Cache ODBC State S1000 Native Code 400 Illegal Value

This is my query:

select DateTijdSec from
where pnr = '27085070017' and LTestId->Makey='BLA' and VerzamelDatTijd < '2021-03-04-2021 09:04' and glpactieid->makey in ('TAV','TMA') order by DateTijdSec desc

Most likely there is a wrong date time in the table, how can i get the data?

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0 977


Olá a todos!

Estou com dificuldades de fazer meu select para retornar palavras que contém acentos.

Na minha tabela TESTE, por exemplo, tenho palavras no campo NOME como Fábio e Fabio, porém se eu coloco a instrução:


a instrução só traz FÁBIO.

Como eu faço para trazer todas as palavras: FÁBIO, FABIO, FABÍO, FABIÓ, FÁBÍÓ, FÂBIO, etc...

Conto com sua ajuda!

0 9
0 2.1K
· Mar 20, 2021
Compile problem base

Hi, I have a class that extend to other classes.

If I compile one of this classes, no problem is generated.

But if I try to compile the first class using flag c-ukb, all that extend from that and have the Date component generate an error.

The error is about the method %GetPaneContents from abstract class.

Do you already passed this? How can I solve my problem?

0 2
0 218

Hi everyone.

I wonder, whether is it possible to get description of emoji in COS.

For example, I have data with emojis like 🙏 in database, that should be delivered to transaction system via service. But service doesn't support emojis, so I want to convert emoji to its unicode description like "Person with Folded Hands". Is it possible? I'll be grateful for help

0 1
0 195

Hey everyone.

I have a process where I create a new %Stream.FileCharacter object, specify the filename (including it's path), write data to the stream, and then save. However for some reason, if the user account does not have write access to the directory, the %Save method is still returning true even though it was unable to actually write the file to the folder.

The location is a UNC path, and I'm wondering if this is tripping me up?

0 3
0 329

I am trying to use Dynamic SQL because I need to supply data at runtime.
The generated query returns 0 rows for some reason. If I copy/paste the query into Monitor, it works correctly. I am suspecting it has something to do with dates being the wrong format (I am supplying them in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format). Is that the cause? And if so, how do I supply dates in correct format?

0 1
0 172

I had a challenge recently where I was asked to parse and iterate JSON to find a patient that has a forename = "Bill" and try to make the function that iterates through the code re-usable.

Being working in Healthcare there isn't much experience or demand for parsing JSON, as most of my work is HL7.

I took this on using the documentation and worked out a way to parse the JSON (see posts below for code and source data).

0 6
0 382

In my previous article, we reviewed possible use-cases for macros, so let’s now proceed to a more comprehensive example of macros usability. In this article we will design and build a logging system.

Logging system

Logging system is a useful tool for monitoring the work of an application that saves a lot of time during debugging and monitoring. Our system would consist of two parts:

  • Storage class (for log records)
  • Set of macros that automatically add a new record to the log

16 6
10 3K
· Mar 12, 2021
Hierarchical Queries

Hi community,

I need to write an SQL query with hierarchical order, I have a table with a column referencing itself, similar as the sample bellow:

0 4
0 236

Hi! I have a complex SQL select query which I execute via %ResultSet. It also includes a UNION. The select statement within the union should only be done when an external parameter is set, and I'm not sure of way of doing that within SQL, other than something like


WHERE (some conditions)



WHERE :doUnion = 1 AND (some conditions)

...this works, but I don't think it's particularly optimal as I believe it will still execute the second SELECT regardless of :doUnion. It's also sort of hard to read...

1 12
0 480

During some consulting activity, I found at the client's site CACHEAUDIT database of more than 100 GB size. The reason was simple: several processes produced a great amount of %System/%System/OSCommand audit records due to frequent external calls ($zf(-100,...)). As it is well-known, those events can be easily disabled systemwide, while this can be hardly considered secure enough. Reducing the number of days before audit cleanup from default 62 to some reasonable figure (e.g. 15) seems to be a better solution, but...

0 2
0 292


I have to create to a web socket client, but I'm unable to read any data from the server, after flushing the buffer. I have no access to the server, only two examples for the client, one in java and the other one in php:

java example:

socket = new Socket("", 2003);

DataOutputStream out = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());




DataInputStream in = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());

int orderId = in.readInt();

0 8
0 570

In previous versions of cache I used to be able to write click on a class and get a delete class option but in this version I can not find the delete class option was wondering if there is another way to delete a class if you wanted to do some house keeping.

N.B. These are the classes I create not the ones that comes with cache.

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0 525
· Mar 11, 2021

Is there any reason that property method DisplayToLogical() is not calling before object saving?

I have such situation and do not know how it is possible

0 3
0 380

Hi all,

I have a very weird error when I'm calling to a SOAP Webservice as client.

I've create all objects to invoke to this SOAP using the add-in "Assistant SOAP" in Eclipse, it has created all objects (Response, Request, Business operation WS class, etc...).

When I call to this service it retuns the following error message:

ERROR #6243: HTTP request to SOAP WebService returned unexpected CONTENT-TYPE response: text/html.

2 4
0 4.3K
· Mar 9, 2021
Working with CSP files

i have a problem with CSP files, i can create a CSP file with termination ".csp" or ".CSP" and this configuration is case sensitive, but a CLS file, this configuration is not case sensitive. there is a way i can change this to the CSP file don't be case sensitive?

0 2
0 218
· Mar 9, 2021
BinaryStream to file

First of all thank you for your time in reading this question and writing a response,

We would need some help,

What is the best method for save a %CSP.BinaryStream to a file?

Thank you in advance!!

0 2
0 600


I am making a request to an API and JSON is coming as follows:

SET %httprequest = ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
DO %httprequest.Get(URL)
SET %responseBody = %httprequest.HttpResponse.Data.Read()

W %responseBody
{produto:"CHP0001",Local:{IDMV: "000000001",LOTE: "",DtFabric: "null",DtVenc: "null",Atributo06: "0000000002",Atributo07: "",QtdeDisp: "10.00000",QtdeAloc: "0.00000",QtdeSep: "0.00000",QtdeTotal: "10.00000",Status: "OK",Motivo: ""}}

2 9
0 778
· Mar 5, 2021 3m read
Using ECP across IRIS and Caché

Migration from Caché to IRIS can be quite a challenge if your code is grown over many years
and probably not so clean structured as you may like it. So you face the need to check your
migrated code against some reference data. A few samples might not be a problem,
but some hundred GB of data for testing might be.

A possible step could be to have your fresh code in IRIS but leave your huge datastore on Caché and connect both environments over ECP. I have created a demo project that gives you the opportunity to try this based on 2 Docker images with IRIS and with Caché connected over ECP.

12 2
0 712
· Mar 4, 2021 1m read
What is accuracy, accuracy, recall

Accuracy rate is a measure of our prediction results, and it is a measure of how many of the predicted positive samples are actually positive.
The recall rate is for our original sample, and it shows how many positive examples in the sample were correctly predicted.
Accuracy = Predicted correctly/All
If we want to be able to retrieve as much content as possible, this is the pursuit of "recall ratio", namely A/(A+C), the bigger the better.

3 0
0 183

I have 2 instances of Cache, one of 2010 and the other 2016. On both I have created a SSL Configuration with same name.

When I connect to a SOAP Service Client from Cache 2010, I get the above error.

If I connect from Cache 2016, the connection get through.

How can get more details of the error in the Cache 2010 instance to be able to fix this issue.

I have enabled the SOAP Log and it does not give much of details.



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