· Oct 3, 2018
CreateProperty with curl


I have a question about creating properties with curl.

I already did create properties in Java with the following command.

<DO db.%CreateProperty("TotalSteps","%Integer","$.TotalSteps")>

It created the property TotalSteps with the type %Integer and the data path $.TotalSteps (since the header of my data source is also TotalSteps).

Now I would like to create the same property in curl with the following command

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Hi Folks,

I created a persistent class as below

Class myclass.DataBase Extends %Persistent

Property ID As %String;

Property Skill As list Of myclass.SerialTablelist;

and Created another Serial class as

Class myclass.SerialTablelist Extends %SerialObject

Property PSkill As %String;

Property OSkill As %String;

Now I will save the id as below

do rs.Prepare("Insert into myclass.DataBase(ID)VALUES(?)")
do rs.Execute(ID)
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searching messages in our Message Bank is quite slow, often runs into timeout.

I wanted to perform a tune table on Ens_Enterprise_MsgBank.MessageHeader because this apparently has not been done yet - the Tune Table utility shows no entries for selectivity, etc.

I tried

 w $SYSTEM.SQL.Stats.Table.GatherTableStats("""Ens_Enterprise_MsgBank"".MessageHeader")

and got this error message

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I'd like to compare classes in two namespaces, whether the corresponding .cls code exist in both namespaces or not, and if it does exist in both namespaces, whether the CLS code is identical. If there is such a routine out there the better, I'd like to see it. If not, I know how to get a list of classes in each namespace and I can check currClss.TimeChanged. What I cannot find is the following:

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· Oct 18, 2020
XML string query


I am stuck with simple logic. I have a below string

set a="<Name>ABC</Name><RollNo>45</RollNo><Name>XYZ</Name><RollNo>66</RollNo><Name>xyz</Name><RollNo>89</RollNo>"

I need logic to replace the values of roll no with "***". Is there any single command which can help in this scanerio.

I need to store this value in database after replace.


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I'm trying to recreate a smaller copy of our DEV machine on a sandbox instance. I installed a new instance, and thought it would be a good idea to copy over a few cache.dat files from the critical namespaces (but not all of them), and start from there.

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Good afternoon,

We have a very old version of Ensemble with one of our clients and they have no desire to upgrade anytime soon. We have gotten the all-clear to purge really old messages from the database, changing the days kept from 60 to 30. The option to Compact/Truncate is displayed in this version of Ensemble, but does not execute as it mentions not being actually present in this version.

There is an option in ^d DATABASE that restores unused space, however this does not return nearly as much free space as the refined Compact/Truncate procedure.

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We have a need to track Database changes over time - down to the SQL level of granularity if possible. Such as: User xyz runs routine ^abc and we get something similar to a changelog that tells us: table A had this value updated, insert, update etc....

Is that possible using IRIS level tools (Audit Log, Journal File, etc...) , is there a way to convert the global sets and kills from the journals into SQL level changes?

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· Aug 9, 2016
Storage Management

We want to isolate the storage of our CCDAs from our HL7 V2 data, but keep them under the same namespace. From my understanding, I should create a new database then store those classes related to CCDAs in that database. Is this the correct approach?

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Hi -

I need an example of what I need to "map" to have a common dashboard defined so it will visible/usable in multiple namespaces.

I have created a dashboard in "SAMPLES" (namespace and database) and I would like to have this dashboard be accessable/useable from a 2nd namespace, but I'm not having any success in doing mappings (global/package/routine/data) to be able to get DeepSee to be able to see/display the dashboard.

What is the minimum that I need to map?

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· Oct 29, 2019
Cache Update Query


     I am trying to update an year on a date field in a cache database table but it showing an error message. But the functions are working on select query. The query I used is 

update RB_ResEffDateSessPayorRestr SET RESTR_DATETo = DATEADD(YYYY,1,RESTR_DATETo) where YEAR(RESTR_DATETo)=2020

I tried to update only the year which are 2020.

Can anyone please help me, Is there any error in the query?


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Is there a way or can it be done to use conditional logic in sql like so

 Query Q1(formal as %String) As %SQLQuery [ Final ]
    SELECT patientnumber,ID, CASE
    WHEN ID = 50 THEN "The is 50"
    WHEN ID = 30 THEN "This is 30"
    ELSE "The quantity is under 30"
END FROM Audit.Table WHERE ID = :formal AND EndDate is null} 


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Found one interesting behaviour in one system with Ensemble. Some Request class has a property with type %XML.CharacterStream by design, this class is the heaviest request in the system, and with profiling journal files, it got about 40% of the file. When I counted all the sizes of such streams per one day and found that the real stored data is three times less.

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