· Dec 12, 2024

Trouble with SSL configuration and %Net.HttpRequest object

Hi all,

I am trying to establish an HTTPS connection to a server using a %Net.HttpRequest object. I'm able to ping and curl the server via command line. The issue I am running into is that I am able to establish a connection, but something seems to be going wrong with verification from the server side. For example, if I use the CheckSSLCN method on the server, it returns this error message 

ERROR #6155: Unable to verify SSL/TLS connected to correct system as no SSL certificate present for this socket. */

However, if I go ahead and try to post something to the server I get this error message:

ERROR #6156: No match between server name '' and SSL certificate values ''. */

So far, if I set SSLCheckServerIdentity=0, I am able to successfully post messages to the server. My understanding is that something is going wrong with communication between me and the server, and the name it's sending me is not correct. I've exhausted the methods in this version of Cache for HttpRequest. Is there anyone with more insight or who has solved this problem in the past? Thank you!

Product version: Caché 2017.1
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