· Aug 10, 2018
using Microsoft diskspd


Has anyone got any experience of using the Microsoft diskspd utility to test the storage infrastructure in Healthshare/Ensemble environment.

I am interested in getting some figures to highlight any issues with different approaches to provisioning the disks on our new environment.

I am at a loss as to what parameters I should use to give a reasonable synthetic load that will give me any indication of potential issues. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Kind Regards,


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I'm looking for options to create multiple DFT HL7 messages based on data contained in a ZCO segment in a single inbound DFT message. I have the following ZCO segment:

ZCO|CCC^Charge Code|1306794,1071301,23510,1071424|MFCD^Charge Code|14232,3542|||||

In this example, I need to create a new DFT message based on the data contained in ZCO:2. Each code needs to be in it's own DFT message and put in FT1:7.1. The number of codes will vary for each inbound message, but each code will need to create its own outbound message to the client.

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Hi community,

I have a rights problem when giving a user permission to perform some select queries on particular tables. So I have created a user with the following rights.

So this all works well. No problem so far. But the customer is using a program where you can easily build visually the query by selecting the table, choose the right colums etc. So the problem we have is when I give the user the Role %All the tables are shown.

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We have created a custom SDA container to store a certain kind of new, customized patient data.

We are observing a behavior in the correspoding analytics table for this custom SDA class where rows are added for a patient for which the MPI is null and the patient record does not exist.

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I was wondering if there were any guides, similar to the ones for an upgrade, that walkthrough at a high/medium level the process for migrating an Ensemble Instance.

I am presuming that the general flow would be to install a fresh instance in the target environment, and migrate items over.. but any specific order? gotchas? things to avoid? Some things that should/shouldn't be im/exported (ie, must be manually migrated) ?

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Hi everyone,

I have an existing application on HealthShare 2015 and decide to move it to HealthShare 2018 to make use of Atelier support. I am using Eclipse Photon with Atelier Plugin 1.3.

Most of things are working better on Atelier comparing with Built-in studio of HealthShare. However, when I tried debugging CSP file with Atelier I encounter 2 problems:


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The request terminology sync task is currently producing this error:

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: faultcode=wsse:FailedAuthentication
faultstring=The security token could not be authenticated or authorized

The task is running correctly on other edges. I checked the HS_Services password and its the same as on the other edges. Anyone has any thoughts as to what could be causing this and how I can fix it.

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Has anyone used Health Connect/Ensemble to receive results directly from POCT devices (Glucose monitors etc)?

I've been looking for information on the POCT01-A protocol, and as far as I can tell it is a HL7v3 XML schema, I should be able to get results from these devices, though I expect I need a webserver endpoint. (though I can't find any reference in the Health Connect documentation)

Does anyone have any knowledge of this?



EDIT: from the silence I'm wondering if this in normally handed off to specialist middleware?

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I created a custom business operation to copy PDF files in Intersystems Healthshare. To copy the files I used:

$ZF(-100, "", "cp", "-f", tSource, tTarget)

tSource contains the source file e.g. "/opt/var/data/dir/1821008687135422926_5849146876.pdf".

tTargetSource contains the target file "/opt/targetdir/Müller_Jörg_1821008687.pdf".

Copying files without german Umlaute works fine (e.g Smith_Robert_1821081542.pdf), but when the string contains special characters like "ä", "ö", "ü" or even "ß" copying is not successful.

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Hello All,

I am receiving this error when attempting to place a file in a local SFTP server.

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPPutFailed: FTP: Failed to Put file '101320210700.RAW' (msg='Error in SFTP Put('/healthshare/mgr/Temp/VPacx9a1eq0b5g.iostream','/SFTP/unmhsmcsa/OUT/101320210700.RAW') ERROR #7504: Timeout',code=0)

Any help is appreciated.

Below are my settings

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I'm currently trying to setup a SFTP Ensemble production to handle all of my SFTP transactions. It's been going well, but I'm currently running into an issue where it is saying it is unable to exchange encryption keys. Error Below:

Unable to exchange encryption keys [80101005] at Session.cpp:238,0' matched ReplyCodeAction 1 : 'E=R' resulting in Action code R

Any advice on getting around this would be appreciated.

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I have been trying to track down an issue we are seeing in our TEST environment with Memory usage.

We have Several BP's for years now that take a HL7 message, parse it apart, and make calls to a Custom EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to have it execute Insert/Select/Update/Delete stored procedures against a MS SQL Database via JDBC connection. We are using Microsoft's JDBC 12.2 driver to do this.

What we are seeing is that IRIS.WorkQueue globals are being defined for these calls but then the IRIS.WorkQueue is not being cleaned up and taking up large amounts of Memory.

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How to get XML subtree from XPATH.DOMResult object as Stream or CacheString.

Here is my classmethod. My system receives XML message which has nested structures. The requirement is to send one message at a time to the destination. I have created the XPATH document and used EvaluateExpression method and which returns XML.XPATH.Result of type DOM. I am able to read the dom and get value of the element and its text. But I am looking to send back the subtree.


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