Hello CCR Community,

InterSystems Certification is developing a certification exam for CCR and, if you match the exam candidate description given below, we would like you to beta test the exam. We anticipate the exam being available for beta testing on February 7, 2022, but interested beta testers should sign up now by emailing certification@intersystems.com. The beta testing must be completed by March 31, 2022.

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I've been preparing to take the InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist certificate and on the page that explains the cert it lists one in-person class and one online course. I've been through the suggested online course but when I read through the practice questions there are a lot of things that aren't covered or mentioned in that course. Naturally I could go digging through the documentation but there is no specific guidance about what things to study.

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Hello IRIS Community,

InterSystems Certification is developing a certification exam for InterSystems IRIS SQL specialists, and if you match the exam candidate description given below, we would like you to beta test the exam. The exam will be available for beta testing on June 9 - 12, 2024 at InterSystems Global Summit 2024, but only for Summit registrants (visit this page to learn more about Certification at GS24). Beta testing will open for all other interested beta testers on June 24, 2024. However, interested beta testers should sign up now by emailing certification@intersystems.com (please let us know if you will be beta testing at Global Summit or in our online proctored environment). The beta testing must be completed by August 2, 2024.

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8 1.3K
· Sep 7, 2016
Cache Certification

Caché Application Developer certification:

How to I prepare developer certification of cache .What are the topics are preparing certification . Please give the topics .I will start learning of certification course .

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0 1.6K

Hello Everyone,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is in the process of developing two exams focused on using SQL in InterSystems IRIS and we need input from our InterSystems IRIS SQL community. Your input will be used to evaluate and establish the contents of the exam.

How do I provide my input? We will present you with a list of job tasks, and you will rate them on their importance as well as other factors.

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1 342
· Mar 5, 2021

What are the differences among HealthShare Health Connect HL7 Interface Specialist, InterSystems IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialist and HealthShare Unified Care Record Technical Specialist these 3 certifications? And what are the prerequizites for these 3 exams?

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0 357

Free certification exam attempt for all attendees of Virtual Summit 2020!

InterSystems is proud to offer free InterSystems Certification exam attempts to all attendees of InterSystems Virtual Summit 2020. The one free exam attempt will be made available to all registered attendees and can be used at any time until December 31, 2020.

This is our standard online exam service with online proctoring that is normally priced at $150 per attempt.

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1 497

Having developed systems using Caché ObjectScript and Ensemble on various projects over the last 4 - 5 years I'm considering trying for some certifications. I've found details of the Caché Systems Administrator and Caché Application Developer certifications but have a couple of questions:

1) Is there a certification for Ensemble Application Developer?

2) Are any sample questions and/or practice exams available?


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0 1.6K

Free certification exam attempt for all registered attendees of Global Summit 2022!

InterSystems is proud to offer free InterSystems Certification exam attempts ($150 value) to all registered attendees of InterSystems Global Summit 2022. The free exam attempt will be made available for any of the 7 live-proctored sessions during the Summit.

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0 380

Hi Team,
If any possible to add a rewards list of InterSystems cache certification to InterSystems Global Masters. For example ,developer or global master user have 10000 point as , we give any offer(price) to attend the InterSystems cache/Ensemble/IRIS certificate. So no.of developer try to attend the exam and get certification.This is very useful for developer career and we also have lot of Cache developers in the market. Please correct me, if I am wrong..

Thanks ,
Ponnumani Gurusamy.

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0 361

Get certified on InterSystems IRIS System Administration!

Hello Community,

After beta testing the new InterSystems IRIS System Administration Specialist exam, the Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services has performed the necessary calibration and adjustments to release it to our community. It is now ready for purchase and scheduling in the InterSystems certification exam catalog. Potential candidates can review the exam topics and the practice questions to help orient them to exam question approaches and content. Passing the exam allows you to claim an electronic certification badge that can be embedded in social media accounts such as Linkedin.

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Hello, everyone,

InterSystems Certification has designed another certification exam and we need input from our community to help to validate its topics. Here's your chance to have your say in what makes an expert in system administration with InterSystems Caché or IRIS. And, yes, we'd like to hear from you Caché admins!

Here's the exam title and the definition:

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0 342
· Oct 28, 2020
InterSystems Certification Survey

Hello Everyone,

We are working on growing the InterSystems Certification program, and would like to gather some input from the community.

Please participate in this brief 6-minute survey to share your thoughts with us regarding the new certification exams we have planned and other program improvements that we are considering.

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· Mar 15, 2022
NEW: Certification Podcast Episode

Hi all - we just released the second episode of Season 2 for our Data Points podcast by Learning Services. This episode features a conversation with @Shane Nowack about InterSystems certification exams. If you're interested in how exams are developed, what's new with current and future exams, and how you could get involved with beta testing or writing questions, check it out! For more information, head over to https://datapoints.intersystems.com.

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Hello Community,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is excited to announce the release of our new InterSystems HL7® Interface Specialist exam. This is an updated and rebranded version of our previous HL7 exam, formerly know as HealthShare Health Connect HL7® Interface Specialist. It is now available for purchase and scheduling in InterSystems exam catalog. Potential candidates can review the exam topics and the practice questions to help orient them to exam question approaches and content. Candidates who successfully pass the exam will receive a digital certification badge that can be shared on social media accounts like LinkedIn.

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