· Jul 13, 2016

Access namespace files

Hello, guys!

I want to get access to the folder where all files of the namespace are stored using COS. I found a way to get access to class files and found a folder where all csp, html, css etc files are stored.

However, is there any folder which contains all files(even .mac and .int)?  

Or, probably, there is a method which gives all files content?

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Every routines stores directly in database, so, you can't just open it as any file on your filesystem as well as you do it with csp files.

but you can open it with %RoutineMgr class, something like this

USER>zn "samples"

SAMPLES>set rtn=##class(%RoutineMgr).%OpenId("hello.mac")

SAMPLES>while 'rtn.Code.AtEnd { write !,rtn.Code.ReadLine()}
hello ; hello world routine
 write !, "hello world"
 write !, "bye"
end quit  ; end

if you also need to get list of such files, you can use query StudioOpenDialog in %RoutineMgr class

SAMPLES>set st=##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
SAMPLES>set sc=st.%PrepareClassQuery("%RoutineMgr","StudioOpenDialog")
SAMPLES>set rs=st.%Execute("*.mac")
SAMPLES>do rs.%Display()
Dumping result #1
Name    IsDirectory     Type    Size    Date    Description     IconType
DocBook .       9                               0
badroutine.mac          0       62      2004-09-28 13:05:45             0
CinemaData.mac          0       10258   2016-05-10 22:32:04             0
compareloop.mac         0       1201    2004-12-02 18:23:57             0
datent.mac              0       3089    2002-01-03 12:05:01             0
datentobj.mac           0       2627    2002-09-06 00:15:23             0
dbconvert.mac           0       1532    2002-01-03 12:05:52             0
fibonacci.mac           0       365     2002-01-03 12:06:03             0
forexample.mac          0       502     2004-11-30 16:00:08             0
funcexample.mac         0       333     2002-01-03 12:06:30             0
hello.mac               0       251     2016-07-13 12:07:04.520803              0
LDAP.mac                0       68720   2013-12-16 11:48:09.962335              0
lookup.mac              0       8484    2008-08-21 19:17:48             0
lookup1.mac             0       1465    2002-01-03 12:07:15             0
lookup2.mac             0       5984    2002-01-07 18:08:46             0
lookupobj.mac           0       7857    2008-08-21 21:58:25             0
loopend.mac             0       242     2002-01-03 12:08:12             0
loopstart.mac           0       217     2002-01-03 12:08:21             0
nameloop.mac            0       552     2002-01-03 12:08:33             0
passbyref.mac           0       604     2002-01-07 12:01:47             0
postcond.mac            0       341     2002-01-03 12:08:51             0
procexample.mac         0       423     2002-01-03 12:08:59             0
publicvarsexample.mac           0       357     2002-01-03 12:09:09             0
RightTriangle.mac               0       1836    2011-02-24 18:56:29             0
root.mac                0       149     2004-11-30 15:57:29             0
simpleloop.mac          0       161     2002-01-03 12:09:59             0
SQLGatewayTest.mac              0       2480    2016-05-10 22:32:04             0
survivor.mac            0       179     2002-01-03 12:10:32             0
ZAUTHENTICATE.mac               0       37302   2015-03-10 10:48:43.589807              0
ZAUTHORIZE.mac          0       12120   2016-05-10 22:32:04             0
30 Rows(s) Affected

Hi, Rustam!

A lot of Caché code parts (classes, mac and int routings, DFI's etc) are stored in the database itself, not in files. They should be exported some way to be presented in files.

I see you have already the way to export classes, so I believe you can repeat similar code logic to export mac and int code part into the files in the same or another OS folder.