· Mar 13, 2020
List All Available Resources

Maybe I haven't seen anything about it in the documentation, but why isn't there a way to list all the Resources from the %SYS namespace from a class rather than through ^SECURITY

Thinking maybe something like this:

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· Feb 3, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.585.0

I am pleased to announce the next in the series of 2016.2 field test kits, 2016.2.0.585.0.

In the two weeks since the last field test posting Development has made over a hundred fixes and improvements in Atelier, Enterprise Manager, Ensemble and Caché.

In Atelier alone there were over a dozen changes including a fix for the incompatibility issue that Jamie Newton described in his posting of February 1.

In Caché major areas of focus include:

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· Nov 1, 2021
Cloudflare and CSP


Has anyone experienced any issues when using Cloudflare in front of a csp application?

I keep getting 502 errors when Cloudflare is active?

Strangely, the SMP works but only if I remove the trailing question mark from the url but it doesn't resolve the issue when I try any other csp application URL's.

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I have a couple of IOT devices that communicate via WebSockets to our backend.

I successfully managed to create a websocket connection between server and (iot)client using %CSP.WebSocket
However I would like to implement authentication on this using the HTTP headers at the same time of Connection: Upgrade.

I tried to set the headers to globals in order to debug but they are always empty.

Example code:

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· Sep 5, 2021
Global Access command query

Hello everyone,

I am new to cache. I want to know is there any direct command to know how to find maximum number of subscripts in global A through direct command.

I mean the answer is 9 but how to check it using a direct command on terminal.

Thanks in advance!!







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Reviewing a client console log, I am finding the message:

Terminal disconnect: The specified network name is no longer available.

This message is repeated in the log dozens of times per day over the last month. The client has not raised a concern and our monitoring has not detected any issues with client ops. The client is not aware of any recent changes with their apps. I am not familiar with this message and whether this message is benign or whether there is any action required,

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I am writing a Python tools I want to access the %Monitor.System.License properties:

  1. AvailableDist
  2. AvailableLocal
  3. MaxUsedDist
  4. MaxUsedLocal
  5. CurrentUsedDist
  6. CurrentUsedLocal

Initially I want to develop Objectscript to verify access to the properties. But I can not figure the proper syntax.

I first attempted:

set ans = ##class(%Monitor.System.License).AvailableDist

which failed.

I tried another approach:

set ans = ##CLASS(%Monitor.System.License).%GetParameter("AvailableLocal")

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Hello there community,

I am pleased to say that i have started building a product and I have chosen InterSystems technology to be used in it.

But I have a confusion with regard to it.

I actually have to come to a conclusion to whether to use CACHE or IRIS.

I will be using a lot of data and also integrating it along with Python for DEEP and Machine Learning.

Also I do not have an idea of how to get the licensed version of either of that.

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Hey Developers,

New "Coding Talk" video was specially recorded by @Maks Atygaev for the IRIS Programming Contest:

Declarative ObjectScript Promo
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Hi everyone

I have a datacombo that displayes value from a db table.

I would like to set one of this value as default value. How can I do that? Is there a way to say selected value given the text or the Id from the DB table?

Thanks a lot and kind regards


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Hi Community!

Please find the Developer Community video of the week on the InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Upgrades - Minimizing Business Disruption
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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

The challenge of today has nothing to do with real two-factor authentication ! (sorry if you came to this article by searching the real thing)

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Our company is in the process of converting our software for use in Intersystems IRIS and one of the major sections of the software makes use of a custom statically-linked C library using the $ZF("function-name") functionality. During this, I found out that the process for setting up the C library to be used within the database platform has changed significantly between Cache and IRIS.

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· Aug 18, 2020
Validate signature from string


We would need to handle the following use case:

A system replies to our GET with a list of codes and a signature.

Each code has been signed with the SHA512withECDSA algorithm

We would need to:

1 Concatenate all codes in a string

2 Decode the string which is in Base 64

3 Validate the string using the signature which we get in the reply

We have read for step 2:


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we get HL7 MDM messages with embedded PDF documents that are Base64 encoded. When the embedded PDF document exceeds the size of 3.6 MB the following error occurs:

FEHLER <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: BP Main HL7 MDM # wird wegen folgenden Fehlers beendet: FEHLER #5002: Caché-Fehler: <MAXSTRING>zgetAtFromArray+46^EnsLib.HL7.Segment.1
> FEHLER #5002: Caché-Fehler: <MAXSTRING>zgetAtFromArray+46^EnsLib.HL7.Segment.1

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Hi, we are a veterinary lab and we use both the LAB and FIN systems of Antrim. Now we are looking to expose the data in a SQL/Object compatible way so we were wondering if same / similar things had been done by other community members already? If so, could you please share your approach / experience / gotchas with us and we are all ears. I can be reached at . Thank you!

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