I am using OAuth2 Cache framework, acting as a client to an authorization server. My setup is based on this excellent previous post [Caché Open Authorization Framework (OAuth 2.0) implementation – part 1].

I'm facing ‘Authorization Server Error: Error Processing Response - No match between server name 'googleapis.com' and SSL certificate values google.com…’

It looks like I should set SSLCheckServerIdentity to false but I can’t figure out how. Has anyone had the same issue?

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When running the built in Ensemble Purge task (Ens.Util.Tasks.Purge) there are three parameters DaysToKeep, BodiesToo, and KeepIntegrity. This article focuses on the KeepIntegrity boolean parameter, but more information about running this task can be found here:


KeepIntegrity determines which Ensemble Messages are marked for deletion within the time specified by DaysToKeep.

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This post is meant to provide a quick possible explanation for a very perplexing problem.

Scenario: You’ve just created your own administrative user in your 2014.1 (or later) instance of Caché. You gave it every possible security role (including %All), so it should in theory be able to do anything within the instance.

You’ve written a very advanced routine with a break command in it for debugging:

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I have a client who is in the process of developing some tests (short routine) to perform on a large data set – possibly several hundred million records – and is looking for an efficient way to spread the workload across his CPU’s to speed up the execution time. Any suggestions or tips I can pass on?​

Absolutely investigate the Work Queue Manager:

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  1. Don’t use Python built into Mac. Because of System Integrity Protection (SIP) you will not be able to access the libraries that the InterSystems Python binding requires. The Python build into the MAC has baked in what libraries it can use.
  2. Install another Python. Don’t put this other ahead of Mac Python on path since this could break things. Apple regards its Python as part of the its OS, and may use that Python in its system operations.
  3. This Python will not be installed into the protected area.
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· Nov 1, 2016 9m read
Reflection in Caché

The topic of reflection hasn't been raised in Caché forums or blogs too often. Perhaps, it happened because the notion of reflection is not explicitly defined in Caché. However, it exists in Caché and can be a very useful development tool.

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· Nov 1, 2016
Cache Studio - Find in Files


In Cache Studio under the View/Find in Files. Anyone knows how to search multiple words in the string? For example,

In my routines 1, it has "Patient Name Test Name Provider Address Status " and

In my routine 2 , it has "Patient Name Test Name Provider Address "

In my routines 3, it has "Patient Name Address "

When I search, I want to search all the routines, it has the words Provider and Status which I want it returns only routine 1 because it has both words "Provider and Status". Thank you very much for your help.

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· Oct 31, 2016
Grant Permission for WSDL

I implemented a WebService in edge of HeathShare but it is asking for user and password, so it isn't possible to publish.

How can I grant permission for that service?

PS. When I type the user and pass the WSDL shown is correct.

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1. Created a class(test) and added a classmethod(checkdata).

2. Assigned a object with xml.

3. Created a new class for response and initialized in classmethod(checkdata).

4. Created a new class for request parsing with list of object parameter.

5. While parsing xml in request for list of object, the result count is "0". But the xml has value for "2" object list.

6. XML has follow:

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NewBie's Corner Session 22 Parameters Part III

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.


In Sessions’ 20 and 21 on Parameters we saw how to call one routine from another with parameters as well as calling one Label from another with parameters. In these examples, the data was passed through the parameters from the calling routine or label to the called routine or label.

Now suppose you wanted the called routine or label to pass data back?

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We are finally planning to migrate some ancient Caché applications that are run on Caché 5.0.21 to a new server with Caché 2016.2.0 or so.

I wonder if we could use Shadowing between those to keep the data on the new server up to date?

We would copy the Caché backup from the old environment to the new and do a RESTORE there and then start shadowing.

I know than 5.0.21 is no more officially supported by ISC.

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We have created a dll with .Net that generates a MS Word document with a template. The .Net method works, we have tested it with Visual Studio and it generates the document.

But once we have created the dll and embebed it in Ensemble through the Wizard, when we try to execute the method that generates the document, it doesn't work. It doesn't throw us an error, it simply doesn't open the template.

We have seen that MS Word program is opened, but that's all.

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After reading Stephen Wilson's article "Windows 7 performs shutdown too fast for Cache to close and so it gets forced down" I've recalled another solution that was based on Local Group Policy, which allows to control extra actions that should occur on computer startup or shutdown. How to add a computer shutdown script is well documented in MS Technet article.

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· Oct 27, 2016
DeepSee Overview Document


I was wondering if there was a DeepSee overview document available for a non-technical user. Something short and concise describing what DeepSee is and its key features.

I've looked at the documentation and although there are parts of what I am looking for there it is much too technical for my needs.


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· Oct 27, 2016 1m read
Ensemble's Workflow Inbox portal

Hi - If you want to embed Ensemble's Workflow Inbox, (that offers workflow task items to workflow users) inside of your application - you can access the URL directly without necessarily giving users access to the Management Portal - but more importantly, you can strip away the Titlebar, Worklists and Borders that make up the page by default.

You do this by using the same URL parameters you would use, if embedding a regular DeepSee dashboard into your application.

For example, adding &EMBED=1 at the end of the URL as depicted below:

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I have an Ensemble DTL which is suppose to translate the inbound XML document to an outbound XML document.

I need to test if a particular XML element exists, to perform some translation.

In the DTL I have the following,

<if condition='source.{element1.element2.element3}'>


    // do something



How do you use if statement to test the source XML document to see if a particular element exists in the source doucment.


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