
Can a Cache Mirror be used in the cloud ? (ie stand up a Primary and Backup member instances in a High Availability Cache Mirroring configuration)

I'm investigating the validity of this configuration, because I was of the understanding that this may not possible due to these cloud servers not (typically) having fixed ip addresses, which interferes with the Virtual IP settings for the mirror set.

Is this correct, and if there are workarounds (like Load Balancing ?) can I have details on how this should be configured ?

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0 882


I am trying to add an OR condition in the DTL but not able to. Sorry if this is a silly question, but can you advice?

I want to add a condition where if source.45 is "" or "..." then map "" to the target. But I am not able to add the OR condition

Currently I have as below

What will I need to do to add an "OR" condition to the DTL?

Would appreciate your guidance



1 2
0 882

Hello, In the DTL, is there a way to set a value for the HL7 data element in the code section? For example, set target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") = mrn (mrn is the value returned from the SQL query) When I ran the test utility, I got this error message. ERROR ErrException: zTransform+27^testclass.TEST.1 *SetValueAt,EnsLib.HL7.Message -- logged as '-' number - @' set target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") = mrn' I tried both target.SetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)") and target.GetValueAt("PID:3(k1).1)"). That didn’t make a difference. The code still error out.

0 3
0 881
· Jun 1, 2017
Casting JSON

I'm doing a REST service. A method has as body parameter a JSON corresponding to a class A.

In my production I have class A so that I retrieve the parameters using a dynamic object, such that:

Set body = ##class(%DynamicObject).%FromJSON(%request.Content)
Set myObjectA = ##class(A).%New()
Set myObjectA.Id = body.Id
Set myObjectA.Name = body.Name
Set myObjectA.Date = body.Date
Set myObjectA.Salary = body.Salary

I would like to know if I can avoid doing the manual mapping, doing a casting, since I am sure that FromJSON will return a class A. Something like this:

0 9
1 880

We recently moved from using the Private Web Server, to using an Apache/Web Gateway setup and moved towards using the built in LDAP functionality within IRIS. Since then, we have 1 user that uses VSCode (/api/atelier) heavily that continues to have issues signing into IRIS through VS Code and the /api/atelier extension.

I am trying to troubleshoot two issues..

0 7
0 879

When working with a large query executed though an ODBC connection what is the best way to allow the paging of the results at the client side. I have tried some methods using %VID and similar methods, but these really don't seem to work as the value returned is related to the ID of the data and not the position in the results set. What would be ideal is if the value seen in the management portal when you check of "Row Number" was available to external queries through ODBC. I have not seen a way to return this however.

0 5
0 878

I have generated a class using the linked procedure wizard however I can't get it to work if the datatype of one of the parameters is VARCHAR(MAX). It works fine if I change it to say VARCHAR(500) and rerun the stored procedure wizard.

I get the following error returned.:

ErrorMsg: SQLState: (07002) NativeError: [0] Message: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]COUNT field incorrect or syntax error

0 12
0 877

Suppose we need to store millions of values temporarily, that means, we don't care about them if we lose them but our application use them to get realtime information. Should I use Cachetemp or whatever other DB without journaling enabled? If answer is Cachetemp, shouldn't be a problem if we decide to scale using App Server + ECP? I'm not sure what would happen with the app logic in such architecture as I guess I couldn't map and share cachetemp...

Any idea/suggestion?

0 5
0 876

I was wondering if there was a certain procedure or documentation on securing (Https://) the Web Portal into IRIS/Ensemble?

Currently we are using LDAP Delegated Authentication to access the Web Portal using LDAP. However as more and more emphasis is put on securing applications within networks, I can see Management/Security asking us to make sure that the web portal is more secure.

1 6
1 875

We are running old VB code on a Windows 2012 R2 server.

In the last month the following error has been happening.

Failure to create CacheObjectConnection.
Failure in GetClassInfo for CacheObjectConnection

Factory not connected to server
Send to Cache' failed

Neither the the code or Cache instance has not changed.

Cache 2017.

The code:

Dim bRtn As Boolean
Dim objCacheObject As Object
cntr = 1

0 7
0 875

We want an Integration that should be moving files from a FTP server in a DMZ zone into another FTP server on our local network.
I tried using EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughService(EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter, EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdapter)
Using this approach ensamble write data to the database, causing the CACHE.DAT to grow for every file that is moved.
Looks like the entire file is written to the database, is this the case?
We are not really interested in storing any file content information in ensamble in this particular case.

0 6
0 875

Good afternoon, I have working prototypes of each of these approaches. I do not have an expansive cache background.

I have a couple of projects where I am ingesting files from disk.

The name of the file contains a lot of the information I will need to reference the file in the future.

1 2
0 874

Hey guys,

I'm working with an EnsLib.XML.X12.Document object which consists of a parent object along with multiple children.

When using the following code, my sent object is losing all references to its children. I've played with the deep parameter and nothing is working to automatically clone the objects children(group docs ref)along with itself. (Even though the documentation states that it should..)

objectClone = object.%ConstructClone()

d ..sendRequestAsync("Destination",objectClone)

Any insight would be really helpful.


0 1
0 873
· Sep 21, 2016
How to open ms-dos text files

Hi, There

How to use open text file. I have a one file. the file is original file from excels file. After later convert to CSV file.

some cells has include cr+lf control code. If i open and use from cache. reding time,Cache was wrong line feed point.

how do i edit my source code?


s infile="c:\csvfile.csv"

o infile:"r"

1 u infile r line i $zeof<0 c infile q

f i=1:1:10 s wd(i)=$p(line,",",i)

g 1


0 4
0 873
· Nov 16, 2016
timeout value

looking for what the timeout value is for the connection for shadowing. and if it is known the timeout for mirroring also.

I'm currently getting this error and when we go to mirroring it would be good to know also, this way we can go back to our network vendor and give them as much info as possible.

10/19/16-12:19:40:696 (d30b6) 2 [SHADOWING] SHADOW SERVER (PRODSHAD): <ZREAD>ReadNone+3^SHDWUTIL;ERROR #1071: TCP read timed out - remote server is not responding (repeated 16 times)



0 1
0 872

I have an Ensemble installation and just build my first RestService (using %CSP.Rest that forwards them to my Business Service). This works nice and fine when I use postman to make REST calls over http (port 57772). However when I attempt to make a request using https over port 443 I receive the following error:

1 7
0 872

I understand RecordMaps can be used to send delimited files through a production without custom coding. The data segments are delimited by tilde character followed by $Char(10) in Linux/Unix. When I test the same IO data in Windows, I have $Char(13) and $Char(10) instead of just $Char(10). I like to use just tilde character for record delimiter and ignore $Char(13) and $Char(10) between the tilde and the leading data of the next segment / record. Is this good idea or not if someone wants to generate classes will it override code?

0 2
0 870


One of our AP would like us to provide the file upload/download sample code by using ZEN Mojo.

I already provided them the attached "upload-sample".

I tried to create the "download-sample" in a similar way, but I couldn't do it yet.

Does anyone have a good idea/sample about this?

I'd like to download the server side file(e.g. c:\temp\nene.jpg) into client machine with a OpenFileDialog(image.png).

Thank you in advance.

0 6
0 870


I am sending a request message to Business Process which has one property as Dynamic Object type. So i get the JSON in my REST service and convert that as a dynamic object and set that in the request message and calling the business process from the business service. But the request is not getting sent to the Business Process. Is it possible to send dynamic object input to the business process.

0 18
0 869