· Aug 18, 2020
Validate signature from string


We would need to handle the following use case:

A system replies to our GET with a list of codes and a signature.

Each code has been signed with the SHA512withECDSA algorithm

We would need to:

1 Concatenate all codes in a string

2 Decode the string which is in Base 64

3 Validate the string using the signature which we get in the reply

We have read for step 2:


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0 253

Out of curiosity, I was looking in ^ROUTINE global to see how routines are stored internally.

I found out that lot of nodes are displaying "~pointer" as associated value (eg: instead of a string).

What are those pointers ? My guess is that it references some cache internal structure (eg: some nodes inside a B-Tree).

Is there a easily way to see what is behind ? Are pointers useful for user globals or is this something purely internal to Cache database ?

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0 209

I have a tablepane in my Zen page that is tied to a class query. When the page first loads, the table is empty. A button onclick event causes the tablepane query to execute and load query results into the table. I want an onchange event from a datalistbox to clear the tablepane so that it looks empty as it was when the page first loaded. I have had no luck fiddling with javascript in the datalistbox's onchange.

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0 392

Customer is using an ancient MSM based client Workstation for their application and they made a small change to their server code. They introduced property of %Double() and discovered an issue. The MSM workstation is not able to retrieve any property of an object instance that holds value of $double(0). see images illustrating the issue.

I'm posting this to DC intentionally before I eventually send it to WRC so others can comment.


Image 1 - data

image 2 - UI

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0 506

What is a core file? and When are they use­ful?

The in­for­ma­tion in this doc­u­ment is cur­rent as ver­sions of In­ter­Sys­tems prod­ucts re­leased through 2019–06–30. This up­date cov­ers er­rors in that have been dis­cov­ered up to 2023-01-12, but not changes present in new ver­sions of In­ter­Sys­tems prod­ucts.

Nev­er­the­less, the de­tails for ex­ist­ing prod­ucts are not sub­ject to fre­quent change.

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2 32.9K
· Dec 14, 2016
How do I free licenses?

I have a server with public web application with Unauthenticated access and there seems to be a problem that CSP session ends, but associated license persists for some time (hours). If several users log in, we can hit license limit and all the other users get 503 Service unavailable error.

We are currently debugging it and moving to authenticated web applications, but is there a way to free these licenses quickly?

Here's how it looks like in SMP:

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· Dec 20, 2016 5m read
Atelier, The Productivity Boost Tool

Development productivity? Isn’t it kind of an oxymoron? Anyhow, we all dream a magic tool which does the tedious job of the software development and leave the intuitive or creative part on the developer. Atelier is the next generation tool of InterSystems aiming to boost the productivity of Caché/ Ensemble based software development. Atelier is based on the popular Eclipse IDE platform, which makes available the “infinite” pool of third party tools for Caché developers. Those tools can truly boost the productivity. This short article gives some examples how third party plug-ins can help developing for Caché. It is an absolute beginner’s guide, beginner to Eclipse but experienced to Caché.

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0 1.1K

Hi All -

I was wondering if the below query could be enhanced to automatically look back 24 hours from the current datetime the query is run. As is now I, of course, have to update the date range in the WHERE clause manually.

The query is just getting all MessageBodyClassNames, counting them and then doing an AVG on TimeCreated and TimeProcessed. Nothing too complex.

SELECT MessageBodyClassName, count(ID) as Count_Of_Messages, avg(datediff(ss, TimeCreated, TimeProcessed)) as avg_processing_time_in_seconds

FROM %PARALLEL Ens.MessageHeader

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1 2.6K
· May 17, 2017
Soap Messaging

HI ,

Please let us know the solution to the below error which appeared during SOAP Wizard.

ERROR #5805: ID key not unique for extent '%Dictionary.ClassDefinition' : '^oddDEF("GuruBaseAllah.BLZServiceSOAP11porthttp")' exists. Id counter location = ''



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· Jul 21, 2017
how to redirect IO

I get a third party routine which outputs some messages to standard output during execution.

Is it possible that I could direct the messages to other device so my terminal would never see this messages?


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