Hi developers!
We are glad to share what we have new in July Open Exchange release:
- Members list
- My reviews tab
- New view for the apps with statistics
- Link to vote in the contest
- Contest rewards badges on an app page
- Countries selection
- New icons for bookmarks and subscription
Members list
You can see all the OEX members and their activities in one page.
Sort by any of the columns and access list of their applications by clicking on the name.
Top menu → About → Members
To see member's profile and apps just click on his\her name:
My reviews tab
If you have you applications reviewed or left reviews on the other apps you can reach all of them in the review Tab on your profile.
You can manage your reviews that you created as well as see all the reviews that was written for you.
New view for the apps with statistics
Now you see all your apps as a table with statistics and statuses. You can sort and search them. Very convenient if you have many of them.
Link to vote in the contest
If your application is participating in a contest our users will see the button on its profile and will be able to proceed to vote for it on the contest page.
Contest rewards badges on an app page
When an app wins in the contest we put a badge on the app page and the link for the contest description in which it got the prize.
Countries selection
When you list or edit a company you would need to add countries in which you will be able to provide your product or services, now you can add all the countries or the whole regions.
New icons for bookmarks and subscription
Instead eyes and stars now we have bells - to indicate that you will get emails as soon as the changes in the app appear on the website, and bookmark - to indicate the apps that you can save to access later using filters on the app catalogue page.
It's an important improvement.
and THANKS! I feel honored.