
I can't work out how to use the Cache CA Server to process certificate request from external clients!

We are setting up an interface where we use SSL/TLS 'Mutual Authentication' to allow a client system to securely transmit document to our server. (they are off-site and hosting a service for us)

I am not a security expert, but my understanding of setting up mutual authentication where my instance of ensemble is the server, and it is receiving messages from a client is as follows

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to authenticate a user(Health Share clinician) from a Java Application.

I 'm already connected to Caché and able to run SQL commands.

My question is: How can I authenticate a user using only SQL? In fact, what I want is verify if the users exists in the base and if the given password is the same used in Health Share.

There is a column 'password' in Security.users table but I'm not able to see its content, even so, I don't know which hash function to use to compare with.

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Hi -

I'm trying to follow the documentation, but I seem to end up in a circular reference, where the docs say "Login to TrakCare" to get access to the Layout Editor, with a link to "Logging Into TrakCare", and then that whole sections assumes that the account being used has been created, but doesn't seem to point to any means of actually creating the account in the first place.

Where is it described in the HealthShare Documentation, how to create a TrakCare login account?

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Is it a good practice to set the MAXLEN value of %Library.String property type? Will it lead to wasted storage if its not really using it?

For example, I have to store a 5 characters long string into the below str field. Which of the statement is recommended?

Property str As %String;


Property str As %String(MAXLEN="5");

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In this posting I want to raise the profile of a feature that arrived in 2009.1 but is perhaps not very well known.

It is sometimes useful to make certain packages, globals or routines available to all of your namespaces. Of course you can add the necessary mappings whenever you create a new namespace, but here's a simpler way.

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· Aug 26, 2016 8m read
Enterprise Monitor and HealthShare

Enterprise Monitor is a component of Ensemble and can help organizations monitor multiple productions running on different namespaces within the same instance or namespaces running on multiple instances.

Documentation can be found at:


In Ensemble 2016.1 there were changes made to make this utility work with HealthShare environments.

This article will:

  • Show how to set up Enterprise Monitor for HealthShare sites
  • Show some features of Enterprise Monitor
  • Show some features of Enterprise Message Viewer

For this article, I used the following version of HealthShare:

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.1 (Build 656U) Fri Mar 11 2016 17:42:42 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:14.02.2415 + Linkage Engine:14.02.2415 + Patient Index:14.02.2415 + Clinical Viewer:14.02.2415 + Active Analytics:14.02.2415]

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I wanted to share a little tidbit which is in the Studio documentation (http://docs.intersystems.com/cache20152/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?...) but many people who have been using the InterSystems Studio for a long time missed the addition of this *very* useful feature, and every time I mention this to an audience I see at least one face light up because of how excited they are to learn about it!

Within Studio, the Output pane (View -> Output) is actually misnamed. It is actually an Input/Output window which can be used to run Caché ObjectScript commands!

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· Sep 7, 2016 5m read
Running HealthShare XSLTs from Terminal

HealthShare uses a lot of XSLTs. These are used to convert IHE medical documents to SDA (internal HealthShare format) and back to IHE formats, to create summary reports, and to deal with IHE profiles (e.g., patient information query, document provide and register). Customers may customize the XSLTs to customize reports or for other reasons.

For debugging and development, it is very convenient to be able to run an XSLT from Terminal.

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· Jan 11, 2018
Routing Rules

Is there a way in the routing rule to compare two fields in two different segments? For example, for the message below we need to compare one Identifier in PID-3 (uiytr5678906^^^^CKS)against another in MRG-1 (uiytr5678A06^^^^CKS). Both will always have the same IdentifierTypeCode (PID-3.5/MRG-1.5), but the ID number can be different. Just to clarify, we only want to compare the CKS IdentifierID, not the entire field or all the identifiers in the MRG-1 or PID-3 field.

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· Apr 28, 2016
Git and Atelier


I'm in the process of trying to convert my team to a Git-based workflow for source code version management (we use Ensemble and HealthShare, but build a lot of customizations on top). We are having a hard time working with Atelier in this regard for a few reasons:

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1. Scope and Objective:

Recently we supported a few NHS cases that required TIE (Trust Integration Engine) integration with the PKB service. Hence this article is meant to be a 10-minute quick guide to describe a demo solution (simple configurations and end-2-end implementation steps) for Health Connect (Ensemble) Integration with PKB (Patient-Knows-Best) service.

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Hi ,

In HSBUS we have out of box operation HS.IHE.XDSb.Repository.Operations to route CCD's from HSBUS to Edge gateway.

Earlier it was working fine, but for maintenance we have to rest the DEV environment, Now its throwing below error. I have verified all registry configuration and the CCD feed is also same, nothing is changed except reset. Can someone help me, where to look for this problem or what I am missing here.

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In the previous article, we talked about the flow of data to request the test and receive the results of the requested test. Now let's talk about one of the most important messages of HL7v2 standard.

Every time a receiving application accepts a message and consumes the message data, it is expected to send an ACKnowledgement (ACK) message back to the sending application. The sending application is expected to keep on sending a message until it has received an ACK message. It is done to inform the sending application that its message was successfully received, that it is (not) valid in accordance with HL7 rules and, if it is compliant, that it will be processed at some point.

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· May 17, 2016
Tools for CDA/CCD?

I have a tool I absolutely love for HL7 v2 analysis and manipulation. It's called 7edit. I'm wondering if there is anything similar for HL7v3/CDA/CCD. I know it is considerably more complex, but I still have hope.

So far the best resource I've found is http://www.cdapro.com/. I'd love to hear anyone else's tips for tools or resources.

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Hi gentlemen,

It may be very easy but I'm currently battling with a stupid business operation.

Here is what I must do and what is already in place:

A business service scan every 5 sec the apparition of files and send it to a business process.

The business process (a routeur) don't let pass everything and a few of them go to a specific operation.

The operation must :

1 ) create the file with the same name of the original one (in the service) then save it.

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· Nov 29, 2022 6m read
What's HL7v2?!

HL7 (Health Level 7) is a set of technical specifications for computerized exchanges of clinical, financial and administrative data between hospital information systems (HIS). These specifications are variously integrated into the corpus of formal American (ANSI) and international (ISO) standards.

The L7 of HL7 indicates that it is a standard that operates at layer 7, in other words at the application layer, of the OSI model. This means that HL7 does not have to take into account exchange security considerations, or those of message transport (this being ensured by lower-level layers such as SSL/TLS for security or TCP for the transport of data for example). To be more precise, layer 7 supports communications for end-user processes and applications and the presentation of data for user-facing software applications. As the highest layer of the OSI model, and the closest to the end user, layer 7 provides application-specific functions such as identifying communication partners and the quality of service between them, determining resource availability, considering privacy and user authentication, and synchronizing communication, as well as connecting the application to the lower levels of the OSI model.

Returning to the HL7 standard, the HL7 version 2 standard (also known as Pipehat) was originally created in 1989 but is still being used and updated regularly, resulting in versions 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6, 2.7, 2.7.1, 2.8, 2.8.1, 2.8.2 and 2.9. The v2.x standards are backward compatible (e.g., a message based on version 2.3 will be understood by an application that supports version 2.6) and in higher versions, you will see some fields are left just for it.

Despite it being more than 30 years old, HL7v2 remains the most widely used healthcare interface standard by a large margin according to the HL7.org portal that tells that:

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When creating an outbound X12 file (834, 835, 837, etc), what's the easiest way to keep a segment count to use in the SE01 element? Other mapping tools I've used either detect it's an X12 file and do this automatically, or there's an option to keep a count after each outputted segment. The Data Transformation tool within Health Connect doesn't seem to have similar functionality, but I could just be missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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Is this available anywhere (for Health Connect)? I've found a few presentations but they are aimed at entry level.

We're looking at supporting more and more FHIR, REST plus OAuth interfaces in future. I've built some of this into older versions of HealthShare and Ensemble but it's desirable to move to supported versions.

We would be using Healthshare as a facade to other systems.

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This is more for my memory that anything else but I thought I'd share it because it often comes up in comments, but is not in the InterSystems documentation.

There is a wonderful utility called ^REDEBUG that increases the level of logging going into mgr\cconsole.log.

You activate it by

a) start terminal/login

b) zn "%SYS"

c) do ^REDEBUG

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HealthShare HealthConnect and Information Exchange version 15.03 support import transformations from C-CDA 2.1 to SDA. You can find these transforms in your installation's csp/xslt/SDA3 directory. For general information about import transforms, see "CDA Documents and XSL Transforms in HealthShare" in Overview of Health Connect.

Among the enhancements to import functionality added in connection with C-CDA 2.1 support is the ability to preprocess your C-CDA input files prior to the transformation done for import.

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Suppose I have an image and need to convert that image into a PDF for inclusion in an HL7.

I know that Zen Reports can display an image in a PDF but I do not want to view the image in a web page. I just need to convert the image to PDF in a Process and then include that PDF in an HL7. The workflow would be like this:

Get image -> Convert image into PDF -> Include PDF in HL7 OBX.

I know how to do the last part to include PDF in HL7 OBX. Just need ideas on the first part.

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