Good day,

I'm trying to get IRIS to run on a new MacBook with a Apple M1 Pro chip. Local installs did not run, so I switched to docker containers. When I execute following command "docker run --detach --publish 52773:52773 --volume /Users/joost/Docker/iris/data/dur:/dur --env ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY=/dur/iconfig --name iris21 --init store/intersystems/iris-community:2021." an image is pulled and a container is created but the IRIS instance does not run. The log gives me the following output:

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0 745
InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,608 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Dec 4, 2021 6m read
Why? How? What's zap-api-scan-sample?

Hey community, how are you all doing?

What if you could check if your REST application is susceptible to some vulnerability? What if you could check if any known attacks affect your application?

With these issues in mind, we've brought our sample application using the ZAP testing tool. A way to quickly, conveniently provide tools for developers to validate security issues in an accessible manner practically.

8 2
0 1.3K
· Dec 2, 2021
SNN Encryption

I need to store an equivalent of the SNN (Social Security number). I need it to be encrypted and I'll have to be able to search for it once stored.

For what I've seen my options are:

- SHAHash from the %system.encryption library. Simple and easy to implement. My question is, might collisions be a problem? We are talking about a 10 millions entry.

- AES encryption. In this case I'd like to know if there is a standard way for key management in the InterSystems environment.

0 2
0 339

Hi Dev Community,

I have a persistent Document class that has a FileName string property and another Question class that has an optional one-to-many relationship with Document.

I'm trying to add a SqlComputed property to the Question class (docFileName) where docFileName = Document.FileName if there is a related Document or an empty string if there isn't one.

I'd prefer the property to be SqlComputed so that if Question.Document changes, Question.docFileName will automatically update.

0 12
0 524

Hi contestants!

We've introduced a set of bonuses for the projects for the Interoperability Contest 2021!

Here are projects that scored it:


Basic Auth








Online Demo

Code Quality

Article on DC

Video on YouTube

Total Bonus

Nominal 2 3 5 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 29
appmsw-forbid-old-passwd 2 2 2 1 2 9
isc-apptools-lockdown 2 - - 1 2 5
passwords-tool 2 2 1 2 7
API Security Mediator 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 6 3 23
Audit Mediator 2 2 2 1 4 3 14
iris-disguise 2 2 1 4 3 12
iris-saml-example 5 2 2 2 3 1 2 17
Server Manager 3.0 Preview 2 4 6
appmsw-dbdeploy 2 2 1 2 7
Data_APP_Security 2 5 2 2 2 2 3 1 4 3 26
IRIS Middlewares 2 1 3
TimeTracking-workers 2 2 1 5
zap-api-scan-sample 2 1 4 3 10
https-rest-api 2 2

Please apply with your comments here in the posts or in Discord.

2 17
0 427
· Nov 28, 2021 3m read
Leveraging the Audit database

The InterSystems IRIS has a great audit system. It is responsible for auditing system events, but you can use it to audit your applications (great feature).

The audit system is based into event concept. The events can occur with IRIS or in an application. So, we have two type of events to the audit system:

1. System events: events occured into the InterSystems IRIS components (database, interoperability, analytics and core);

2 4
1 794

We are seeing ERROR #5002: Cache error: <MAXSTRING>zSaveData+14 ^EnsLib.HL7.Segment.1 come up on a Routing rule when we are trying to Encoded PDF's through a DTL. In the DTL we are copying source to target. Is there a limitation on trying to copy source to target?

At the bottom of the DTL you are see that we commented out converting the Encoded PDF to a Stream, is it recommended that we always use %Stream anytime we are dealing with PDF's?


0 4
0 773
· Dec 2, 2021
Synchronization failed
I need help with resolving this issue of Synchronization failing.

13:55:46.338:HS.Director: Switching to namespace 'MYPORTAL' [Foundation]
13:55:46.450:Ens.Director: Production 'MYPORTALPKG.HSCOMMProduction' starting...
13:55:46.589:....HSCOMMProduction: Table synchronization state: Waiting
13:56:01.604:....HSCOMMProduction: Startup Error 0 =‰Synchronization failed*zOnStart+50^HS.Util.AbstractProduction.1
0 2
0 526
· Dec 1, 2021
web development

Hello everybody

I'm in need of a lot of help from you.
I work in a company with all system cached script, using global.

I need to develop web applications accessing the cache database, and global.

Could you help me indicate the best language option to develop web applications, and easier to access cache, and if possible send me some examples of applications accessing globals.

I thank you all.


0 3
0 393
· Dec 3, 2021


How to clean cachetemp/CACHE.DAT, without cache restart?

I have the procedure to clean cachetemp/CACHE.DAT in my scritp stop/start cache, but, in some cases, I need to clean this base without restart.

It's possible?

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0 489
· Dec 2, 2021
Server Connections

I'm upgrading my laptop, and installed HealthShare 2020.2. I wanted to import my server connections from my previous laptop, so I exported the Registry Keys (Windows 10) Under Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\InterSystems\Cache\Servers from the old machine. I then imported them into new laptop, but I still don't get the list of connections in my HealthShare Remote System Access list from the HS Cube in my system tray.

Does anyone have a solution for this? I thought this was more portable.

0 1
0 411

Hi all,

I'm trying to output a XML file, mapped from a ORU_R01 2.3 HL7 message, with a file name based of fields in the source HL7 message in the following format,


To give something like RXR0000000-000000123-20211125105415.xml as the output filename,

0 1
0 373
· Nov 30, 2021
Healthshare Connect

Hi Guys,

Is there a community version of Healthshare Connect? I know there is for Iris proper but I can't seem to find the Healthshare Connect Community version.



1 3
0 259


Is there way to set up an automated batch job in the Management Portal to execute an SQL query. Also, how can the related view be exported. I have executed the SQL queries and see the view and created files manually. I could not find any related documentation on the batch processes, but I thought batch or automated jobs could be set up via the Management Portal. Any information is appreciated...


0 5
0 272

Hi All,

I have configured Business Operation with EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter and set properties.

In the BusinessOperation method I am trying to create %Net.HttpRequest

Set httpRequest= ##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()

to post REST Service.

I am able to access HTTPServer ,URL details form Adapter using below code

Set httpRequest.Server = ..Adapter.HTTPServer
Set httpRequest.Location = ..Adapter.URL

How to read SSLConfiguration from Adapter properties?

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0 272