· Apr 13, 2021

Trouble With IRIS Native for Python in Health Share

I was interested in accessing IRIS (Healthshare) using Python.  I found instructions how to this here:

The installation went well using pip and when python executes "import irisnative" it works fine.  It just fails with a connection timeout when I try "irisnative.createConnection(...)."  Below is my code:


import irisnative

# Modify connection info based on your environment
ip = ""   # VPN connection to server
port = 58772
namespace = "HSREGISTRY"
username = "my-user"
password = "secret"

# create database connection and IRIS instance
connection = irisnative.createConnection(ip,port,namespace,username,password)
dbnative = irisnative.createIris(connection)

I'm using Python 3.9.1.  Any help would be appreciated!

Marlin Mixon

Product version: IRIS 2020.1
Discussion (3)0
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