Hi All,

i have a issue in getting the complete file path when using the FTP Adapter in service.
EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughService / EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter

I need to know the folder name (including sub folder) where the new file is found by the service when looking up for new files.
The normal file class is working good as expected

More details below,

In the below two examples you can notice folder name is fetched by normal File adapter, but in FTP only the file name is available.

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0 434

I want to call some Java Remote Call through Java gateway. The call code as following:

class CallRemote Extends %CSP.REST {

Method Index() as %Status {


set gw = createJavaGateway()

Do callJavaMethod(gw)

do gw.%Disconnect()

Catch {




But Every call need connect to Java Gateway and disconnect it. But It's cost too high( about 80ms)

So, According to my Java experences, I need create some connection and put it into global static ConnectionPool

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0 197


I am trying to create a HL7 message (REF_I12 message) using variables extracted from a Dynamic Object and need some advice about segment creation issues that I am having. Some background info: I receive a JSON response from an API call and used %FromJSON to convert the response to an Dynamic Object. Some of the items in the response are repeated such as NOKName, NOKrelationship.

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0 701

I need another set of eyes to look at the following. Instead of a Data Lookup table, I wanted to try to lookup a value against a Cache table that I had build. So I thought I could write a function to run a simple SQL query against the Cache Table and return me a %Boolean value back to my routing rule. However today I found that it was not working properly.

Can someone take a look at the following method and verify that I am doing this correct?

index = column name

value = HL7 field that I am passing into the method

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0 369
· Apr 15, 2021
Return ACK from Process


We would need some help, please

First of all thanks for your time used reading this question

Also, thanks for your patience

We need to generate an ACK in a Process and return it to the Service to reply

We have currently written a code block with:

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0 459
· May 23, 2021
HL7 learning

Hi Guys,

I'm new in HL7 and have seen the basic learning material in "HL7 Business Services and Business Operations" but I'm wondering if there are learning materials and samples that I can boost my HL7 knowledge pls?


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0 245

Hi all,

is there a way to remove a specific property path from a DICOM document created within Ensemble/IRIS for Health etc. I had a look at class EnsLib.DICOM.Document to see if there is something like RemoveAt.

The reason for my question resides in the need to filter certain fields for specific DICOM devices. Maybe you have an idea?

best regards,

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0 153

We have a set of some fairly standard HL7 interfaces that usually end up doing about 90% of the same thing as every other interface. I'd really like to be able to write a script that I can modify some text, and have it create Services, Processes, Operations, DTL and Business Rules.

So, let me provide a more concrete example: I feel capable of a writing to and replacing variables within a text file, different process. This is obviously going to be pseudo-code, but my thinking is this

Create "Memorial Hospital Process"

Create "Memorial Hospital

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0 254
· Apr 10, 2022
SQL query confusion

Hi Guys,

I'm a bit confused where if I run a query trough SMP I don't get any result which should be true but if I run the same query from a classmethod I get a query result which shouldn’t be even if I pass any gibberish parameter into my class method because I'm sure there should be any data? see attached

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0 273

Hello community!

I'm creating a script to remove an item (component) from the Ensemble production, I know there is a manual way to do it but as there are several components the idea is to use a script to be faster.

I tried using %Delete() and doing a select on Ens.Config.Item, but this ends up generating several errors in production. Does anyone have any idea how I can do this simply?

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0 262


We have a scenario where a bad message(With control character in some fields) is coming frequently in our Standard HL7 Business Service.

I do see the process gets shut down because of E=D action code. I also see the service logging an "Warning" about the bad message. But service is not shutting down.

Is there a way to handle this error right at the service to avoid multiple processes going down? Not sure if we can create a task, which audits the service logs every few minutes. But that will involve some coding and checking of time when the errors happens.

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0 433

Hi Guys,

I do have a class where one it's fields is defined as %TimeStamp and I did query to select all records and if current datetime is bigger then what's in my nextScheduled filed and basically with this condition below I should have all records stored in ^badis but for some reason I'm only getting the first record

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0 456
· Mar 8, 2023
Session ending message

Hi Guys,

I'm using session to save some data eg. login details, data I need earlier, and of course if the screen left idol with no activity the session may time out and I would like to display a message waring the user that their session is about to expire (as some web application do) , so how can do that?


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0 227
· Apr 20, 2023
Uninstalling Ensemble

On a developer's laptop, having had two or three Ensemble installs with different settings/config changes made, and encountering unexplained errors compiling classes, wanting to scrub as much of the previous installs off the machine before doing any fresh installation... But can't find clear documentation on doing a complete uninstall!

Have stopped the server.

Am I safe to remove C:\InterSystems\Ensemble (for the instance installed into that folder)?

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0 454

How do I determine the size of an X12 message within the Rule Editor? I should add this is for HealthConnect or Ensemble.

The FullSize property always shows 122, and the FullSizeGet method isn't available within the Rule Editor.

Our vendor can't handle messages over 500,000 characters, so I need to write those to another queue for later processing, and to get the interface into they're system from crashing.


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0 181


The system I am working on processes large numbers of records. Inserts, updates and so forth. There are multiple processes that can potentially work on the same table at the same time.

It is an almost impossible task to try and time these processes to not run at the same time, due to volumes, SLAs, etc.

Every now and then there are a few locking issues, Not many considering the volumes. It is just a bit of a nuisance as we need to reprocess these records later.

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0 239

Hello everyone, I need some help.

I have to send some events for a government WebService that I already imported the WSDL and XSD's and It worked fine and I'm able to build the message and connect into the service, but It has been rejected with the message that the XML is wrong and the only diference between the Caché SOAP message to all the examples that the government gave us is the header:

This is how the Government is expecting the message:

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0 159


In an Ensemble message bus that has a Business Service which extends EnsLib.SOAP.Service, I have the option to support SOAP Sessions by setting the parameter SOAPSESSION=1.

The comments says this also effects license consumption.

In what way is license consumption effected ?

note this is version 2015.1, Ensemble Elite (without Web-AddOn).

thanks -


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0 853
· Feb 23, 2016
Ensemble 2016.1


Does anybody know when Ensemble 2016.1 will be general availability?

We are holding off upgrading, providing the wait won't be too long.



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