· Nov 7, 2022

Hi Community,

I am working on sending Gmail with error details when any errors occurs in the ensemble production.

I am facing the below issues while doing it

1.I have Ens.Alert (Business process) using the class Ens.Alerting.AlertManager and Emailoperation (Business operation) using the class EnsLib.EMail.AlertOperation. here my business process is not sending the Alarm request to business operation eventhough i am using rule to connect the business operation

2.What are SMTP server details needs to given for Gmail?

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0 264
· Apr 24, 2018
Custom Purge Job

I want to create an interface specific purge job. Please let me know if there are any holes in my approach. I realize that an interface that went from HospitalAService to HospitalARouter to PracticeBOperation would require two separate executes in my example below, but I want that granularity as there are some intermediate steps in our workflows that we don't need to retain messages for.

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0 812

We have a scenario where an ObjectScript-based production calls a lookup service (SOAP in C#) to get information used in a value-set mapping process. The results can be cached in an IRISTEMP global to prevent a network call for every value, but that can hang around for quite some time on production systems.

The next logical step would seem to be to encapsulate strategies (LRU, MRU, etc.) and eviction code into an ObjectScript class that can be reused (we are not in a position yet to leverage embedded Python).

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0 220

When I delete a class package, it seems to delete it from my workspace but the delete action is not synchronized with the server. Is there a way to delete this package both locally and on the connected server within Atelier?

#UPDATE - Added product version information
Atelier version: 1.2.118 (Beta)
Caché $ZV: Cache for UNIX (IBM AIX for System Power System-64) 2017.2 (Build 744) Fri Sep 29 2017 11:04:53 EDT

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0 470

Hi I am getting below error in xDBC error log

: Dispatch+14^%SYS.BINDSRV ServerLoop

When I check the detail of error I am getting below information. Please suggest as our schedule job getting failed due to same error.

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0 483

I am receiving this alert every couple of minutes. I am trying to figure out what is causing this and if it is just the settings on my TCP operation or if this indicates an actual issue. Is it an issue with my framing (MLLP) or reply code actions (not set)? Something else?


ERROR <Ens>ErrTCPTerminatedReadTimeoutExpired: TCP Read timeout (30) expired waiting for terminator SegTerminatorAscii=13, on |TCP|7049|12692, data received =''
(alert request ID=2071)


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0 1.9K


I've been going through the instructions at

Our development team are on the main hospital infrastructure so we need to whitelist any plugin repositories that Eclipse will need to get updates from.

I believe I need to whitelist the sites that host the both the Atelier and Eclipse plugin repositories:

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0 351
· Dec 5, 2018
Schema not appearing on Mirror

Hi, I updated the schema on our live node, but the change did not occur on the mirror server. Is there some setting that I need to enable? Everything else seems to be updating but the schema has not

Can you advice on what I could be missing or is this something that is known?



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0 276
· Aug 16, 2023
Web client from SOAP Service

I created a web service and used the Studio SOAP Wizard to generate a client from the WSDL file of the service. But the client is throwing the error as shown below

WebServiceClientClass '' could not be instantiated, or the WebServiceURL Location could not be determined

What have I missed?

Is there a better way to create a client?

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0 204

Hi All,

Been trying to setup a iris 4 health community version along with a webgateway bothing utilizing docker. The documentation seems a little sparse when it comes to configuring each of these to work together, especially when it comes to utilizing the Webgateway to front end the MGMT pages for Irirs 4 Health.

I know there is a github repo that has a docker compose file, but that doesn't see to provide a light on what needs to be configured in order for it to work.

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0 245


I am looking foi an API to retrieve one namespace´s default web application name. We have use some code to setup links to event log/mesage trace for monitoring emails. In perticular we did this with ensemble where the default csp webapplication name always is something like csp/<namespace/. Anyway when it comes to a healthshare installation the default path seems to be csp/healthshare/<namespace>.

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0 290
· Oct 15, 2023
MIRROR for Embedded Python ?

MIRROR is the best solution for almost immediate replications to a Failover Server.
The related mechanics are based on Global Journaling.

Globals hold Data and Classes and Routines and more ...
If Mirroring is in place all is in sync. With minimum delays
This is of course rather useful for code changes in Classes, Routines, ....

To what extent is Embedded Python covered by Mirroring?
What is required to Synchronize EmbeddedPython like Mirroring.

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0 164

HI *,

So last night I was doing a deployment which had a query to select from a large dataset of joined tables, to iterate through and populate data in a new table.

This was done in a classmethod using embedded SQL and the %PARALLEL keyword.
On a testing environment with the same dataset, this worked perfectly a few days earlier.

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