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Member since Jun 2, 2017

Thank you for testing the beta! I will attempt to reproduce your issues and will report back.

EDIT: Before I start testing, do you see any errors in the ObjectScript Output channel (besides EMFILE)? Also, the "auto-generating name" on creation of a new class/routine has been intentionally removed. This change divorces file importing from the export settings' folder structure, so it didn't make sense to keep using those settings to generate a file name.

EDIT 2: The "auto-generating name" feature is still in the extension, it's just off by default. To turn it back on, use the objectscript.autoAdjustName setting.

Hi @Andre Ribera , AFAIK there isn't a way to check on a server if a Studio client connected to it has unsaved changes to a project. You can edit projects programmatically using the %Studio.Project class. You may also want to consider making your app IDE-agnostic because Studio is deprecated and has been removed from IRIS kits starting with 2024.2.

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