· Jun 21, 2020
ObjectScript via vscode

Good day all

I am a new developer in cache, I am trying to connect vscode to healthshare but i get the following error:

////Error: Error: Parse Error: Expected HTTP/////

Please help me on this.

My setting like this:


"objectscript.conn": {

"active": true,

"label": "LOCAL",

"host": "****",

"port": 57772,

"username": "***",

"password": "***",

"ns": "***",

"https": false,


0 4
0 334

Hi all

Does anyone have an easy way of reading the cdata in the xml response returned buy a Webservice?

At the moment I have a XML class and then I use read.Correlate() to read through that XML bit.

However, depending on the message I have different things in the CData and I don't want to create a class for each one of these.

The API returns the cddata as KeyValueOfstringstring.

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0 461

Hi, we are implementing HIE for multiple hospitals, one question came from client on how do we decide how many edge productions ECR should be created. is there any guidelines that will help us to decide? Also if we combine two hospital data into one ECR then also how do we decide which ones to combine together. Any guidelines will be appreciated.

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· Jun 16, 2020
CCR deployment Util class

Hi ,

Can anyone share some good sample custom CCR Utility classes that would be called by ImplementCCR routines / CCR event hooks to help bootstrap a HealthShare (2020.1) environment or specific change?


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· Jun 12, 2020
Mass Export DTL

Hi Everyone,

We are trying to migrate old server to new infrastructure and need to sync all the DTL cls from old one to new one. There are hundreds of DTL in system and we tried to export from production but cannot select all at once which might cause some missing classes. Not able to connect to studio or atelier with that server neither. Is there any way that we are able to do mass export from system which will save some effort? Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

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0 207

Hello All

I'm not sure what the best practice is for this. I have a DTL for returning ORUs back to a hospital in a different time zone. They have requested that various timestamps have the time zone offset added to the HL7 format (%q%k, I think). First, I just wanted to be sure the system was aware it was DST. I was able to determine if DST is in effect like this:

0 5
0 712

Hi everyone,

I have an existing application on HealthShare 2015 and decide to move it to HealthShare 2018 to make use of Atelier support. I am using Eclipse Photon with Atelier Plugin 1.3.

Most of things are working better on Atelier comparing with Built-in studio of HealthShare. However, when I tried debugging CSP file with Atelier I encounter 2 problems:


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0 319

Hello Community,

I want to secure a SOAP Webservice (an EnsLib.SOAP.Service one, if that matters) adding a SSL/Username Policy to it. As im not sure how detailed my request here should get, ill try giving a detailed as-is description of my setup, what I've tried, how I tried to test the connection and what problems including some logs I ran into.

As a small foreword: I'm pretty new to the whole security aspect of intersystems and soap itself.


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0 616


I have a HealthShare HealthConnect operation which uses the EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter. It is using a custom Operation class to send HTTP Post request. The request data that is sent to the operation and the response back from the operation is not displayed on the visual trace. Is there anyway to display this data in the trace?

Thank you for your help.

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0 579

Hi -- at a customer site we have 8 Access Gateways, with a couple of different load balancers that decide which projects go to which subset of AGs.

We're about to go live with a project that uses a subscription, and we have that subscription pointing to one of the AGs. What if that AG goes down? The project is dead until the AG is back up. The subscription forces us to pick an AG that's registered in the Gateway Registry -- I don't see a way to get a cluster or load balancer address in there.

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0 166
· Apr 22, 2020
FTP adapter

Hi community,

I am now working with an ftp adapter. I have no problem connecting to the FTP server, but there are problems with interacting with files. Has anyone had any experience with an FTP adapter, such as getting/modifying/deleting files?

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0 502

I'm looking for any codes that match my parameter that we have received since 1/01/2020 based on the FromTime, EnteredOn or Status (if both are empty).

(Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and FromTime>"2020-01-01"]) | (Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and (count(FromTime)=0 or FromTime="") and EnteredOn>"2020-01-01"])
| (Problem[Problem/Code='%1' and (count(FromTime)=0 or FromTime="") and (count(EnteredOn)=0 or EnteredOn="") and Status/Description="Active"])

This works like a charm with standard XPATH query tools but HS does not like it.

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1 197

Here's what I'm trying to accomplish

I have a directory of CCDAs and files with basic demographic info.

I'd like to generate an outbound Provide and Register request by building the SOAP envelope (using the demographics data) and adding the CCDA as the document.

Which Operations / Components can I utilize for this?

Is there is a good starting point in the documentation I can use?

If anyone knows which specific Operations/Components I should use please let me know.


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0 225


I was wondering if there were any guides, similar to the ones for an upgrade, that walkthrough at a high/medium level the process for migrating an Ensemble Instance.

I am presuming that the general flow would be to install a fresh instance in the target environment, and migrate items over.. but any specific order? gotchas? things to avoid? Some things that should/shouldn't be im/exported (ie, must be manually migrated) ?

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· Feb 24, 2020
%GetComponentByID Compile Error


I have a class I'm working on that is extending a base class that contains the %GetComponentByID method and a section of the new code I'm writing uses %GetComponentByID but when I attempt to compile the class I'm getting an error that says the method doesn't exist.

Am I missing something to be able to include the GetComponent method in an extended class?

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