
I am still a beginner with COS and am struggling with these concepts. While digging through the official documentation will eventually tell you everything you need to know, getting started is nevertheless not an easy feat...

Is it possible to create a "lists/array/multidimensional 101" page for beginners? And, for instance, its interaction with $data, what it means to use "as list of something" or "as array of something", how to walk lists, how to add/remove elements, how to extract sublists etc?

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0 527

A new Health Connect customer has a few experienced Java folks on their interface team. As they get more into Health Connect and learn Caché ObjectScript they thought it would be useful to have a list of common Java statements with an equivalent statement in ObjectScript. They mentioned string manipulation as an example, but would be interested in other areas as well.

This seems like something that is probably already floating around somewhere. Does anyone have something like this or other "COS jumpstart for Java devs" materials?


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0 406
· Sep 9, 2016

Hello, guys.

I found one interesting moment in Cache Object Script. It doesn't have(or at least I didn't find) trimming function. By trimming I mean if a string has some whitespaces/tabs/carriage returns from very beginning or/and from very right, this function removes them.

I have found several workaround ways.

1. Using Cache Basic

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0 1.8K

Here's an easy one for you; before I spend another hour looking for the answer, how do you convert %ArrayOfDataTypes to an array (that could, say, fit into the %session.Data array, or maybe just some array named info()), and of course back again?

NS>s aodt=##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()

NS>w aodt.SetAt("lcavanaugh","username")
NS>w aodt.SetAt("organization","coolcompany")
NS>w ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).BuildValueArray(aodt,.array)


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0 956

You might find it useful or not. It depends on what you can imagine it to be used with, like I had to.

Either way, I created a lib that can fetch environment variables from a file or from the OS where Caché is running.

Mostly know as dotenv. Many languages have it, so why not Caché?

The usage is pretty simple:

If you want to use OS env vars exclusively, just use the method:

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0 410
· Jan 14, 2018
Find last in a list of objects

I have a class to track data changes.
As it becomes slower and slower to find last changes I think I need an index.
The 2 classes are just simplified reality.
HowTo ?

Class Rick.ChangeItem Extends %SerialObject
Property Subject As %String;

Property Author As %String;

Property Change As %TimeStamp;


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0 946
· Jun 29, 2018

I wrote a ZAUTHENTICATE.mac a couple of months back, and found recently that it is creating coredumps on almost a nightly basis. I think I have figured out this problem to be not clearing out my MsgSearch after I am doing 2 of them within the code.

1. Get User Attibutes from AD

2. Get User Groups From AD

So while I am trying to cleanup the code I thought it would be a good time to add a Certificate and TLS to the mix since I should of been using that all along. However I keep running into issues

1 14
0 453

Hi Guys,

I' am using Cache Object Binding for .NET, our Cache Version is Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2010.2 (Build 454U).

How can I set the connection for Cache List of Objects? Here is my sample code.

//CACHEObject as my file generated from OBJECT BINDING

CACHEObject.ContainerImco containerImco = new CACHEObject.ContainerImco(cacheConnection);
CacheListOfObjects<CACHEObject.ContainerImco> lcontainerImco = new CacheListOfObjects<CACHEObject.ContainerImco>();

//Already tried this one but fails

1 4
0 837

Good morning

I'm probably overlooking something very basic, but I'm running on Win2016 with Cache 2016.2 - All the work I am doing is in INT routines, but I'm making some calls to the Host File system using $ZF(-1).

I have a few mapped Network drives that are mapped in Windows, typically these are locations where I want to back up some files.

My process is quite simple:

1. Read data

2. Zip data files using RAR

3. Create folder on Network drive

4. Move RAR files to new network share.

I've tried a few different commands:

1 6
1 607

Hi guys!!

In the system that I work, I came across an iterator pattern that uses the %Resultset library without performing the close after executing the query. Does anyone know how to say what are the impacts of not performing such a procedure?

If you have any model of iterator pattern made in caché to recommend as a good example, I will be grateful hehe :D

1 5
0 289

Currently running on limited hardware, Online Backups are becoming a bottleneck for our system.

For now, we are exploring an option to backup individual databases, or groups of them, thus reducing RAM requirements per individual backup task. To do that, however, we'd need a separate Backup List for our Backup Tasks. We did not find an option to do so in web portal, so currently we are looking at inheriting from system backup tasks and Backup.General classes to generate Backup List before backing up and then performing the backup as normal.

1 3
0 400

Hello everyone,

I don't want to believe that Intersystems didn't add a method/process/rule to sort alphabetically a list of names (in array, $ LB or whatever)

I haven't found any documentation about this. I've even tried comparing two strings but have not found a solution.

My cry for help is...

Does exists any command to compare two strings and check if one of them is lower or upper according to aphabet?

Please, give me a light in this dark

Best regards.
Kurro Lopez

1 7
0 828

Our application has a ZEN report that accepts a sorting parameter and a fundraiser parameter. Sorting tells us which order the pages are to be in and the fundraiser limits the data shown (e.g. which user has requested the report)

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1 180

I am trying to execute a system query. - %SYS.Journal.File_Search()

The Query is looking for a Journal File Name and a String.

However, the Query line accepts no parameters. - Query Search() As %Query(ROWSPEC = "Offset:%Integer")

But in the SearchExecute method if checks for File and String.

ClassMethod SearchExecute(ByRef qHandle As %Binary, String As %String, FileName As %String . . .
i $g(String)="" q $$$ERROR($$$JournalFileSearchUndefined)
i $g(FileName)="" q $$$ERROR($$$JournalFileUndefined)

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0 806
· Jul 13, 2016
Access namespace files

Hello, guys!

I want to get access to the folder where all files of the namespace are stored using COS. I found a way to get access to class files and found a folder where all csp, html, css etc files are stored.

However, is there any folder which contains all files(even .mac and .int)?

Or, probably, there is a method which gives all files content?

1 2
0 343

Hi all,

For custormer support reasons we would like to know if its possible to activate some kind of flag or see/redirect wich is the code (lines) being executed when some misterious problems appear.

Is there any way to view the stack of execution code on a deployed code environment? Is there any other equivalent way to track the execution stack for a certain period of time?

Best regards

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0 387