
In a fast-paced clinical environment, where quick decision-making is crucial, the lack of streamlined document storage and access systems poses several obstacles. While storage solutions for documents exist (e.g, FHIR), accessing and effectively searching for specific patient data within those documents meaningfully can be a significant challenge.

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Anyone here know if the Implementation Partner program is still open, and if so, is there anyone we can contact to get more details? I've tried reaching out via the form on the website, I've called and left a message, and then I called and talked to someone a few weeks ago who said they would "forward my info over", but we still haven't heard back from anyone. We just want to get more info on what it entails, but can't seem to get in touch with anybody to talk about it.

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This is a FYI for anyone who has experienced the following error after upgrading an existing instance to any product based on Caché 2017.2.2. In our case, the products are HealthShare HealthConnect for Redhat x64 and for Windows x86-64 but I believe it would be a common problem for any InterSystems product on any platform, if based on Caché 2017.2.2. After upgrading our development instance from 2016.2.2 to 2017.2.2, we experienced the following errors when attempting to start a pre-existing Java Object Gateway that was defined prior to the upgrade:

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Hi, I am glad to announce another submission to OpenExchange and the current contest, the FHIR Pseudonymization Proxy. The FHIR Pseudonymization Proxy adds a transparent pseudonymization layer to any existing FHIR server, enabling clients to perform queries on the FHIR server – which may contain personal identifying information – and receive an on-the-fly pseudonymized version of the data.

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We're looking to grow our team by adding an experienced healthcare interoperability resource to focus on Participant onboarding and troubleshooting, and testing and evaluation of in-house and third-party software solutions to ensure compliance with organizational standards and requirements.

Details of position are available on our Careers page.

#healthcare #remotework

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Hey Developers,

Learn how to search for FHIR resources with a variety of query options:

FHIR Search @ Virtual Summit 2020
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FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a network protocol for transmitting files over TCP/IP connections in a network (including the Internet) configured to transfer files via this protocol. In an FTP transaction, a file sender is called a local host. A file receiver involved in FTP is a remote host, and it is usually a server. Although many file transfers can be conducted using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), FTP is still commonly used to transfer files behind the scenes for other applications, such as banking services.

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Hello Everyone,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is in the process of developing an exam focusing on creating and working with TrakCare Integration, and we need input from our InterSystems TrakCare community. Your input will be used to evaluate and establish the contents of the exam.

How do I provide my input? We will provide a list of job tasks. You will rate them on their importance as well as other factors.

How much effort is involved? It takes about 15-20 minutes to fill out the survey.

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