InterSystems has corrected several critical defects that can result in data integrity issues. These defects were identified and corrected within a short time, so InterSystems has simplified the upgrade process by consolidating them into a single package. The effects of encountering these defects may not always be visible.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,007 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi All,

I'm currently trying to modify the provider portal using Trak to add a new column. Using the column editor to get the column to display on the page is relatively simple, but where I'm running into problems is modifying what will display in the column.

Essentially, it just needs to run a simple "if value in column A is in this list, display x, else display y" which is easy enough to write in ObjectScript, but the ISC documentation is relatively sparse about how to get a specific column to run that bit of code to display what I need it to.

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I've got a table with many attributes and data. There is 10 000 000 registrations approximatly.

I need to make a research on this table with filters, paging, and order.

You can see an example of my SQL request :

SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP ALL * FROM ANCV_Data.Titre WHERE etatTitre = 'Emis' ORDER BY numRemise desc) v WHERE %vid BETWEEN 1 AND 25

Cause there are many data on my table, my SQL req is too long if I don't have index on my attributes BUT there are many associations possible...

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· Dec 5, 2016

All replies are appreciated. We have put our first client into our production cache database and we are looking at what kind of regular maintenance is needed. We were questioning whether we should defrag the database files using windows defrag program and whether we need to run the defrag for Globals regularly? Should we be doing these routinely , occasionally or not at all?

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I have followed the Article: Continuous Delivery of your InterSystems solution using GitLab, On our own Linux environment it works well but when I try to run it on a clients windows server; and the following command is run by the runner

irissession IRISHEALTH -U TEST "##class(isc.git.GitLab).load()"

we get the following "error"


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Hi, I just installed the TRYCACHE 2016.2.1 preview release into a 16.04 Ubuntu VM. The install is dirt simple. Very nice. I've installed Eclipse Neon and used your update site link to get Atelier. Also very simple and nice. Thank you!

I see there is a January update coming. Will it be possible to include a license that lets developers launch one terminal session while connected to the TRYCACHE instance via Eclipse?

When I try to do this, I'm exceeding the TRYCACHE license limit.


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Hi Developers!

Recently we published on Docker Hub images for InterSystems IRIS Community Edition and InterSystems IRIS Community for Health containers.

What is that?

There is a repository that publishes it, and in fact, it is the same container IRIS Community Edition containers you have on official InterSystems listing which have the pre-loaded ObjectScript Package Manager (ZPM) client.

So if you run this container with IRIS CE or IRIC CE for Health you can immediately start using ZPM and install packages from Community Registry or any others.

What does this mean for you?

It means, that anyone can deploy any of your InterSystems ObjectScript application in 3 commands:

  • run IRIS container;
  • open terminal;
  • install your application as ZPM package.

It is safe, fast and cross-platform.

It's really handy if you want to test a new interesting ZPM package and not harm any of your systems.

Suppose, you have docker-desktop installed. You can run the image, which wiil pull the latest container if you don't have it locally:

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The Management Portal allows you to Export one or more globals to a file that you can then Import into that or another namespace. However, the Management Portal can only be used to export entire globals. For exporting selected nodes or subtrees within a global, a different utility is necessary. This utility is the Export() classmethod in the %Library.Global class, which can export an entire global but also has the ability to export selected nodes or subtrees.

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1 2.1K
· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Can you keep a secret?

If you are developing applications that use CSP or Zen, or potentially any of the other InterSystems web-related stuff that's built on top of CSP, then it's important to know how to keep one particular secret.

A central part of the CSP security architecture is a server-side session key. "Server-side" because its value should never be revealed to the client that is issuing the web requests. If it is revealed, a malicious client might be able to use it to bypass your security and make your server do things you don't want it to.

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We are using Cache in our application. We are using default username/password for connecting to the Cache Database through Cache Manege Provider. Can we limit the permission of the user _SYSTEM to access only limited database/namespace.

Can we create new user for ODBC connection? Is there any API provided for creating user with limited access so that the user creation process can be automated.

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This article is a continuation of Deploying InterSystems IRIS solution on GKE Using GitHub Actions, in which, with the help of GitHub Actions pipeline, our zpm-registry was deployed in a Google Kubernetes cluster created by Terraform. In order not to repeat, we’ll take as a starting point that:

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Hey guys,

I'm working with an EnsLib.XML.X12.Document object which consists of a parent object along with multiple children.

When using the following code, my sent object is losing all references to its children. I've played with the deep parameter and nothing is working to automatically clone the objects children(group docs ref)along with itself. (Even though the documentation states that it should..)

objectClone = object.%ConstructClone()

d ..sendRequestAsync("Destination",objectClone)

Any insight would be really helpful.


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In Cache 2018, we were using a macro in a query that looked like this:

select $$GetExtraSQL^GetExtra('B',bddtl.odnumb,bddtl.odsnum,bddtl.oddsc1) as "Description", * from sqluser.bddtl

We could save that query as a view, and there was no problem with it.

In IRIS, if we put that query into SQL in the management portal, it still works, but if we save that query as a view, when we try to run a query on that view, we get a big error message:

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Hi Friends,

I have created and exposed a web service for the given WSDL.

daily 500+ requests are processed via this SOAP service in live.

after 2 days live server got stopped with no web sessions available.

We removed this SOAP service, now live is working fine. We are investigating why web sessions got increased.

Could you please give me any clue, as to why web sessions got increased with the unknown user while processing requests through SOAP service?



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