Under the previous python binding method (Cache) it was possible to pass in parameters, execute a class query, and fetch the result sets. I have been unable to find a way to do this via PYODBC or the Native API (perhaps I am just missing something).

My work around is to create a SQLquery string and execute it through a cursor. I would much prefer to simply execute the debugged and more secure class queries that already exist and and have been precompiled.

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated



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Hi All,

In earlier cache version, I can see full data values in SQL management portal.

But IRIS restricted the view only to 100 chars.

"If the data in a field is longer than 100 characters, the first 100 characters of the data are displayed followed by an ellipsis (...) indicating additional data." - From Documentation.

Is there a way to change this behavior ? I would like to see all the values in the particular SQL field.

Thanks in advance,

Archunan K

0 2
0 179

I have an SQL text index defined like this

Index TextIndex On (Text) As %iFind.Index.Basic(IGNOREPUNCTUATION = 1, INDEXOPTION = 0, LANGUAGE = "en", LOWER = 1);

If I run a query like this:

WHERE %ID %FIND search_index("TextIndex",'ABC')

I get 20 results with posts containing the term ABC.

But each post can contain the term ABC several times.

0 13
0 367
· Dec 23, 2020
Global ^Errors growing fast

Hello guys.

Can anyone help me about Global ^Errors? Only in 1 specific namespace is it growing fastly. It grows from 2 to 3 Gb per hour when all services are active. Which commands exactly do this? In another similar namespaces, there is not that Global in the class list.


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0 269

We are using Native .NET API from IRISProviderCore21 package, inside .NET Core app, and having issue when trying to call function that takes instance of the class as parameter. The server is IRIS 2020.

In a nutshell, the code looks like this:

// Create instance of the parameter class, proxy object

var paramObject = iris.ClassMethodObject("MyParameterClass", "%New") as IRISObject;

paramObject.Set("property", "value");

0 2
0 231

In 2020 we implemented HealthConnect as our HL7 interface engine. Having completed this, we are currently evaluating whether it would be beneficial to migrate our managed file transfers from our current MFT software, MOVEit to HealthConnect. I am interested in hearing from any InterSystems customers who have previously used MOVEit and currently using HealthConnect for file transfer managment. Any feedback would be appreciated.

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0 270


I'm testing IRIS 2020.4 Preview with preview key.

I've access to the management portal but I can't connect with Studio.

This is my docker-command : docker run --name my-iris --detach --publish 9091:51773 --publish 9092:52773 --volume C:\Docker\iris_external:/external –-volume C:\Docker\iris_durable:/durable –-env ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/durable/irissys containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris:2020.4.0.524.0 --key /external/iris.key --password-file /external/password.txt

I notice that Caché Direct is disabled by the license.

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0 338


We are working with a vendor who only accepts JSON as payload. We are currently still on Cache/HealthShare, not IRIS. Since we have to send Continuity of Care Documents, this raises issues with Long Strings (some CCDs can be quite large and in addition to that, they have to be b64-encoded which increases their size even more).

My question is: if we were to go on IRIS and use %JSON.Adapter, storing the encoded Stream in an object's Stream property, would calling %JSONExport() on this object produce the desired JSON? Or would we have to call %JSONExportToStream()?

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0 567
· Dec 8, 2020
SQL Query execution plan

Is it possible see the execution plan of a SQL sentence in IRIS?

Like this:

explain plan for
select  e.ename,r.rname
from    employees  e
join    roles       r on (r.id = e.role_id)
join    departments d on (d.id = e.dept_id)
where   e.staffno <= 10
and     d.dname in ('Department Name 1','Department Name 2');

That returns this:

1 3
1 380

Hey folks - I'm working on some training materials and I'm looking for a paragraph or two and/or a diagram that illustrates their record IO flow. Does anyone know of a good outline of how records are moved into the database and committed?

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0 200


I like to know if we need to have the message in a file to process a Record Map?

I am working with Interoperability Production that processes files /messages using Record Maps. My team was asked to redesign the solution for deployment in AWS. We use containers. We had problems with having multiple containers processing files from the same directory. We are considering Amazon Simple Queue Service instead of having files on a shared file system.

0 1
0 216

Good evening Intersystems Community,

I want to participate in the Advent of Code 2020 and followed the installation instructions in "The Advent of Code 2020 contest ObjectScript template" (https://openexchange.intersystems.com/package/aoc2020-objectscript-template).

Unforunately I get "Error: Invalid Community Edition license, may have exceeded core limit." at the step "docker-compose build".

0 12
0 791

In Oracle database, the synonym is an alternative name for objects such as tables, views, sequences, stored procedures, and other database objects.

You generally use synonyms when you are granting access to an object from another schema and you don't want the users to have to worry about knowing which schema owns the object.

Is IRIS SQL sintax has something like this: (oracle sintax)

1 1
0 181

Hi, we suddenly noticed that one of the edge storage increased by 30% and it was due to ERROR globals which was throwing repeated error for 7 days and it consumed 35GB space. Is there a way to log the storage of edge production on daily basis and compare the increase in storage with previous day and if increase is 5% more than trigger an email to system admit to look why the storage increased suddenly.

0 3
0 248

Languages like Java and C++ allows to develop a multi-threaded program with two or more parts that can run concurrently and each part can handle a different task at the same time making optimal use of the available resources specially when your computer has multiple CPUs. Is it possible In ObjectScript? If yes, Where I can get a good sample or application?

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0 684
· Nov 26, 2020
10000 clients simultaneously

How InterSystems solutions handle C10k connections? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C10k_problem )
For example, I want to create a social network on InterSystems platform.
In the scenario client (browser) => CSP Gateway => Cache can the Cache handle a large number of clients at the same time?
Quick analysis shows that CSP Gateway for each request opens a new TCP connection to Cache SuperServer (port 1972) allocating CSP session and license slot.

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