I am calling a business rule from one of my business processes and I noticed that when the business rule reports an error that the business process calling that rule just stops without any errors. Resultingly it fails to trigger the scope - catch-all construction that is surrounding the business rule. I know that it is possible to view the errors in business rules in the business rules log, but I really like to push an error message to Ens.Alert or something similar when my business rules report an error. How do I achieve that?

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I am trying to send a HL7 Billing Batch 2.3:FHS file out to an FTP site:

The file needs to be in Variable Length / Carriage return carriage control format--

When I send the file, the format is Fixed Length 512 Byte Record-- Not Working

The data is ok within the file-- It is just the way I am sending it out of Ensemble that is not correct.

I am thinking that it is a setting within the Operation that I am missing or not choosing correctly.


Separators -|^~\&\r

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When connectiong to IRIS from UBUNTU LTS 18.04, I got this error message:

ErrorException: odbc_connect(): SQL error: [unixODBC][Iris ODBC][State : S1000][Native Code 417]


Access Denied, SQL state S1000 in SQLConnect

I'm using "ODBC-2022." downloaded from


and folowing guide from

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Currently one of our applications, coded in Cache, performs web service API calls out to one of our vendors. We now need to be able to send a Client ID in the portion of the Soap envelope.

I think I have a clue of what I need to do but not 100% sure. We were thinking we could use the method %SOAP.WebClient.SetHttpHeader(field name, value) but when I have tired using this method and looked at the Soap log to see what is sent, the field is never showing. I realized I could be setting the wrong object using the method.

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First time post, also a new Cache developer, hence the <Beginner> tag.

If our data has Predefined terms in a dictionary, and a user can add terms on their own, can the terms exist in different tables?

Lets call the tables "Terms" and the user data in "UserTerms".

If a third class definition has a property of "Term" can it not be either Terms or UserTerms?

I'm leaning towards using a Subclass strategy where the pseudo "Parent" (forgive me) is Dictionary.Term and the child is along the lines of Dictionary.Term.User

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Hello everyone. I have some problem with selecting my own globals from namespace. My task is select only globals created by me. Follow my code, I get all globals from given namespace.

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I have java language experence. If I need parse a binary tcp packet . like following format

encoded string and send it to peer by tcp

1byte msg type + 4 byte(unsigned int) + raw byte(body)

To parse this package , Some Java code like this:

byte[] data = new byte[1024];

Bytebuf buf = new ByteBuf(data)

byte type = buf.read()

int len = buf.ReadInt()

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I want to edit the the Master viewer /source UI of HealthShare Provider Directory with a property/ element of String type.

There are predefined CodeTables structure by which i can't add the Attributes of the above element because somehow above element attributes are different than the code Table structures .

Can we add a new Customize Code Table other than predefiend Code tables in the HealthShare Provider Directory ?

Is there any way or any tutorial by which we can edit the Master Viewer ?

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· Sep 12, 2019
Features of *ENSTEMP

ENSTEMP was addressed already some time ago;
Article: Preventing Globals From Getting Journaled (Continued from How do I Minimize My Journals)

and is also in public documentation
Where InterSystems IRIS Stores Temporary Production Data

Though I'd like to understand if this is just naming a non-journaled DB
or are there also typical features of CACHETEMP / IRISTEMP related to it:

  • automatic clean-up at system startup
  • keeping Global Buffers in memory as long as possible
  • late writing to the storage file

In other words is it a 2nd, 3rd, .. fully feature blown IRISTEMP ?

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I have a EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation that uses SFTP protocol and public/private key to connect to an external vendor moveitcloud.

Issue: The vendor is planning to enable Multi Factor Authentication for this file transfer account.

Question: Have you configured a SFTP operation to use Multi factor Authentication? If not, is there another way?

Thank you,

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Hi Team,

I am working on data transformation ADT^A01 from ADT^A01 ,In both source and target MRG segment is not available. How can i create a new MRG segment in Target. Kindly share your ideas how to create a new segment in Data transformation.

Thanks in advance

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