
I believe the simplest is (to work with csv delimited by ";"):

set file = ##class(%File).%New( "data.csv" )
    set sc = file.Open( "R" ) 
    if $$$ISERR(sc) quit    ; or do smth

    while 'file.AtEnd {
        set str=file.ReadLine() 
        for i=1:1:$length( str, ";" ) {
            set id=$piece( str, ";" ,i ) 
            write !, id  // or do smth
    do file.Close()

Possible options:

different variants of error handling with sc code.

Embrace while loop into try/catch block.

And what's yours?

3 16
0 6.9K

Hi All,

I need urgent help,

I want to export the values from Global to CSV file.

Values are in global are :


I want output in CSV File as:

I made a class:

0 5
0 2.1K

Hi Developers!

Sometimes we need to import CSV data programmatically to InterSystems IRIS either from CSV or from URL. And we expect the class with proper datatypes to be created and the data to be imported.

I published a module csvgen on Open Exchange which does exactly that.

If you just need the CSV file be imported into IRIS you can do the following:

USER>do ##class(community.csvgen).Generate("/usr/data/titanic.csv",,"Data.Titanic")

Class name: Data.Titanic
Header: PassengerId INTEGER,Survived INTEGER,Pclass INTEGER,Name VARCHAR(250),Sex VARCHAR(250),Age INTEGER,SibSp INTEGER,Parch INTEGER,Ticket VARCHAR(250),Fare MONEY,Cabin VARCHAR(250),Embarked VARCHAR(250)
Records imported: 891

Or if you have the CSV on the internet, e.g. COVID-19 Data on Github you can get the data in the following way:

USER>d ##class(community.csvgen).GenerateFromURL("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19/master/csse_covid_19_data/csse_covid_19_daily_reports/05-29-2020.csv",",","Data.Covid19")

Class name: Data.Covid19
Header: FIPS INTEGER,Admin2 VARCHAR(250),Province_State VARCHAR(250),Country_Region VARCHAR(250),Last_Update DATE,Lat MONEY,Long_ DOUBLE,Confirmed INTEGER,Deaths INTEGER,Recovered INTEGER,Active INTEGER,Combined_Key VARCHAR(250),Incidence_Rate DOUBLE,Case-Fatality_Ratio DOUBLE
Records imported: 3522

7 16
1 1.3K

A short post for now to answer a question that came up. In post two of this series I included graphs of performance data extracted from pButtons. I was asked off-line if there is a quicker way than cut/paste to extract metrics for mgstat etc from a pButtons .html file for easy charting in Excel.

See: - Part 2 - Looking at the metrics we collected

7 2
0 1.5K

Hi colleagues!

Every day Johns Hopkins University publishes new data on coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic status.

I built a simple InterSystems IRIS Analytics dashboard using InterSystems IRIS Community Edition in docker deployed on GCP Kubernetes which shows key measures of the disease outbreak.

This dashboard is an example of how information from CSV could be analyzed with IRIS Analytics and deployed to GCP Kubernetes in a form of InterSystems IRIS Community Edition.

Added the interactive map of the USA:

19 13
3 1K

The last days I've work with the great new feature: LOAD DATA With this post I would like to share my first experiences with you. The following points do not contain any order or other evaluation. These are only things that I noticed when using the LOAD DATA command. It should also be noted that these points are based on the IRIS Version 2021.2.0.617 which is a preview release. So it may be that my observations do not apply to newer IRIS versions.

6 5
2 1.1K

Hi folks!

Sometimes we need to import data into InterSystems IRIS from CSV. It can be done e.g. via csvgen tool that generates a class and imports all the data into it.

But what if you already have your own class and want to import data from CSV into your existing table?

There are numerous ways to do that but you can use csvgen (or csvgen-ui) again! I prepared and and example and happy to share. Here we go!

8 2
0 1.1K


I have written a procedure with the help of object scripting to export data to a csv file. There is more data than the csv limit.

Can anyone please tell me how to get the row count of csv file using object scripting, so that I can write an if condition and write to a second csv file.

Please find the code writing to the csv given below.

0 14
0 1.1K
· Nov 19, 2018
Copy csv data into a global object

Hi, I have a CSV file with a list of 5000 records in the following format

Name, Acc, division

Eric, 1234, 567

John, 1235, 987

Peter, 3214, 879

I just want to copy the Acc, division to a global so eventually the global would be like the following:

^People("Customers", "Acc.division")

Can you advice on how I can perform this from the terminal? This is a one time task. I want to read all the values from the csv file and insert them into the global



0 7
0 1K


I am reading in an X12 document into my production that needs to be processed and returned as a CSV file. I have created a record map to support the fields I want to extract with a batch class to store headers. I have a DTL mapping the data to the appropriate fields in the record map and am sending the record map to a EnsLib.RecordMap.Operation.BatchFileOperation.

0 2
0 910

In recent versions of IRIS, a powerful new data loading command has been introduced to SQL: LOAD DATA. This feature has been highly optimized to import data into IRIS extremely fast, allowing hundreds of gigabytes of data to be inserted in seconds instead of hours or days.

This is a very exciting improvement. However, a big problem in the data loading experience still exists. Namely, the time and hassle it takes to:

10 6
0 779


I made for fun a bash script that creates csv files from a %GOGEN exported file.
%GOGEN, the utility for exporting globals for Cache 5.xx

First I thought it would be very simply with bash, but ...
- if I want a header in the csv file
- if you export with GOGEN more globals together not only one
- if I want a csv file for every global/indexes has the global ..

The simply bash script goes up 100 lines of code. If I will start again with this, I would use Python or Go, not bash.



0 5
0 714

I have implemented a csv record mapper to read files into the production in ensemble but it errors every time I read a file with headers on the columns as these are not recognised as the specified data types .Is there a way to ignore the headers when reading in values from a file with headers. Please note this have been built using the pre built components.

0 1
0 761

I came across How to import a tab separated text file into a SQL table programmatically?, which appears to indicate that I can pass the filename and all records will be imported. However, when I put use the Import method only a single record gets imported. However, all records are imported if I use the management console to import the file by selecting it and choosing the options.

Has anyone ran into this in the past?

0 3
0 691

Hi Devs!

Last weekend I had been testing the newborn csvgen module and was looking for a CSV file to test - thus I came across an interesting datafile on Data.World with Game of Throne episodes statistics. Death statistics. These folks documented all the murders through all the 8 seasons and noted where, who, from what clan with what weapon had killed another one.

So I imported it and made an IRIS Analytics dashboard.

You Know Nothing, Jon Snow | You Know Nothing, Jon Snow | Know ...

Don't worry, Jon, with this dashboard we can figure out something ). See the details below.

6 0
2 655

Hi folks!

Have a question for those who are masters of interoperability.

I have a basic task of having one CSV with some data. I need to transform one column in the initial dataset and get the new csv with the same form.

What's the best approach with Interoperability?

Should I user record mapper?

Should I use streams, objects?

What is the best practice?

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0 642