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· Dec 20, 2017
Atelier Evaluation Sandbox?

Hello everyone, I work for a company that currently uses Studio on version 2016.1.2, and will be looking at options to upgrade to 2016.2 and beyond. This would also include the potential to switch from Studio to Atelier, however there are a lot of workflow changes and new features to test.

Does Atelier have a simple way to evaluate what it has to offer without needing to setup an entire separate environment? How did your organization demo its features before committing?

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I am trying to read an xml document using %XML.TextReader and that's is all well and l can get my elements values but would like to determine where the next record start on the xml without referring to the document path in essence would like to use the same method to read different xml docs. I would like to know if is there a way or a function that I can use to get the start and end of a record in xml as I would to get the start and end element.

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I create a WebService in Machine One, with some process, i tested this webservice with SOAPUI, worked.

After that i create a simple Business Operation, SOAP Adapter, based on WebClient created with SOAP Wizzard, the problem with that is on response var, i have empty var on my operation, somebody have some Ideas ?

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Can I get "Window Size" from terminal? By command line.

Terminal > Edit > Window Size

I already tried to use 'do CURRENT^%IS', but without success. It does not return the change, for example, when the column is 132.

Is there any routine or method for this?

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I have Atelier client installed on a Mac and every now and then it just stops working. Currently I am getting this error when I try to synchronize my workspace with the server.

Synchronization failed: [server is broken] java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Provider org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl could not be instantiated: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No generator was provided and there is no default generator registered

Is anyone else experiencing similar problems and if so, what is the work around?

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· Dec 15, 2017
cache operator

In if condition what is the difference between specifying the single operator and double operator? For example, what is the difference between (&& and &) or (|| and !)

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Hi all,

I have a database with 140 million records containing financial transactions. When I do a query to calculate the sum of those records spanning a number of months it takes around 4 seconds on my database server which seems reasonable. However if I run the same query on an application server it takes around 40 seconds to do the same query.

In just this instance I would like to run that piece of code on the database server instead of the application server. It's a query that is only run a few times a day so I would prefer to have a fast result and don't mind putting a bit more stress on my database server for that.

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Today %SYS.Namespace.ListAll started to report one namespace, for example USER, two times: once as "USER" and once as USER's database "^^c:\databases\user".

Details: my Cache instance has 50+ local namespaces. Today I have "touched" 3 of them (imported new classes), and now ListAll reports each of these 3 twice. Looks like ListAll is the only one who sees those strange duplicates, in all other places (Portal, Studio) only USER is shown.

Can someone explain what is happening?

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Is there any config setting in Net.SSH.Session that I can use to set StrictHostKeyChecking to no, I am getting an error about unable to exchange encryption keys. Also how would I set keyboard-interactive I dont see any option to set this?

aSSH Error [80101012]: Authentication failed (username/password) [80101012]

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Hi, Community!

Please find a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

Catching Bad Guys with iFind and REST
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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· Dec 13, 2017
Cyclic Redudancy Error


We are using Cache 5.0.15 version. We are facing error. I tried to copy the dat file, I am getting cyclic redudancy error.
I did run the integrity check and repair utility . Nothing works.
Now My question is how to recover the dat file with data.

Thanks in Advance!

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Recently viewed a demo on the new Dynamic Objects in InterSystems (we are still running 2016.1); together with the upcoming IRIS data platform I started thinking about possibilities of building dynamic databases. That is, I can imagine some projects were it might be really nice to store dynamic objects and then run sql queries on them without ever defining the fields of the dynamic objects (i.e. not at storage, but only if you run your sql query).

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· Dec 13, 2017
SQL or Cache Function?

Hi -

I'm creating a custom report in Health Insight via SQL and one of the requirements says that I must include patients who are >= 13 years old (which is easy) but I also need to include patients who WILL be 13 years old as of December 31st of current year that the report is ran in.

I see that there is an Age column and an AgeInMonths column in HSAA.Patient. and of course a DOB column. I'm wondering if it is possible to do this purely using SQL (and SQL functions) or if I will have to incorporate a COS function to achieve this requirement.

Any suggestions?

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Hello everyone. So as title says, I used to install Eclipse with Atelier plugin recently to work in instead of Cache Studio and spotted that all my JS-code on CSP page is colored green as you can see here:

I couldn't find how to make code-detection on CSP files like JS files. All I found is this element which controls code inside HTML tag <script></script>

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We have a program set up in the HealthShare Facility Registry. And we have some patients enrolled into this program. In the HealthShare Registry management, we set up following consent policy for this facility (we call it program), Default Block Except: Block data except for the groups specified below, unless overridden by patient. There is no program in the Selected Programs so the consent should be applied to everybody.

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· Dec 10, 2017


I'm trying to use the IN operator in SQL.

does not work, can anyone tell me why that could be?

for example:

SELECT * FROM TafnitCore_Logistics_TransferPackage_DB.PackageData WHERE ID IN ('1||1||9852553062' , '1||1||9852553061' ) ORDER BY Building

And I get the following error:

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