Hi Developers!

Those who use Dockerfile to work with InterSystems IRIS often need to execute several lines of ObjectScript. For me, this was a game of "escaping this and that" every time just to shoot a few commands on ObjectScript to IRIS. Ideally, I'd prefer to code ObjectScript without any quotes and escaping.

Recently I found a nice "hack" on how this could be improved to exactly this state. I got this from @Dmitry Maslennikov's repo and this lets you use Objectscript in a way as you would type it in IRIS terminal.

Here is what you have in dockerfile:

COPY irissession.sh /
SHELL ["/irissession.sh"]
  do $SYSTEM.OBJ.Load("Installer.cls", "ck") \
  set sc = ##class(App.Installer).setup()
# bringing the standard shell back
SHELL ["/bin/bash", "-c"]
CMD [ "-l", "/usr/irissys/mgr/messages.log" ]

3 12
2 608

Hi guys!

Was coding today with InterSystems IRIS in a docker container and decided to share with you the commands you may find useful in everyday coding.

# docker-compose build

command to build a container. Remember, it is useful if you have dockerfile in the repo.

if the build is successful call the following to launch it:

# docker-compose up -d

Find IRIS management portal on:


where the port is what you set in docker-compose.yml - 52775 in this case.

Run the following if you want to launch a terminal session inside IRIS container:

# docker-compose iris iris session iris

gfhj gj 



And run the following to shut down the container:

# docker-compose down


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4 607
· Jan 2, 2022 3m read
DB Migration using SQLgateway

Thanks to @Yuri Marx we have seen a very nice example for DB migration from Postgres to IRIS.
My personal problem is the use of DBeaver as a migration tool.
Especially as one of the strengths of IRIS ( and also Caché) before is the availability of the
SQLgateways that allow access to any external Db as long as for them an access usinig
JDBC or ODBC is available. So I extended the package to demonstrate this.

10 3
2 605

This is a continuation of my story about the development of my project isc-tar started in the first part.

Just having tests is not enough, it does not mean that you will run tests after all changes. Running tests should be automated, and when you cover all your functionality with tests, everything should work well after any change in any place. And Continuous Integration (CI) helps to keep the code and deployment procedure with as fewer bugs as possible and automates the routine procedures, like publishing releases.

I use GitHub to store the source code. And some time ago GitHub started to work on its own CI/CD platform and named it GitHub Actions. It is not widely available, yet. You have to be signed as a beta tester for this feature, as I did. GitHub Actions uses quite a different way how to deal with a build workflow. What is important that Github Actions allows to use Docker, and it’s quite easy to customize available actions. And interesting that GitHub Actions is really much bigger than any classic CI like we have in Travis, Circle or Gitlab CI and so on. You can find more in the official documentation.

3 0
1 602

Hi Devs!

Last weekend I had been testing the newborn csvgen module and was looking for a CSV file to test - thus I came across an interesting datafile on Data.World with Game of Throne episodes statistics. Death statistics. These folks documented all the murders through all the 8 seasons and noted where, who, from what clan with what weapon had killed another one.

So I imported it and made an IRIS Analytics dashboard.

You Know Nothing, Jon Snow | You Know Nothing, Jon Snow | Know ...

Don't worry, Jon, with this dashboard we can figure out something ). See the details below.

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2 576


A python script to keep your docker iris images in shape ;)

Witout changing your dockerfile or your code you can reduce the size of your image by 50% or more !


Name the builder image builder and the final image final and add this to end of your Dockerfile:

Modify your Dockerfile to use a multi-stage build:

ARG IMAGE=intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:latest
FROM $IMAGE as builder

Add this to end of your Dockerfile:

FROM $IMAGE as final

ADD --chown=${ISC_PACKAGE_MGRUSER}:${ISC_PACKAGE_IRISGROUP} https://github.com/grongierisc/iris-docker-multi-stage-script/releases/latest/download/copy-data.py /irisdev/app/copy-data.py

RUN --mount=type=bind,source=/,target=/builder/root,from=builder \
    cp -f /builder/root/usr/irissys/iris.cpf /usr/irissys/iris.cpf && \
    python3 /irisdev/app/copy-data.py -c /usr/irissys/iris.cpf -d /builder/root/ 

Boom! You're done!

12 8
7 575

In this article, we will run an InterSystems IRIS cluster using docker and Merge CPF files - a new feature allowing you to configure servers with ease.

On UNIX® and Linux, you can modify the default iris.cpf using a declarative CPF merge file. A merge file is a partial CPF that sets the desired values for any number of parameters upon instance startup. The CPF merge operation works only once for each instance.

Our cluster architecture is very simple, it would consist of one Node1 (master node) and two Data Nodes (check all available roles). Unfortunately, docker-compose cannot deploy to several servers (although it can deploy to remote hosts), so this is useful for local development of sharding-aware data models, tests, and such. For a productive InterSystems IRIS Cluster deployment, you should use either ICM or IKO.

6 3
1 573

Hi, I would like to tell you how easy it is to spin up IRIS for Health docker container in compute engine(VPS) in google cloud.

I know that to run IRIS for Health in AWS is pretty simple and straightforward, but I wanted to tried if its same easy in GCP environment.

Create vm instance. 2GB RAM is more than enough.

I used Debian 11 as Linux distro.

Standart persistent disk is cheaper.

6 0
1 571

Hi Community!

Check the second Developer Community Video of the week:

Docker Containers: Essential Knowledge

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3 4
1 569

Hi guys!

Portrait of Madame X, Gustave Caillebotte.

One of the features I like in InterSystems ObjectScript is how you can process array transformations in a specific method or a function.

Usually when we say "process an array" we assume a very straightforward algorithm which loops through an array and does something with its entries upon a certain rule.

The trick is how you transfer an array to work with into a function.

One of the nice approaches on how to pass the information about an array is using $Name and Indirection operator.

Below you can find a very simple example which illustrates the thing.

3 2
1 544

I am just recently announced my project isc-tar. But sometimes it is not less interesting what’s behind the scene: how it was built, how it works and what happens around the project. Here is the story:

  • How to develop this project
  • How to test it
  • How to release new versions for publishing
  • And finally how to automate all above
  • Continuous integration

So, I would like to tell all about it.

2 0
2 525

Hi Developers,

Often we create and edit InterSystems IRIS Interoperability solutions via a set of UI tools that is provided with IRIS. But it is sometimes difficult to setup the development environment to handle changes we make in the UI to source control.

This video illustrates how git-source-control helps with source control Interoperability components while changing it in the UI.

Git Source Control for InterSystems IRIS Interoperability with Docker and VSCode

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3 0
2 521

Hi everyone,

I am very pleased to announce that the Readmission Demo has been released as open source. Many thanks to the Solution Factory team that worked hard on making this possible.

Here are the changes:

8 0
2 520

Hi Everyone,

New Coding Talk, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

GitHub Repository Template To Develop and Debug ObjectScript in InterSystems IRIS

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9 13
3 515


I have wrote an article about how to install the intersystems cache driver in a Docker container, and then deploy it using Azure Functions:

How to run a (Python) Azure Function as a Docker container & Deploy it using Bicep | Victor Sanner

This might be useful to others, especially the dockerfile which I have copied below. This builds a debian docker container and installs the Intersystems Cache driver, which python can then use :)

2 0
2 512

Hi Community!

New "Coding Talk" video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Create Your First InterSystems ObjectScript Code with IRIS Community, Github, Docker and VSCode

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1 7
2 511
· Mar 8, 2018
creating a test server

hi, new here, and new to cache and deepsee.

i've been trying to setup a copy of our production server so we can use it for testing/development.

i did a full backup. moved it to the new server. ran the DBREST command. got it to restore but seems like permissions get all messed up. and it just generates a bunch of errors.

is there an easier/better way of doing this?

0 13
0 510

Hi Developers!

There is a recent update came for developer community images of InterSystems IRIS and IRIS For Health.

This release comes with Environment variables support.

Currently 3 variables are supported:

  • IRIS_USERNAME=user to create
  • IRIS_PASSWORD=with password
  • IRIS_NAMESPACE=create namespace if doesn't exist

Here is what you can do - see below.

Start iris with your username and password created:

docker run --rm --name iris-sql -d -p 9091:1972 -p 9092:52773  -e IRIS_PASSWORD=demo -e IRIS_USERNAME=demo intersystemsdc/iris-community

6 1
1 510

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to build my project on a Linux machine using Docker.

In my development environment, I use Windows 10 Pro with Docker Desktop version Everything works fine, and the docker-compose build runs flawlessly.

But, when I tried to run the same project in a Linux.
Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 5.4.0-1025-azure x86_64), docker --version
Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c

0 2
0 507

Many times it is necessary copy or send files to your docker container instance.

In my case was with IRIS JDBC driver.

Docker has this recipe for this (credits to https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/cp/):


But to copy you need your container name. Write this command for this:

docker ps

In my, my-iris is the container name.

4 1
3 490
· Apr 22, 2019
Docker container error

Dear team,

I am trying to experiment the Docker container in our development environment. I have successfully build an image and running the container. When I access the CSP portal home page ( http://<host-ip>:57772/csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen?$NAMESPACE=%25SYS), I am getting the following error:

0 8
0 481
· Mar 27, 2021 3m read
IRIS easy ECP workbench

Testing ECP-based applications often take quite some effort for setup and preparation.
I have created a Docker-based workbench that allows you to have it quick at hands.
And if you crash it? You just give your containers a fresh start.
The whole setup runs code-based during the start-up of your instance.
In that sense, it is also a portable coding example using ZPM and the objectscript-docker-template

see Video

4 3
0 473

Hi developers!

Every day coding with IRIS and docker I call the following 3 commands in VSCode terminal. Always the same for any projects:

docker-compose build   ; to build the container

docker-compose up -d   ; to run the IRIS in container

docker-compose exec iris iris session iris ; to open the IRIS terminal

Is there any way to map the key sequence which will type me the rest?


0 2
0 470

Hi Everyone!

You're very welcome to watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Evgeny Shvarov in the new format called "Coding Talks":

GitHub Flow with InterSystems IRIS: Edit with VSCode, Test with Docker, Commit, Push, Pull Request

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0 466

I have just created a new Global Master Topic, "IRIS Cheatsheets". IRIS has introduced a lot of new functionality, especially in scripting languages, FHIR R4 support, enhanced Interoperability Tools, and IRIS Analytics. Having spent 35 years working on Windows-based PC's and Laptops, I have surprisingly little knowledge of Linux, Docker and Git. Furthermore, I have written almost every application and Interface in ObjectScript with splatterings of SQL, .Net, and Java Gateways and the most basic knowledge of WinSCP, Putty, SSH. All that changed when I received my first Raspberry Pi.

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1 466