I have an angular UI communicating with a iris rest api. Now I need to authenticate (to federated) before accessing the UI, and for a better solution as the users are using the healthshare clinical viewer 2023, find a way to use the clinical viewer authentication / user to go to the UI.

The angular way would be to do an angular guard and have a function 'am I authenticate to federated', but I never found a function like this and how to get my username.

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0 73

Given I have a property

Class All.AllBooks Extends %Library.Persistent

Property ID As %Integer;

Property Title As User.Book;


In the class method

ClassMethod GetABookById(id As %Integer) As %Status

SET MyBooks = ##class(All.Allbooks).%OpenId(id)

SET obj = {

     "ID" : (MyBooks.%Id())

     "Title" : (MyBooks.Title)



Quit 1

How do Access the foreign key in JSON() data

0 7
0 541

Dear Folks,

I have recently studied deepsee and developed few dashboards needed for our web app users. I am trying to embed them in our existing web app which uses angular with delegated user access. I need to embed the native IRIS dashboard into it. ( I can't use Highcharts or any other js tools).

How do I setup the dashboards to work with delegated authentication (Without providing access to management portal or other parts) ? Also should I use the default csp/{Namespace}/_DeepSee.UserPortal.DashboardViewer.zen? or any other web application URL ?


0 1
0 189

Hi Team,

I want to save image/file using inter system iris web api.

I am sending file as Base64 formate in JSON object to api .and I want to save it at D/Images folder.

please refer below code that i was tried.

Obj.OrganizationLogoBase64--> has base64 value of image

Set decode = $System.Encryption.Base64Decode(Obj.OrganizationLogoBase64)

set file = ##class(%Stream.GlobalBinary).%New()

do file.Write(decode)

0 9
0 826

Hi all,

This might be a stupid question, but I'm going to ask it anyway.

My goal is to write a scss file, pack it as part of a local library (Something like my_library.tgz), npm install that library into a different project and then import that scss file in one of the scss files in the new project.

Simply having the scss file exist in the library before I pack it didn't seem to work; the file wasn't under node modules after the npm install. Am I doing something wrong, or are there extra steps I have to take?

Thanks in advance.

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0 5.5K
· Nov 6, 2017

Hello, evrybody, I'm writing one project using CSP("OnPreHTTP"), and also REST angular. At the beginning I wrote purely on csp, then I decided to use angular for the flexibility of the client part. Now I can not design logging, I created a table App.Log with properties

0 3
0 600

Hi everyone! My company has a Zen ERP application with CSP delegated authentication. Now, we're developing a separated BI application, using Angular, which consumes DeepSee REST API services. Both applications access the same Caché database.

How to implement single sign-on strategy in order to allow an already authenticated ERP user to access DeepSee REST services? Has anyone already implemented something like that?

Thanks in advanced.

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0 551


I am a beginner on intersystems technologies ! and i want implements Oauth2 for our projects ( Angular 2 + Caché REST Backend).

i read the article that the link is below :


But : i need to create all servers ( Auth and Resource ) on Caché and dont' to use google server.

0 4
0 914

a.k.a.. "The World of Widgets Returns!" or "Paternity leave damages Instructional Series momentum"

In our last lesson, we combined 2 separate classes to appear as the same property. We now have the ability to Update our Widget catalog, but what if we want to Create a Widget? Thankfully, we've already done 90% of what we need, just by implementing Edits

0 0
0 918

I'm currently re-engineering an application from CSP pages directly accessing COS Methods, to an Angular/Material front end accessing a REST DAL. Both the Angular front end and REST services are hosted from the same Caché instance and the same namespace, but the REST services have their own CSP application, with all calls being routed through a Dispatch class.

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0 535