· Apr 7, 2020
How to start a job in ensemble

Hi, this might be a silly question, but how can I start a job in ensemble? I am getting the update button, and my business service is not restarting.

it says 1 new job to be started, but where can I start the job? Would appreciate your help on this

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Hello Community,

I am still pretty new to Ensemble, Cashé, or ObjectScript. My question is this how can I tell when a file was finished and read fully? Currently, I have an EnsLib.FilePassthroughService reads a file from a designated file path and moves it to an archive file path. I need to set up an alert or a notification that can tell me once the file has been read in its entirety and has been moved out of its current file path.

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We have this intermittent issue with a particular supplier message , just wondering if anyone has further insight around the two errors we get when we see this.

We use the out of the box TCP hl7 adapter.

We first seem to get this incomplete hl7 message resulting in an error like

Discarding leftover input 'MSH|

This is not unexpected as the final obx has not dot the description of OBX:2.2 ect.


The next message will have the error

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I was asked about using date-based criteria in the file spec for an inbound file adapter.

It looks like the file spec field only accepts simple wildcards (*, ?), so I'm wondering if someone knows of a clever way of doing this preferably without creating a custom adapter/service class.

An example of the use case:
An upstream system continually writes records to a file named with the current day's date. At midnight it opens a new file with the new day's date:

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I am configuring a SOAP HL7 Receiver to handle HL7 Query messages.

I have set up a new class based on EnsLib.SOAP.Service and configured (correctly I hope) the parameters needed. I have also amended the OnProcessInput Method skeleton provide to send messages on to the Business Process needed.

I am struggling to work out what is needed in the Web Methods and how to create them.

Any help with this would be much appreciated especially examples that I can adapt for what I need.

Many thanks

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· Aug 24, 2017
Error on SQL update service

I have a simple SQL service that does a simple select from an SQL database. After the select, I do an update to set the ProcessedFlag to "Y" for yes, so my next pass doesn't select records already processed. The service works fine, except when it's done I get the error below, anybody know what is causing this error?

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· Apr 4, 2019
Application ACK not working

I trying to get ACK back from the destination to the sending system.

I configured the Business Services to Ack Mode Application but sending system is getting Ensemble generated ACK [7] not destination ACK [9].

This is Ensemble 2018.1.1.312.0.

Ultimately I would like a NACK back when I have a Business Rule that blocks a messages from sending to Business Operations but currently [5] is an ACK |AA

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Recently, I meet some problem at product env.

Some outside http request send to my Business Service. cause service very slow down. So I want find root cause . But at the message trace page. I can't found any source address . But at Product env. I can't install packet capturer like wireshark . I meet some problem.

And Second. Does ensemble can limit request speed at Business Service? too many requests slowdown my service.


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What is the best way to create an HL7 message from JSON input file?

We have JSON file available with data required for building the HL7 message . I am trying to use a standard file/FTP Business service to pick up the file and convert the input %FileCharacterStream into a dynamic Object and use the stand JSON features to read /process the data and build the HL7 message.

Is there any other better way to do this? or any standard built-in functionality available in HealthShare?

Thanks you for your help


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Hello all,

I was looking at some code of a business service of which the author is unknown. It's very simple in what it does; it extends from Ens.BusinessService and has a method that performs SendRequestSync() to a business process. However, I noticed that the business service lacks an OnProcessInput() method. Rather, it uses a method called General() which has the same sort of signature/structure that OnProcess input does--pInput as [Custom Message Class], Output pOutput as [Custom Response Class].

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· Mar 16, 2017
HL7 Service - design question

noob here..(moving from JCAPS to Ensemble)

We are wondering where is the best place to tie the schema category for an incoming HL7 message? Should we do this within the service (via the message schema category setting) or receive everything and validate in the process (DTL) level?

We want to capture everything that will be sent to that HL7 listener service and then decide what to do with bad messages at the process layer.

Does anyone have any recommendation regarding this? Appreciate your input and decision thought process.

Thank You,

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I like to know if we need to have the message in a file to process a Record Map?

I am working with Interoperability Production that processes files /messages using Record Maps. My team was asked to redesign the solution for deployment in AWS. We use containers. We had problems with having multiple containers processing files from the same directory. We are considering Amazon Simple Queue Service instead of having files on a shared file system.

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We have a scenario where a bad message(With control character in some fields) is coming frequently in our Standard HL7 Business Service.

I do see the process gets shut down because of E=D action code. I also see the service logging an "Warning" about the bad message. But service is not shutting down.

Is there a way to handle this error right at the service to avoid multiple processes going down? Not sure if we can create a task, which audits the service logs every few minutes. But that will involve some coding and checking of time when the errors happens.

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I'm doing some Schema changes. I used our existing standard schema as a base, which was already based on 2.3. So let's call our existing one Custom.MHC.Schema (based on 2.3). I created Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced (based on Custom.MHC.Schema) and copied down one of the code tables then made a change to it.

When I ran a message through, the code table change didn't show up. I noticed in the message viewer that the DocType is still Custom.MHC.Schema:ADT_A01 but the DocType Category is Custom.MHC.Schema.Advanced.

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· Mar 31, 2017
Troubleshooting Disconnects

One of our Departments are claiming that we are loosing HL7 messages that are sent from their Vendor's system to Ensemble.

I know interfaces 101 if we have no record of the message then we never received it, however they are insisting they are sending it.

I asked them to provide the ACK's if they sent the messages but Ensemble had no corresponding Message Control ID (MSH.10) .

Currently I have the following settings...

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· Aug 29, 2017
ad hoc sql service

Hi everyone, I have a SQL service that is working fine, except I don't want it to run on a schedule or continuously. I'd like to only run when requested. Run once and then stop until another request. Is there anyway to set up a service like that?

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Hi all, My first post. I hope I have created it correctly.

Our team is looking to increase the number of characters in our Ensemble 'Categories' for Services, Processes and operations.

We are doing this to better identify things like Vendor, Message type and integrated application names...

One of our team members thought his might increase processing overhead and a discussion ensued that was not resolved.

my thoughts...

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We have a custom FTP Service , and custom FTP adapter . Customization is just to find a duplicate file and for giving specific dynamic file spec pattern.
While running and polling for files, we are getting this error. Could you please help ? What's the issue and how to resolve it ?

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPListFailed: FTP: Failed List for <FileName> (msg='Cache error in 'readResponse': <READ>zreadResponse+4^%Net.FtpSession.1',code=426)

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Hi all,

I have a requirement to periodically poll a URL to fetch some XML data based on a list of query data, lets say every hour, and map what's returned to HL7 then send downstream, I mostly have everything contained within a business process and DTL but I'm lacking a way of invoking the process every X minutes,

The client has a prefence for as much as possible to be done via out of the box components in the standard HL7 model of "Service --> Process/Rule/DTL --> Operation" within the Web UI,

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I have built an Ensemble SOAP service (EnsLib.SoapService.Service) as a business service which accepts soap requests from another application. To secure the traffic between the SOAP service and the application i'd like to enable SSL. I see that in the management portal I can upload the certificates, chains and keys and save them as an SSL / TLS configuration. However, it is not clear to me how I apply this SSL / TLS configurtion to the soap service I am running.

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