Hi all, I am having problems trying to get Docker to run correctly on my Linux Mint machine.

I did the following:

1. Installed Docker.

docker --version

Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c

docker-compose -v

docker-compose version 1.17.1, build unknown

2. Downloaded zip from https://github.com/intersystems-community/iris-fullstack-template/tree/42f9c174a9a4e63cb5eb3eb646abf3930a6e4d31

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· Dec 12, 2022
IRIS Runtime Environment

Hello community.

I have project on IRIS.

I am trying to make application deployable.

The Idea is to have 1 file that customer can download and run. For now I realize that whole intersysytems developer kit that includes Studio, terminal acts as runtime environment (Like Java has JDK).

Is it possible to wrap my project to 1 archive (Back to Java example .war or .jar) and run it on some application server (like Tomcat) without Studio etc..?

Thank you!

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Hi! I have a local project written on Cache and Atelier on my PC. I need to move it to notebook. Tried to export globals, classes, MAC-programms and csp with frontend stuff, but after I created my apps on notebook and imported my set, it just didn't work. I think it's because I have some settings on Management Portal, so how can I export portal settings and what I should export to have my working apps on another computer?

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I've seen a few password change posts, but I wasn't 100% sure it was the same process, so I am asking here. We periodically have to change the passwords for a few Cache user accounts across several servers. Is there a process/script to change these passwords without having to go into the web portal on each server? Thanks so much, and I apologize if this was covered in some of the other articles that I've run across. Just looking for the best method.

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I am running into an error trying to send an Alert Email to test the functionality of IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2022.1 compared to Cache HealthShare Health Connect 2018.1.3. I was trying to send an Alert email, when I am getting the following error on my EMailAlert operation which is using EnsLib.EMail.OutboundAdpater.

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>FText+4 ^%occMessages *msg -- logged as '-'
number - @''

0 5
0 198

I am working with a client to try and export a set of tasks defined in the Task Manager from one system to another. I am not seeing any API for this. I can query this information in SQL. So I tried to use the Data Export Wizard from the System Management portal in the SQL window. Export was fine. Importing failed with a "can't insert into read only field" error. Looking at the class definition does not help since the implementation details are not visible.

So how would one accomplish this? Export scheduled tasks from one system to another?

0 25
0 1.5K
· Jul 17, 2018
Create studio project file

Hello guys,

I have been playing around with the deployment tools from Ensemble (mostly based on this article https://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY...) , but so far the one thing I still couldn't figure out is how to group files into a single "Studio project file".

By using the deployment tool UI, supposing that I want to add a bunch of custom files to my deployment file (XML), it's practically impossible because I need to add one by one.

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as you can see in title my problem is with file ccontrol. I want to install whole Ensemble with Manifest if on machine wouldn't be any, or if I somehow find out instance of Ensemble I want to only use settings from included Manifest. I read that I can use file ccontrol to solve this task.

So can someone said me, how to work with ccontrol, is there some variable or function which returns me somethig? I have read some parts of documentation about ccontrol, but nothing help me so much, so you can give me link to part in documentation, where is this desribed.

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Hello! I just had a quick question for anyone out there with more experience on deploying Ensemble productions.

I'm currently trying to export my Ensemble production WITH the Business Partners so I don't have to rebuild or add to that table after I import my Ensemble Production. I know that this is a small thing and doesn't actually affect anything in the production in terms of performance, but I like to have it for better documentation.

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