Hey Developers,

New demo show by InterSystems Product Manager @Raj Singh is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Develop a Python Flask app with InterSystems IRIS in 10 minutes

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,565 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


I would like to create a new message of a particular type and append various segments programmatically. I have started with the following snippet. What I am currently finding difficult is to define a segment of a particular segment structure. I would like to append a pid segment of 2.3.1 to my message. I know I could you the importfromstring but I wanted to know whether there was a better way of achieving this.

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· Oct 6, 2020 2m read
An overview of npm-iris

What is npm-iris?

N.P.M stands for "No Project Mess."

N.P.M. is a Project & Task Management app that uses InterSystems IRIS and Bootstrap 4.

No Project Mess is created to help developers and small business companies to reduce complexity in their daily problems, with a simple and intuitive projects and tasks management software.

It offers different views for your tasks, from a spreadsheet, kanban, calendar, or even Gantt!

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Hello, we would need some help:

We would like to use a Transformation to convert an ORU_R30 2.3 to ORU_R30 2.5

However Ensemble does not have a HL7 Schema for ORU R_30 2.3

So then our original message is not being recognized:

→ How could we let Ensemble recognize the ORU R30 2.3 structure to be able to use a Transformation?

We have read:

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If a global node contains special characters, (eg : a line returns), it will be displayed like this in Portal ("System > Globals > View Global Data" panel) :

^A(1) = "this is"_$c(13,10)_"a test"

I would like to export global data to a txt file using a similar format.

I already wrote the main code (that loops on all nodes and dump them to file), the problem is how to handle special characters.
For the moment I replace them manually one by one. It works, but it's far from perfect :

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· Oct 1, 2020
Terminal error


I have installed windows 10 and cache 2018.

I run terminal not from cache cube but through localDemon.exe (for report outputting from my programs to excel).

All worked fine but after some time error occured "Cannot load supporting modules" (in attached file) and localDemon.exe is not launching.

But terminal from cache cube is still launching without problems (but from it reports are not working, localDemon.exe is required)

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So, one day you're working away at WidgetsDirect, the leading supplier of widget and widget accessories, when your boss asks you to develop the new customer facing portal to allow the client base to access the next generation of Widgets..... and he wants you to use Angular 1.x to read into the department's Caché server.

There's only one problem: You've never used Angular, and don't know how to make it talk to Caché.

This guide is going to walk through the process of setting up a full Angular stack which communicates with a Caché backend using JSON over REST.

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In Atelier I can click File --> New --> Class File, and File --> New --> Custom File etc to launch various wizards and templates to help me quickly create DeepSee KPI classes, %Installer manifests, Web Services and the like. Of course, all these are available through Studio as well. Is there anything similar in VSCode? If so where? I've looked at several videos and the documentation, but I haven't seen anything.



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Hi Developers!

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Data Platform Scalability

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· Oct 1, 2020
LDAPS - InterSystems cache

Hi All,

I hope all are good.

I would like to know that whether InterSystems will support LDAPS or not.
I have idea about LDAP but not about LDAPS.
Please suggest me If anyone has any documents or links.

Thanks and Regards,

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· Sep 28, 2020
%Status usage in ObjectScript

Hi developers!

Want to discuss with you the case of %Status.

If you familiar with ObjectScript you know what is it. I'd love to hear the history of the case why it had appeared in ObjectScript but it turned out that almost every system/library classmethods return %Status and there is a whole set of tools to deal with it.

What is does it gives you the responsibility to check the value or %Status of every system method you call.

E.g. if you save the data of the persistent class, you should never call like this:

do obj.%Save()

you need to call:

set sc=obj.%Save()

if $$$ISERR(sc) do // something or quit.

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Hi all, I am having problems trying to get Docker to run correctly on my Linux Mint machine.

I did the following:

1. Installed Docker.

docker --version

Docker version 19.03.6, build 369ce74a3c

docker-compose -v

docker-compose version 1.17.1, build unknown

2. Downloaded zip from https://github.com/intersystems-community/iris-fullstack-template/tree/42f9c174a9a4e63cb5eb3eb646abf3930a6e4d31

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