Released with no formal announcement in IRIS preview release 2019.4 is the /api/monitor service exposing IRIS metrics in Prometheus format. Big news for anyone wanting to use IRIS metrics as part of their monitoring and alerting solution. The API is a component of the new IRIS System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) solution that will be released in an upcoming version of IRIS.

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The following steps show you how to display a sample list of metrics available from the /api/monitor service.

In the last post, I gave an overview of the service that exposes IRIS metrics in Prometheus format. The post shows how to set up and run IRIS preview release 2019.4 in a container and then list the metrics.

This post assumes you have Docker installed. If not, go and do that now for your platform :)

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· Dec 31, 2019 3m read
Portlets that use data from DeepSee

In the previous part of this series, we saw how to reference a web page that will enhance our dashboard experience. Now we will look into referencing data that is already in our cubes.

In this example, we will be referencing the controller object and we will be extracting data from it. This data will then be displayed as text in our Dashboard. In Part 5, we will show how to incorporate this data into other charting libraries.

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In the previous part of this series, we saw how to define a basic portlet. Now we will look into making this portlet reference a web page that will enhance our dashboard experience.

In this example, we will be embedding a Developer Community article along side a couple of widgets displaying information related to the number of views on the Developer Community articles. This example is not hosted on the Community Analytics server, but if it was we could see the view counts going up as we interacted with the page.

Why use this?

In a real case, perhaps you have an embedded page from an external web site showing the current Emergency Room wait times for Hospitals in your area. This portlet can be used along side widgets from your Emergency Room showing how many people are waiting, how many doctors are active, and how many people are being treated. As other Emergency Room wait times grow, you can possibly expect your volume to increase as well. This can help you make decisions on how to allocate resources.

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· Dec 12, 2019 2m read
Creating Portlets in DeepSee

What is a portlet?

The simple answer is: a custom widget. A portlet can exist by itself on a DeepSee dashboard, it can be used along side standard DeepSee widgets, or along side other portlets. The rendering of the custom widget is completely user defined. This means you can embed a web page, create a form to perform any sort of action needed based on the data on your dashboard, use third party charting libraries, or simply display data from outside of a DeepSee cube.

How to get started

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Why log in to view pivot tables when you can have them delivered directly to your inbox? Are you in need of automated reporting for InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence? Pivot Subscriptions is your solution: a tool for subscribing to scheduled email reports of pivot tables inside InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence (previously known as DeepSee).

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After creating a new dashboard the filters and favorites are not displaying on the left side.

The version info is as follows:

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801_3_18358U) Tue Jul 24 2018 16:38:29 EDT [HealthShare Modules:Core:15.032.8680 + Linkage Engine:15.032.8680 + Clinical Viewer:15.032.8680 + Active Analytics:15.032.8680



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Hello, has anyone tried to use Caché as a reverse proxy ?

We are trying to embed a dashboard server (Plotly Dash in this case, but it could be anything which runs on its application server) inside our application which is written in Caché.
The dashboard/report server runs locally (for example, or inside a LAN) on port 8080, and has no authentication features, so we have to implement them on a different layer, and we'd like to use Caché for it.

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· Aug 13, 2019
Dashboard - Line Graph


I want to create a dashboard with a line graph that shows system availability over time. I used this code to create a Dashboard:

            Set tItem = ##class(%DeepSee.UserLibrary.Link).%New()
                Set tItem.fullName = "Availability"
                Set tPage = "Availability.UI.CSVImport.zen"
                Set tItem.href = $system.CSP.GetPortalApp($namespace,tPage)_tPage
                Set tItem.title = "Availability"
                Set tSC = tItem.%Save()
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