Server External Language Server failed to Start:
ERROR #5049: Java version '' is not supported.

Error, only says, that it will not work, and say nothing, about which version it wants to see

1 6
0 426

Hi everyone,

Lately, I've been spending a lot of time with Visual Studio Code (VSC), and I've been wondering if there's a terminal or a panel within VSC that acts like the Intersystems Studio Output panel, which serves both as an input and output window and allows the execution of ObjectScript commands.

Could anyone help? Thanks :)

1 11
1 305

For my Embedded Python ONLY demo package I need some user input.
Similar to ObjectScript

read "say somthing",reply

I use the Python equivalent

reply = input("say something")

And this works excellent without problems from Terminal or Doker console

with WebTermnial ObjectSscript works fine, but embedded Python fails badly.

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