InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,034 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Has anyone tried adding syntax highlighting to GitHub for Caché CLS files?

Looking at the list of supported languages and extensions...

It looks like Mumps is supported, and there is also an existing language with a .cls extension, which would account for why I see some very odd highlighting going on with some of my code.

There is a page on contributing a new language here...

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· Jan 17, 2018
Atelier Dark theme


Has anyone managed to get a dark theme (Like Darcula or Obsidian) working on the Atelier plugin. The Eclipse themes apply to everything in the IDE except the editor window, so it kind of defeats the purpose. I've tried searching for one but so far no luck. I know you can set each colour individually in the settings but I'd like a single config I can load if possible.


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I am investigating creating builds from TravisCI, which will pull the source from github.
This will also involve a code review process, pull request, etc.

It will be done in Multiple phases. The first one will not involve automated testing using TravisCI yet. It will only involve travisCI pulling the latest code from github and creating a release for testing(A deployment file in a format that can be loaded by Ensemble0)

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I am trying to use Entity Framework with Visual Studio 2017. After following the Intersystems documentation ("Using the Caché Entity Framework Provider") I still cannot see the data source in Server Explorer. Any ideas why?

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I have a property which I need to move from one class definition to another as follows:

Old definition:

Class SCHED.SchedEntry
  Property Experiment as %String;

  Property ScanSlot as list of TracerEntry;


Class SCHED.TracerEntry
  Property Tracer As %String


I want to move the Experiment property to the TracerEntry class so that there is a different Experiment allowed for each ScanSlot, like this:

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0 329

Hello Team,

please can someone help me in the below.

I'm trying to call a Rest API below specification working in postman, and receiving perfectly the response:

POST /PharmacyServices/api/Pharmacy/Upload?Key=aaaa&Username=bbb&Password=ccc HTTP/1.1
Host: abc:38440
Content-Length: 240
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="File"; filename="///xxxx/POC/CSV/20230607.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv

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Currently running on limited hardware, Online Backups are becoming a bottleneck for our system.

For now, we are exploring an option to backup individual databases, or groups of them, thus reducing RAM requirements per individual backup task. To do that, however, we'd need a separate Backup List for our Backup Tasks. We did not find an option to do so in web portal, so currently we are looking at inheriting from system backup tasks and Backup.General classes to generate Backup List before backing up and then performing the backup as normal.

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I would like to get a list of all globals that have been read or written during a given context. In Portal, there are counters in dashboard that give the number of read/write to globals in general.

What I am looking for :

- some handler (eg: like $ZTRAP) that will be called everytime something is read/written to a global.

- to activate a "global log mode" in Portal that will dump some information to a file (like ^ISCSOAP for SOAP requests).

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Hello fellow community members,

I would like to offer my services as an Intersystems Professional and am available to work on projects.

I have more than a decade experience into Intersystems stack of technologies including IRIS, Ensemble, Healthshare, Healthconnect, Cache Objectscript, Mumps, Zen, Analytics etc. with companies spread over US and UK involved in multiple domains.

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· Jun 17, 2023
Hide or make routines binary?

Sorry, somewhat of novice here, but how is a mac or a routine created into a binary or is there a way to hide your routines so that no other user can edit them? Like remove source code and have an executable?

I would like to do this MAC and CSP pages

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How to convert SQL persistent classes to JSON output - I have tried 1 option but appears to be very lengthy process.

I have many other SQL storage's defined and have to expose them as well to JSON. Can anyone please suggest a better approach.

My column names usually match with my Json properties.

My User.TestClass is the class with GetJsonList() as my method to return /output JSON formatted data.

The Code tried and SQL storage structure are as follows -

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I am trying to figure out if we can extend a business process in IRIS. My Use Case is that I am developing RESTful Interfaces and my each REST Interface needs to go through certain processes before getting to the actual action.

e.g. I have 2 REST Interfaces, GetPatient and GetEncounter. Both of these need to invoke "GetToken" Business Operation to go to the Authentication server to get an authentication token before they go ahead and hit the Business Operation to Get the data i.e. Patient or Encounter.

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Hi Community!

New session recording from Global Summit 2017 is already on DC YouTube Channel:

SQL – Things You Should Know
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Hey Community,

Hit that play button and enjoy the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Can You Autoscale This? Lessons from the Field on Kubernetes @ Global Summit 2023
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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I'm just starting off with ZPM and noticed that examples of library-type packages and full applications abound, but I have not unearthed any that demonstrate packaging an interop production. It doesn't seem like it would be too big of a jump from a full application to an interop production, but that is likely ignorance speaking.

So, does anybody know if this is possible/advisable -- or if I am just way off on the intent of ZPM?


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