· Jan 28, 2022

Are immutable properties supported in ObjectScript classes?

Can we make any property immutable once it value is set? For example, I may have a property called RecordCreatedTime to track when the record is created in IRIS, and once it is set, I don't want anyone to modify the value. 

Product version: IRIS 2021.1
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1. If it's a one-off thing redefine your property setter:

Class Test.RO Extends %Persistent

Property RecordCreatedTime As %TimeStamp [ InitialExpression = {$ZDATETIME($ZTIMESTAMP, 3, 1, 3)} ];

Method RecordCreatedTimeSet(value As %TimeStamp) As %Status
	if i%RecordCreatedTime="" {
		set i%RecordCreatedTime=value
	quit $$$OK

/// do ##class(Test.RO).test()
ClassMethod test()
	set obj = ..%New()
	write obj.RecordCreatedTime,!
	set obj.RecordCreatedTime = "2000-01-01 00:00:01"
	write obj.RecordCreatedTime,!

It's also automatically set during object creation courtesy of InitialExpression, you can remove it if you want to set the value yourself.

2. If you have the same immutable property or a set of immutable properties you can write an abstract class:

Class Test.Base [Abstract]

Property RecordCreatedTime As %TimeStamp [ InitialExpression = {$ZDATETIME($ZTIMESTAMP, 3, 1, 3)} ];

Method RecordCreatedTimeSet(value As %TimeStamp) As %Status
	if i%RecordCreatedTime="" {
		set i%RecordCreatedTime=value
	quit $$$OK

And add it to inheritance whenever you need:

Class Test.RO Extends (%Persistent, Test.Base)

3. Finally if you have a lot of immutable properties and they are all different you'll need a custom datatype. Custom datatype defines method generators for getters, setters and all other property methods. Let's inherit from %String so we only need to redefine a setter:

Class Test.ROString Extends %String

/// Generate Setter
Method Set(%val) [ CodeMode = objectgenerator, NoContext ]
	quit:%mode'="propertymethod" $$$OK
	do %code.WriteLine($c(9) _ "if i%" _ $g(%member) _ "="""" {")
	do %code.WriteLine($c(9,9) _ "set i%" _ $g(%member) _ "=%val")
	do %code.WriteLine($c(9) _ "}")
	do %code.WriteLine($c(9) _ "quit $$$OK")
	quit $$$OK


Now we create a property of Test.ROString type:

Class Test.RO Extends %Persistent
Property RecordCreatedTime As Test.ROString [ InitialExpression = {$ZDATETIME($ZTIMESTAMP, 3, 1, 3)} ];

And it would be immutable. In fact if we check a generated setter:

zRecordCreatedTimeSet(%val) public {
    if i%RecordCreatedTime="" {
        set i%RecordCreatedTime=%val
    quit 1 }

It would look quite similar to what I have wrote in (1), only automatically generated.