· Feb 2, 2017

predefine the type of an specific piece of a global

Well I want to set the type of a piece in a global as a String, because when I use float numbers , the system parse them to numbers instead of use like strings and thats a little bit tricky with the sorts

Here is a code example:


ACB>s ^a("1.0012")=""// that is going to be stored as a number

ACB>s ^a("1.0011")="" // that is going to be stored as a number

ACB>s ^a("1.0010")="" // that is going to be stored as string


ACB>zw ^a




I want to predefine the behaviour setting the type of this piece  as String to solve this "behaviour"


thanks in advance

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I assume you want the subscripts of the global always to collate as strings. If so, here's how you can specify the collation type of a global when you create it. Note that the global must not exist to start with:

USER>w $D(^a)
USER>s sc=##class(%Library.GlobalEdit).Create(,"a",133)
USER>w sc
USER>s ^a("1.0012")=""
USER>s ^a("1.0011")=""
USER>s ^a("1.0010")=""
USER>zw ^a

To get a list of collation codes (which is where I found 133):

Status       Number   Abbrev   Name
----------   ------   ------   ----------------------
Built-in        0     OANS     ISM Pre-6.2
Built-in        1     ANSI     ISM 6.2->6.4
Built-in        2     COBR     Ipsum/Cobra
Built-in        3     DTMC     DTM-compatible
Built-in        4     CBR2     Ipsum/Cobra-2
Built-in        5     UNIC     Cache standard
Not loaded     10     GER1     German1
Not loaded     11     POR1     Portuguese1
Not loaded     12     POL1     Polish1
Not loaded     13     GER2     German2
Not loaded     14     SPA1     Spanish1
Not loaded     15     DAN1     Danish1
Not loaded     16     CYR1     Cyrillic1
Not loaded     17     GRE1     Greek1
Not loaded     18     CZE1     Czech1
Not loaded     19     CZE2     Czech2
Not loaded     20     POR2     Portuguese2
Not loaded     21     FIN1     Finnish1
Not loaded     22     JAP1     Japanese1
Not loaded     24     POL2     Polish2
Not loaded     27     FRE1     French1
Not loaded     28     FIN2     Finnish2
Not loaded     29     HUN1     Hungarian1
Not loaded     30     GER3     German3
Not loaded     31     POL3     Polish3
Not loaded     32     SPA2     Spanish2
Not loaded     33     DAN2     Danish2
Not loaded     34     GRE2     Greek2
Not loaded     35     FIN3     Finnish3
Not loaded     36     LIT1     Lithuanian1
Not loaded     37     CYR3     Cyrillic3
Not loaded     38     SLO1     Slovenian1
Not loaded     39     SLO2     Slovenian2
Not loaded     40     TUR1     Turkish1
Not loaded     41     DAN3     Danish3
Not loaded     42     UKR1     Ukrainian1
Not loaded     43     CYR4     Cyrillic4
Not loaded     44     CZE3     Czech3
Not loaded     46     MAL1     Maltese1
Not loaded     48     MAL2     Maltese2
Not loaded     49     SPA4     Spanish4
Not loaded     50     SLO1     Slovak1
Not loaded     51     SPA5     Spanish5
Not loaded     52     FIN4     Finnish4
Built-in      128     OSTR     ISM Pre-6.2 string
Built-in      129     NSTR     ISM 6.2->6.4 string
Built-in      133     USTR     Cache standard string

If you don't want to have to bother with setting the global to use String collation rather than the default (which will be what's sometimes called Numeric collation), then prefix all your subscripts with a character that will force them to be interpreted as a string. Cache SQL uses this trick internally, adding a leading space (" ") to the subscripts it creates.