I have a file passthrough service that should check for new new files every 10 minutes, process them and then wait again for 10 minutes, even if there are new files waiting in the source directory. The "CallInterval" value feels like a wrong tool for this need since it would keep the service "locked" for a maximun of 10 minutes before releasin resources. Is there a better way than CallInterval to schedule the service to poll for files every 10 minutes?

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· Jul 29, 2020
IRIS vs Other integration engines

Hello All,

I have been using IRIS / Ensemble for over a decade and appreciate lot of it's functionalities and features, however besides having a UI of 80's era (which doesn't bother me), what I believe where IRIS is lacking is lack of out of the box connectors (services/operations).

If we look at IRIS's competitors for eg Mulesoft, Talend, Boomi they all have hundreds of pre-built connectors for major applications like Salesforce, SAP etc and cloud services like Azure, AWS etc to store and retrieve information and data.

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We wonder how could we send an HL7 message to a service to test it.

For example, we have a service, at localhost port 19111

We have tried to use SoapUI to send a REST POST request as follows:

At the event log we see the following trace:

Then, if we try with POSTMAN as follows:

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I want to deploy Iris Interoperability Production in multiple containers . The production has File Services that process files from EFS location. All the files being processed by multiple containers are in the same directory. The standard Adapter class does not have Check Complete option to lock a file so that other containers File Services looking in the same file path cannot process the same file.

I updated the Inbound File Adapter class to offer another Check Complete option LOCK that will lock the file until it is processed and archived.

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Recently, I meet some problem at product env.

Some outside http request send to my Business Service. cause service very slow down. So I want find root cause . But at the message trace page. I can't found any source address . But at Product env. I can't install packet capturer like wireshark . I meet some problem.

And Second. Does ensemble can limit request speed at Business Service? too many requests slowdown my service.


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We have a Service which behaves differently even though two equal Soap UI XML requests are being sent, from different systems.

When it is being sent from the other system, our Service's log shows:

ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: invalid HTTP version'xmlns:ges="http://XXX.XXXXXXXXX/GestionPacientes">'

When we send the same XML message from SoapUI, it is being processed by our system.

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· Apr 7, 2020
How to start a job in ensemble

Hi, this might be a silly question, but how can I start a job in ensemble? I am getting the update button, and my business service is not restarting.

it says 1 new job to be started, but where can I start the job? Would appreciate your help on this

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We would like help to know why our web service which gets Patient's ID number, does not accept messages?

We observe its Event Log, and it contains the following pattern:

We detail each log to give info to discover what's happening:

First there is a new connection:

Then it suddenly disconnects

After that it looks like the service restarts:

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I have a little problem that appears to my newest program. One of the purpose of my program is to transfer a file from a path to another one.

Another person/entity places the file into a specific file ( let's call it \\Server\) but the problem is that my service (a simple EnsLib.File.PassthroughService) takes it and places it directly into my other path. The pdf file is very big and it happens almost all the time that the size of the output file is not the same as in input and so is corrupted.

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I have a business service that needs to run only once a day at an specific time. It is important that the service only runs once.

I have tried the scheduler but you can only define the times (start-stop) when the service will be running...so this will not work for me as I need this to run only once.

Looking at the documentation I found "tasks". Apparently this is exactly what I need. As per documentation:

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I have several Business Services which I need to run once on each trigger.

Trigger can be either:

  • Specific time (so once a day, every day)
  • Specific day (so once a month, every month)

For the time, it would be stable (i.e. 0100), but the second case varies - one month it could be 10th, another month - 12th.

After each run I want the service to turn off, so that all the time the service is not running it would be colored grey in Production Management Page.

I plan to use Task Scheduler, but open to suggestions.

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This article will provide tips and tricks on customizing Ensemble business hosts with configurable settings.

Ensemble production Settings are configurable values that control the behavior of a production and its hosts.

The documentation for adding and removing Settings and specifying categories and controls for Settings is provided at the link:


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· Aug 29, 2019
Create multiple dependent Tasks

Is it possible to create a task that will initiate a Business Service that is dependent on the completion of a separate EDI data process?

I have a complex data flow with multiple EDI processes where one process must run and produce one or more files that get deposited in the source folder for the next EDI process. The entire process is currently set up where 2 of the EDI processes execute at a specific time. The problem with that is when a network or server interruption occurs at the time they are supposed to start, it causes a complete failure of the entire process.

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0 215

Hello everyone,

We have a process that is listening to an FTP service to collect some CSV files and process them. The process works correctly and when it ends it clears the directory waiting for it to enter some other file.

We have been receiving the following error message for a long time:

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