Is CR/LF changes to DTL files edited/committed to git via VS Code a known issue?

We had an issue with exporting files from one server and importing on another, using XML code exported from Studio: ERROR #6301: SAX XML Parser Error. Turns out that issue was down to CR/LF changes made when transferring the XML from one server to the other.

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Running Cache 2017.2.2.

I'm trying to make a REST API call in JSON format. When using the example in the class reference documentation the getJSON method in the %Net.Http class throws the error <METHOD DOES NOT EXIST> on a %Clone() method in the %LIbrary.DynamicObject class. I even changed the parameter to a JSON string to no avail. The code will then fail on the %Compose method (examples below). My workaround is to use the %Net.HttpRequest functionality. Is there another workaround to this?

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While I love using VSCode for IRIS development work, one of the persistent frustrations with it has been the inability to display an object hierarch in the variables window while debugging. Only the object's reference identifier is displayed. Cache Studio's handling of the same issue is a little clunky, but it does at least have the option to display something as an object.

For now, I make do with a combination of the watch window and the command line in the debugging console -- but this feels just a step away from log.debug()/console.log() level debugging sometimes.

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· Jul 27, 2017
Get STACK of another process


How can I read the stack of another process?

I know about ^JOBEXAM, but I only know how to use through terminal, and I need to get a string, or at least do a method that returns me a string

For example:

I have process A and B

B monitors process A at each second.

B logs information about process A in a table

Informations about lock I get through %SYS.LockQuery and the process through %SYS.Process

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I am experiencing a problem with an EDI process that uses a SQL Batch Service to connect to our DEV environment. However, when we point the EDI service to our TEST server, it errors out.

I have checked every single property on our TEST and DEV servers as well as the properties on the associated tables. They are identical. Nothing has changed in the SQL either.

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I'm getting thousands of errors like the ones below:

2021-05-03 14:11:44 [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Ocorreu um erro fatal>] [Cache Error: <<READ>Dispatch+14^%SYS.BINDSRV>] [Location: <ServerLoop>] [Client info: <Username: KIORAS, Node Name: 3IK0VLS5UU, IP Address:, Executable Name: EXTRService.exe, Internal Function: B0>] [%protocol: <52>] $Id: //ce/2018.1.2/kernel/common/src/aclass.c#1 $ 23468 104

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I have a couple of IOT devices that communicate via WebSockets to our backend.

I successfully managed to create a websocket connection between server and (iot)client using %CSP.WebSocket
However I would like to implement authentication on this using the HTTP headers at the same time of Connection: Upgrade.

I tried to set the headers to globals in order to debug but they are always empty.

Example code:

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Exported contents of a namespace on one server (classes, include files and lookup tables). Importing that code into a newly created namespace on another server. Both servers Ensemble 2018.1, same build. Export was via InterSystems Studio. Export is around 18Mb in total (XML file sizes).

When importing and compiling on the new server, getting errors as below - with #6301: SAX XML Parser error prominent - on a number of the imported files, all containing data transformations or business processes.

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· Jan 25, 2017
Debugging web app

Hello, I'm trying to debug web app in Atelier remotely.

In Studio I could use "Set as debug target" option for this purposes. The class launches with CSPDEBUG option in browser and everything goes fine. But I can't find how to do this in Atelier.

Can anyone help me?

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Hi I am trying to run a debugger in VS Code. I have the settings.json file and the launch.json file. I am trying to debug code using the attach to a process method, however when I run the debugger I get the following error.

Launch.json code


// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.

// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.

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Hi everyone,

I have an existing application on HealthShare 2015 and decide to move it to HealthShare 2018 to make use of Atelier support. I am using Eclipse Photon with Atelier Plugin 1.3.

Most of things are working better on Atelier comparing with Built-in studio of HealthShare. However, when I tried debugging CSP file with Atelier I encounter 2 problems:


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Someone may have asked this before but is there a way to return the TRACE statements that we have placed in the Data transformation within the DTL Editor Testing Tool (EnsPortal.Dialog.TestTransform.cls)? Is this something we can get in an Enhancement request in for?

It would save sometime in troubleshooting where an error might be in the DTL.

Just wondering...



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