InterSystems has corrected two defects that affect online backup of very large databases. Backups taken via external methods, such as snapshots or direct file copies, are not affected. These defects exist in all released versions of all InterSystems products.

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Hello Community,

I want to secure a SOAP Webservice (an EnsLib.SOAP.Service one, if that matters) adding a SSL/Username Policy to it. As im not sure how detailed my request here should get, ill try giving a detailed as-is description of my setup, what I've tried, how I tried to test the connection and what problems including some logs I ran into.

As a small foreword: I'm pretty new to the whole security aspect of intersystems and soap itself.


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· May 15, 2020 3m read
Debugging in HealthShare

Hi, if you develop production with HealthShare, you may have noticed there is a nice tracing feature available - HS.Util.Trace.Operations. This feature allows visually tracing debug information, in structured way. It complements good old logging macros like $$$LOGINFO, $$$TRACE and alike.

I use this feature a lot. However, it has limited functionality, it works nice with classes that extend XML Adapter, streams or data types, but it doesn't work well with arbitrary objects that do no extend from XML Adapter.

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I have a HealthShare HealthConnect operation which uses the EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter. It is using a custom Operation class to send HTTP Post request. The request data that is sent to the operation and the response back from the operation is not displayed on the visual trace. Is there anyway to display this data in the trace?

Thank you for your help.

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Hi -- at a customer site we have 8 Access Gateways, with a couple of different load balancers that decide which projects go to which subset of AGs.

We're about to go live with a project that uses a subscription, and we have that subscription pointing to one of the AGs. What if that AG goes down? The project is dead until the AG is back up. The subscription forces us to pick an AG that's registered in the Gateway Registry -- I don't see a way to get a cluster or load balancer address in there.

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I am looking foi an API to retrieve one namespace´s default web application name. We have use some code to setup links to event log/mesage trace for monitoring emails. In perticular we did this with ensemble where the default csp webapplication name always is something like csp/<namespace/. Anyway when it comes to a healthshare installation the default path seems to be csp/healthshare/<namespace>.

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On one HealthShare servers (RH Linux, 2017.1.1), I am not able to login to Studio for this server. When I select the server connection from the notification tray icon, choosing Remote System Access, Studio, then the server, the error I getting is:

Unable to log on to server {Server Name}

Communication link failure

I've tried using both DNS name and IP address, same result. Using Atelier, I am able to connect to the server using the same DNS name and Web Server Port that I'm trying in Studio.

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I'm looking for any codes that match my parameter that we have received since 1/01/2020 based on the FromTime, EnteredOn or Status (if both are empty).

(Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and FromTime>"2020-01-01"]) | (Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and (count(FromTime)=0 or FromTime="") and EnteredOn>"2020-01-01"])
| (Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and (count(FromTime)=0 or FromTime="") and (count(EnteredOn)=0 or EnteredOn="") and Status/Description="Active"])

This works like a charm with standard XPATH query tools but HS does not like it.

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Here's what I'm trying to accomplish

I have a directory of CCDAs and files with basic demographic info.

I'd like to generate an outbound Provide and Register request by building the SOAP envelope (using the demographics data) and adding the CCDA as the document.

Which Operations / Components can I utilize for this?

Is there is a good starting point in the documentation I can use?

If anyone knows which specific Operations/Components I should use please let me know.


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InterSystems has corrected two defects that, in rare circumstances, can result in data integrity corruption after running global compaction, database compaction, or database defragmentation. InterSystems recommends avoiding these utilities until after applying the corrections listed below.

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This message contains three recent HealthShare Advisories, which are available below.

These advisories are also on the InterSystems Product Alerts and Advisories page

  • Advisory: Patient data is missing in the HSAA.PatientNumber table
  • Advisory: The UpdatePlan for all cubes and cube groups is set to be Manual instead of BuildSynch
  • Advisory: Slow DELETE query during Health Insight data ingestion

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GraphQL is a standard for declaring data structures and methods of data access that serves as a middleware layer between the client and the server. If you’ve never heard about GraphQL, here is a couple of useful online resources: here, here and here.

In this article, I will tell you how you can use GraphQL in your projects based on InterSystems technologies.

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I was wondering if there were any guides, similar to the ones for an upgrade, that walkthrough at a high/medium level the process for migrating an Ensemble Instance.

I am presuming that the general flow would be to install a fresh instance in the target environment, and migrate items over.. but any specific order? gotchas? things to avoid? Some things that should/shouldn't be im/exported (ie, must be manually migrated) ?

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