Hi All,

I am currently using D $SYSTEM.SQL.Shell() command or management portal to retrieve the data from database. I just learned we can also run cache table sql queries in MS access. MS access already installed on my machine.

I need to ask how I can connect my database of USER or sample namespace in MS access to run these SQL queries.

Thanks in advance!!

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 17,877 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Aug 22, 2017


Does anybody know what happend to %SYS.GSET routine in Cache 2016 ?

In Cache 2013 it still existed, I didn't find anything about it in Cache realese notes 2014 and 2015.


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Is there a way to omit or skip rollback of some data changes during a transaction rollback? Maybe some sort of "autonomous transaction"?

The issue is with error logging in transaction. For example we may have in nested calls the following structure:
<some code>
<error happens>
<error log to database>

but if this code is in another transaction, and that rolls back we lose error data.

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I have a question for people currently in the community who support TrakCare implementations.

Are you all currently working through the migration from Crystal/Zen over to Logi Reports?

What are you plans for the Zen reports you can't migration off for example the HTML letter template?

I have spoken with a few people regarding this topic but starting to get concerned if there is a call in the near future to decommission ZEN/

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· Aug 18, 2020
Validate signature from string


We would need to handle the following use case:

A system replies to our GET with a list of codes and a signature.

Each code has been signed with the SHA512withECDSA algorithm

We would need to:

1 Concatenate all codes in a string

2 Decode the string which is in Base 64

3 Validate the string using the signature which we get in the reply

We have read for step 2:


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· Feb 6, 2023
irissqlcli install


I'd like to try out irissqlcli.

My server, that has IRIS installed on it, is SUSE (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 SP1).

How do install this product from GitHub? Detailed instructions would be great!

It would be best if I can download the software from GitHub and then get pip to install from that downloaded file repo.

The recommended:

pip install -U irissqlcli

does not work and comes back with "

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Good afternoon! 👋 We would be very grateful if you are kind enough to read and respond to our request 😊.

We need given an Authentication request issued towards our OAuth 2.0 authorization server; that in case of error, the responded message is customized.

Currently if we point from POSTMAN to:

Username: Erroneous
Password: Erroneous

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I have a list of 300 code combinations in the following format, which I plan to load into a global

X123, Internal health

X234, external health

X345, Peripheral health etc..

I want to get the code from the DG1 segment, compare to the global, and add a description. Is there an easy way to do it?

So in my DG1 segment If I get the code X123, what I want to do is check if the code is in the global and if it does add the description in the field.

So DG1 will look like this:

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This error I am getting when I am updating cache.dat file:

02/13/23-22:38:11:880 (3444) 3 Error: ERROR #5002: Cache error: <FUNCTION>LoadDLLs+27^STU - Shutting down the system.

This error I am getting whenever I am compiling any of my production or compiling Enslib.HL7.Adapter.TCPOutboundAdapter

#5002: Cache error: <SUBSCRIPT>ConstructCompileTree+72^%occInherit ^oddCOM("")

Can anyone help me with this ?

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0 147

We have a large number of processes and operations being applied to outbound HL7 messages from our PAS.

If I select a message, and open its visual trace, I see the service, as well as all processes, and operations.

My debugging is often about a new operation, and I don't need to see all the other operations that are in functioning as desired.

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0 363

Can someone confirm that HealthShare Health Connect 2022.2 is the correct latest release that is available via the Online Distribution? I tried looking at the HealthShare Health Connect on WRC and now do not see a 2022.2 or 2022.3 version. Is this correct? So I shouldn't be running 2022.2? Did Health Connect get renamed? A couple of months ago I downloaded HealthConnect-2022.2.0.368.0-lnxrh8x64 but not seeing it now on the WRC site.

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· Sep 17, 2020
modifying patient address in DTL


Newbie question. Could you please help me implement the following using DTL only - no programming.

We have a problem where our system sends longer addresses e.g. block of flats in an unexpected format

e.g. address below:

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· Feb 24, 2023
TCPOutboundAdapter Issue
22:07:52.821:Ens.Director: ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST>zgetProductionItems+45^Ens.Director.1 *EnsLib.HL7.Adapter.TCPOutboundAdapter -- logged as '-' number - @' Set tRunAsJob=pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob"), pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob")=$S('
22:07:52.823:Ens.Director: ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST>zgetProductionItems+45^Ens.Director.1 *EnsLib.HL7.Adapter.TCPOutboundAdapter -- logged as '-' number - @' Set tRunAsJob=pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob"), pDefinition(tConfigName,"RunAsJob")=$S('
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0 161

We use ExecureProcedure() to execute a stored procedure which returns a result set. But we see lot of "Invalid cursor state" errors when the result set is empty. The connection to SQL server database is made through ODBC.

ERROR #6022: Gateway failed: Fetch. + ERROR <Ens>ErrGeneral: SQLState: (24000) NativeError: [0] Message: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 11 for SQL Server]Invalid cursor state

Here is the code snippet from the business operation class which uses EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter

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0 8.9K

I have an xml file that I read into objects and I am trying to print that file back in nested xml anyone with idea on how that can be achieved or where I can read in order to achieve this, here is an example of what I am trying to do.

From this


To this

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I'm wondering how I would go about adding headers to a csv file which has already been created. I am unfamiliar with ObjectScript.

For example if I were to use R, I would simply write..

test <- read.csv("file/path/example/Extract.csv", header=FALSE)
colnames(test) <- c("A","B","C","D","E")

I do not have embedded Python installed either as I would know how to do it in that also.

How could I mirror this in ObjectScript please?

My current create file method:

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