I am often asked by customers, vendors or internal teams to explain CPU capacity planning for large production databases running on VMware vSphere.

In summary there are a few simple best practices to follow for sizing CPU for large production databases:

  • Plan for one vCPU per physical CPU core.
  • Consider NUMA and ideally size VMs to keep CPU and memory local to a NUMA node.
  • Right-size virtual machines. Add vCPUs only when needed.

Generally this leads to a couple of common questions:

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0 6.5K
· Nov 26, 2023
modifity status RW database

Hi folks!

I need to change a status database to RW with the class

I used scripts for this, for example, I can create a database like this

setup_database() {
csession -B -U "%SYS" <<-EOF
zw ##class(SYS.Database).CreateDatabase("/InterSystems/cachedb/mydatabase")
set Properties("Directory")="/InterSystems/cachedb/mydatabase"
zw ##Class(Config.Databases).Create("MYDATABASE",.Properties)

How can I modify this status R/W?

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· Apr 13, 2023
Benelux Caché User Group Meetup

Hey Developers,

We're honored to invite you to the first Benelux Caché User Group meetup since the start of COVID! It is dedicated to the Columnar storage, IRIS licensing, hardware & performance, and embedded Python!

Date: 04 May 2023 from 13:30 to 17:00

📍Venue: InterSystems BV, Medialaan 32 / 1, B-1800 Vilvoorde, Belgium

Do you or does your team work with InterSystems IRIS or Caché? Then this afternoon's event will be interesting to gain additional insights and meet colleagues. The team of InterSystems will be there too.

The agenda includes sessions from both the User Group and InterSystems itself, and at the end of the meeting, InterSystems will provide a snack and a drink as usual. Participation in the user group and meetings is free of charge!

Home - Intersystems Benelux Symposium 2020

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I'm working for an organisation that is running a very old version of InterSystems Cache (5.016) which runs on AIX . The last two times we have re-booted Cache, we have encountered rollbacks. I've been asked two questions. During the rollback it was "How long is it going to take?" and after the system returned, it was "So what caused it?". My answer to both was "I don't know".

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After upgrading from Cache to IRIS while running the web application I am getting an error in message.log

Error: Create Gateway - Unable to create new gateway connection: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: <NOTOPEN>%AddToCurrentClassPath+6^%Net.Remote.Gateway.1

Cache Version : Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.7 (Build 721U) Fri Mar 18 2022 22:07:35 EDT

Upgrade to IRIS Version : IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2022.1.2 (Build 574_0_22511U) Thu May 11 2023 22:36:05 EDT

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Good morning,

First of all we would like to thank you for your time reading, thinking and aswering this question.

We have been developing a Transformation to convert a source ORU_R01 to a target ORU_R01. For each OBX segment we need to check an if, and then, if it is true we just need to put this OBX and continue to the next iteration, otherwise, if it is false, we need to put (copy) the ORC + OBR + TQ1 before this OBX, and then put this OBX, and after that, the SPM.

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0 253

I am trying to execute a program from within cache using a $zf call

S X=$ZF(-1,"C:\""Program Files (x86)""\Car-Part\Messaging\iCPM.exe")

For the sake of this post I changed it to open notepad

S X=$ZF(-1,"C:\Windows\notepad.exe")

If I call it directly from terminal notepad opens and all is happy.

If I add it to a program we use to run certain tasks once an hour or even every 10 minutes it will fire off notepad but it will be in the background.

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We have a machine that serves 4 instances of Cache on VMS systems, one of them is password protected and works fine as they all do. we decided we wanted something beefier and copied it to a server, well all but the one you have to login to works so 3 of the 4 do. and the odd part is I can no longer get to the management page from anywhere on any machine, http://localhost/csp/bin/Systems/Module.cxw I get a 404.8 error, I have tried adjusting security and same thing. and a server availability error.

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0 295

There is test folder inside my sftp server. I executed the below lines of code

s ssh = ##class(%Net.SSH.Session).%New()

d ssh.Connect("host")

d ssh.AuthenticateWithUsername(username,password)

d ssh.OpenSFTP(.sftp)

s remote="\test\sample1.txt"

s local="c:\orders\sample1.txt"

s status=sftp.Put(local,remote)

I get the below error

"MSSH Error [8010102B]: Unable to send FXP_OPEN* [8010102b] at SFTP.cpp:539,0Put,IM%e^zPut+2^%Net.SSH.SFTP.1^1e^^^0"

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I was recently asked whether we have a function to convert LDAP date time stamps into $HOROLOG format or other formats and the answer is not at the moment, but there is a simple method to do the conversion.

Let us look at the facts and figures involved...

1) Active Directory's (AD) date 0 (zero) is 1601-01-01 00:00:00.000 or January 1st, 1601 at midnight (00:00:00)

2) AD timestamps are calculated as the number of 100 nanosecond intervals from date 0

3) 864000000000 is the number of 100 nanosecond intervals per day

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0 1.1K
· Nov 2, 2023 3m read
How to hide the source program

InterSystems FAQ rubric

For routines (*.mac)

You can hide the source by exporting/importing only the *.obj that is generated after compiling the source program.

The command execution example specifies EX1Sample.obj and EX2Sample.obj, which are generated by compiling EX1Sample.mac and EX2Sample.mac, as export targets and exports them to the second argument file.

After moving to another namespace, I am using the exported XML file to perform the import.

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· Nov 1, 2023
set Property name


we have a rest API that that on of the JSON object contain Property name "verify.facePosition"

we try to translate the JSON file to object with the function ##class(%ZEN.Auxiliary.jsonProvider).%ConvertJSONToObject()

how can we define the Property to "verify.facePosition" As %Boolean in the class ?

i know that with underscore i can define the property with quotation marks like this - Property "verify_facePosition" As %Boolean

thanks for the help

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0 304

I need to develop a tool to help to get what data is being consumed by a certain process, in order to get all data used to build an automated test scenario.

For example, some user process will pull data from ^GLOBAL(1)="dataString", ^GLOBAL(2)="dataString2", ^GLOBAL1(1)="data1String", ^GLOBAL2(4)="data2String4". Amidst all other data on these Globals, I will ignore everything that was not used in the user process, and get the specific keys used on it.

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An exception occurs randomly.
I expect the value of ^TEST to be 20, but it's not.
Did i miss something like closing, flush the stream or locking the global?




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