I am trying to do package mapping in the %ALL NameSpace.

I create a new Package Mapping entry and select my database bu the "Package Name" combo box never populates the packages in this database so I cannot select it, see screenshot below, the "Package Name" list remains empty. There definately are packages in that database. Why is this happening? Did I miss a setting?

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Hi ,

I tried to import Custom schema with 'Z' segment. I executed "Do ##class(EnsLib.InteropTools.HL7.MessageAnalyzer).Interactive()" in IRIS Terminal.

After executed the steps, i am getting below message, So i could not able to add z segment into my customschema 'Test_2.3'
Summary Report for workspace C:\Demo\Migration\Workspace
Schema is Test_2.3
ALL: 0 matched, 1 unmatched

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· May 2, 2023
JWS/JWT Header X5C

Hello All,

I'm trying to sign some custom JWT with x.509 certs but running into a problem with the signed JWT containing some information I need in the JOSE header.

Is there a way to get the "X5C:[]" header included in the signed JTW? IS this as easy as setting something like the following

Set JOSE("x5c") = "public key"



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Question for folks who have connected to an External FHIR repository outside of IRIS. Within the HS.FHIRServer.Interop.HTTPOperation there is not an option to include TLS or an OAuth authentication when connecting to an external Repository. So then how is that piece done if you need to Authenticate against an OAuth Server before you are able to access the data or call the Web Services/REST calls?

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Getting INVALID OREF error while unit testing. Also ResultDyanmicObj.Headers.%Size(),DummyResponse.Headers.%Size() these are working fine getting 7 value from both. but still it is not working.

do $$$AssertEquals(ResultDyanmicObj.Headers.%Size(),DummyResponse.Headers.%Size(), "Validation for Headers")

error - INVALID OREF>TestAccountSearchWithoutAccount+6

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