Hi, We have a business process that receives back a character stream that has csv content from a SOAP Operation call. I was hoping to make use of the record mapper to map the content to a record map to be able to process the transactions.

I only see examples/documentation of how to use a File or ftp business operation/service to map the stream to a record map.

Is this at all possible to get the csv stream into a record map batch object.



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I'm pleased to see this in the documentation of the just-published 2017.1 Field Test of Ensemble:

"In certain circumstances, it is useful to create namespaces that are not enabled for Ensemble. In this release you can do this by clearing the Make this an Ensemble namespace checkbox when creating a new namespace. "

4 1
0 581

This article will provide tips and tricks on customizing Ensemble business hosts with configurable settings.

Ensemble production Settings are configurable values that control the behavior of a production and its hosts.

The documentation for adding and removing Settings and specifying categories and controls for Settings is provided at the link:


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3 4.4K

Hi everybody,

I created my own REST service class by extending EnsLib.REST.Service.

In some particular conditions of the parameters of the request, the REST service should respond to the client with an HTTP status response code 400 "Bad request".

I read the article "RESTful Exception Handling " and I try to use the suggested:

do ..ReportHttpStatusCode(400)

But the server seems ignore it and get back to client the 500 http response code.

Any suggestions?

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0 1.5K

As per the documentation of QueueCountAlert:
Number of messages on this item's queue needed to trigger an Alert message to be sent. Note that no further alerts will be sent unless the number of messages on the queue drops below 80% of this number and then rises again to this number.
Note that this alert will be sent even if AlertOnError is False.
Zero means no alerts of this type will be sent.

Now, the question is,
If QueueCountAlert is set to 10, and the queue size become 11 we will be getting email once.

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0 463

I'm trying to setup a webserver in health share.

I'm stuck in premission set up.

When I select Unauthenticaded login method in EDIT WEB APLICATION the page freeze and after some time, about a minute, the login page is shown.

Someone knows what is happening?

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0 289

I'm trying to start a Production and the following error is shown.

Any idea how to solve?

translations: - Produção 'BUS.BusProduction' está sendo iniciada...
- Production 'BUS.BusProduction' is being initialized

- A produção não pode ser iniciada - precisa ser ativada
- The production can't be initialized - it must be activated.

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· Oct 27, 2016 1m read
Ensemble's Workflow Inbox portal

Hi - If you want to embed Ensemble's Workflow Inbox, (that offers workflow task items to workflow users) inside of your application - you can access the URL directly without necessarily giving users access to the Management Portal - but more importantly, you can strip away the Titlebar, Worklists and Borders that make up the page by default.

You do this by using the same URL parameters you would use, if embedding a regular DeepSee dashboard into your application.

For example, adding &EMBED=1 at the end of the URL as depicted below:

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0 388


We have created a dll with .Net that generates a MS Word document with a template. The .Net method works, we have tested it with Visual Studio and it generates the document.

But once we have created the dll and embebed it in Ensemble through the Wizard, when we try to execute the method that generates the document, it doesn't work. It doesn't throw us an error, it simply doesn't open the template.

We have seen that MS Word program is opened, but that's all.

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· Oct 26, 2016 1m read
Ensemble XML VDoc Schema Editing

This article explains how Atelier helps you to improve software development productivity. One of the Ensemble features is the VDoc infrastructure. When someone develops HL7 v2.* production, She/ He is in a luxurious situation because Ensemble comes with a HL7 Schema editor. On the other hand this is not the case with XML VDocs. But with some effort you can turn Atelier to a handy XSD editor and close the gap.

Please follow the step-by-step guide to complete the job.

Before you read

Please make sure that you have

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0 593

We at George James Software recently released a new version of Deltanji, the native source code management tool for Caché, Ensemble and HealthShare.

Version 6.1 includes several enhancements, including easy creation of labels. Bulk transfer of large codesets is also now available from the browser UI.

A perpetually free "install and go" Solo Edition of Deltanji is available. Licenses can be purchased for other editions that provide more advanced code management and deployment features.

Deltanji is compatible with Atelier. It can also manage external files.

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0 542


I have an Ensemble DTL which is suppose to translate the inbound XML document to an outbound XML document.

I need to test if a particular XML element exists, to perform some translation.

In the DTL I have the following,

<if condition='source.{element1.element2.element3}'>


    // do something



How do you use if statement to test the source XML document to see if a particular element exists in the source doucment.


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0 1.1K
· Oct 24, 2016
Multiple Rulesets


In my routing rules I'd like to work with multiple rulesets. When running the proces, it only seems to execute the first ruleset.

Is it possible to have multiple rulesets active in the same business rule, or is there another way to not have to jam all rules in the same ruleset?

Thanks in advance,

Joost Houwen

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0 485

This article will describe and include an example of how to embed an external PDF file into an HL7 segment, specifically ADT_A01:2.3.1 OBX(). This can be useful when attempting to insert pictures or other external data into an HL7 message. In this example, the name of the PDF file to be embedded is provided in the incoming HL7 message in OBX(1):ObservationValue field.

12 4
5 14.7K
· Oct 21, 2016
Zen Mojo 1.1.2 released

I am happy to share the news that Zen Mojo 1.1.2 has been released. This release includes a critical fix for Firefox that we had to get out as fast as possible. No other changes are included to allow easy upgrades. We recommend upgrading to this release if you are running on Zen Mojo 1.1.1.

All upcoming Caché and Ensemble releases will ship with Zen Mojo 1.1.2.

You can download Zen Mojo kits from the WRC distribution page: https://wrc.intersystems.com/wrc/Distribution.csp

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0 330

This is a beginner’s guide to the design of a “MicroService” implemented in Ensemble. “MicroService” is a popular phrase these days which has a broad interpretation. My interpretation is: “MicroService” is a “NoSQL Service”. A what? The answer is in the article.

We learnt what the difference is between SQL and NoSQL databases. For me the difference is nearly the same between a SOA Web Service and a “MicroService”. I am going to explain it through an example.

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