· Apr 20, 2021
gj :: connect

gj :: connect is a demonstration extension that shows how to extend the Intersystems Server Manager to perform custom actions.

It makes use of the context menu contribution points to add both in-line and right click menu options.

It also demonstrates how to create a new top level folder in your workspace corresponding to the server and namespace selected in Server Manager.

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· Apr 20, 2021 3m read
Why gj :: locate?

You may think it isn’t too difficult to get from label+offset^routine to the actual source line responsible for the error. For an expert it isn't that hard... most of the time. But there are enough oddities and special rules that even an expert can get it wrong, whilst spending a lot of time trying to get there.

gj :: locate is the latest tool from George James Software – it debugs any error, class or routine by converting the location of an error in compiled .int code to the corresponding location in your source, and then taking you right there.

Image this scenario…

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I checked out a Git-Branch and want to Import all Objectscript-Objects to my localhost.

While using Import without Compilation I receive a lot of errors.

request to failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED

While using Import and Compile I receive much more of this errors.

Is there a setting, that I have to key in?

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Hello everyone,

First, thanks in advance for your help :-)

I noticed that a query called directly in a method of a class of a business operation does not return the same result as if I apply the same query in the same Caché database from Squirrel !!!

I don't understand why ???

Here is the query :

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Hello Everyone

I use VB.NET to dev. some program for query data

Code in VB like this

Private Sub Button4_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click

AxVisM1.MServer = "CN_IPTCP:myserver[1972]"
AxVisM1.NameSpace = "LABDATA"
AxVisM1.Code = "s err="""",err=$$select^LVBEPVIS(""" & ln & """)"

tmptxt = AxVisM1.PLIST.ToString

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Anyone hs encountered this?

04/13/21-07:21:28:522 (191540) 0 ECP: Lost net connection: Error 104=(Connection reset by peer)
04/13/21-07:21:28:522 (191540) 1 ECP: connection from 'ECP1:HIS-AAA4:CACHE' dropped (
04/13/21-07:21:28:672 (198470) 0 ECP: Mirror Connection request from 'ECP1:HIS-AAA:CACHE' (

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anyone know of a simple way to search a blob of text from a list of keywords in one fell swoop, without having to iterate through each keyword and perform an individual search? Ex.

s keywords="This,blob,text"

s text = "This is a sample blob of text"

i text[keywords w "hit"

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We have a Unicode installation of Cache'. A client wants to send us documents that will be machine-read and loaded, automatically. They want to create the documents in ISO-8859-1 ("Latin-1"). We'd need to convert the text to UTF8 for our system. I saw the documentation on the $ZCONVERT function, but I didn't see this option. How should it be done?


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Hey community,

I want to create my own table resizer. I know that there are some plugins that are doing exactly this but I would like to create my own one. :)

I have created a function, which is called in the onloadHandler and which append a div to each th-element of a given table. The method looks like this:

function initializeTableFeatures(){

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In Studio you could open a class directly via it's name, without having to traverse the package tree with multiple clicks until arriving at the desired class.

You would Ctrl + O or (File -> Open) and be able to simply type in the class name, for example:

You press Enter, and viola - the class is opened.

How do you achieve this in VSCode?

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I have multiple projects that I utilize when debugging in Cache Studio. One of my projects suddenly lost the ability to step through commands with the yellow box and the cursor moving though code lines. The cursor just sits at the entry line while variables apparently do change. Interestingly enough, if I change the project and the debug target, the "yellow box" ability is still there. Apparently losing this functionality is by project/debug target/whatever. The goal is, of course to return it back but how?

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Want to perform SNMP performance monitoring of cache2010 on AIX 5.3. Since the SNMP service that comes with AIX does not support agentX, it cannot extend the support for cache database. Therefore, I plan to deploy net-snmp on AIX first, then enable agentX, and finally configure cache's subagent. Is this workable? Any documents? Thx!

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First of all thanks for your time to read and reply,

We would need some help,

We have an ORM_O01 which has a NTE.3 with a Line Feed

Our Process converts the XML to ER7 using the ITB as follows:

set context.mensajeHL7 = ##class(ITB.HL7.Util.Convert).XMLToER7(hl7,.tSC,"2.5")

When we show the ER7 we observe:

INTE|1||Psa libre\X0A\ Indice psa

We have thought about the following solution, where mensajeXML is the XML representation of the ER7 shown:

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Background: We have our own SQL map that predates InterSystems'. A program writes an XML file for each table map class as $system.OBJ.Export would. $system.OBJ.LoadDir loads the XML files into .cls files.

The reason is a long story, but we need to update parameter EXTENTSIZE (only) in existing classes. This does not seem to happen. As a test I used $system.OBJ.Export to make an XML file and edited EXTENTSIZE in the two places it appears in the XML:

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InterSystems states that Caché supports at least three data models – relational, object and hierarchical (globals). On can work with data presented in relational model in a program written on C# the same way one works with any other relational DB. To work with data presented by object model in C# one needs to use .NET Managed Provider or some kind or ORM. And starting with version 2012.2 one can work directly with globals (or use direct access to hierarchical data) via Caché eXTreme for .NET.

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I'm doing a query in SQL and I need to sort my data by some non-repeated field.

Unfortunately, my data is grouped in a way that I cannot guarantee that any column will not have repeated data, so one solution would be to take the row number.

Also, the Cache is not accepting Row_Number () in my querry and I would like to know if there is another solution to return line numbers or some way to add this function to the Cache.

Best regards.

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Currently, I am working on a CSP application that is supposed to generate reports. Users will have varying access to said reports. To achieve that, I plan to use LDAP (because it's used in other systems where those users already exist). Documentation does not provide enough information, so I'd like a clarification:
Do I need to enable LDAP authentication for the whole Cache instance to use LDAP authentication in a single CSP application in that instance?

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