Continuing the description of work on the use of the openhl python module in productive mode.

Since the version of iris with Embedded Python, does not yet have a final release, it is already necessary to use it in production now. We decided to back up the service for exporting requests to a xlsx file on a separate server, and save the query result in a global in a separate database.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,769 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Being equipped by science and technology, human being have walked a long way by great inventions such as steam-engines or aeroplannes; while after decades, people gradually recognize that single creation could not lauch an industry-boom again. That is why and when, technologies grow up with a community, where are we now=P. An eco-system of technology would be born with the power of a system and grow up with the power of system-science, such as InterSystems, with which seated the letters "s-y-s-t-e-m". Graduated with M.S.

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· Aug 13, 2021 4m read
Building Analytics Solution with IRIS

Hi developers!

How to build an analytics solution with InterSystems IRIS?

To begin with, let's agree on the points of what is the analytics solution - and this could be a very wide topic. Let's limit the set of solutions to those you can present in the Analytics contest.

There are three kinds of analytics solutions that we will review here: monitoring, interactive analytics, and reporting.


The typical monitoring solution consists of an online dashboard with KPIs that are being actively updated.

The key use case is of monitoring is to visually observe the KPI of fresh data every moment to react in case of an emergency.

Interactive Analytics

This solution supposes a set of interactive dashboards with filters and drill-downs.

The key use case is to explore the data with filters and drill-downs making business decisions upon graph and table data visualization.


Reporting solution provides a set of static (usually) reports in a form of HTML or pdf documents that deliver the data in graph and text form in a predesigned form and could be sent via email.

The typical use case of a reporting system is to obtain reports on a given period that will illustrate the status of the product, process, service, sales, etc that is crucial for the business.

How InterSystems products could be used to build such solutions? Let's discuss this below!

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I am using a standard EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation to create files based on HL7 messages but I just realised that lines in the output file only contain CR (Character Return) but no LF (Line Feed). It is really important to have both as another system picking those files will fail otherwise...

Is there any way to configure this?


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Hi Developers,

It's time to announce the Winners for July 2021! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in July 2021:

🥇 @Muhammad Waseem, HIS Team Lead, International Medical Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

🥈 @Robert Cemper, ex Senior Sales Engineer from InterSystems, Austria

🥉 @Eduard Lebedyuk, Sales Engineer, InterSystems Corporation, Moscow, Russia

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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Hi Community,

See a demonstration of InterSystems IRIS Adaptive Analytics and get a detailed description of this new offering for analytics end-users:

Demonstration: Adaptive Analytics in InterSystems IRIS
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We're upgrading to IRIS 2020.1 from Ensemble 2018.x.

I have a lookup table class that compiles fine in Ensemble but in IRIS causes the following compilation error: "ERROR #9101: Global name 'HH.LookupLabResultsToPhysiciansD' for 'IDLocation' is too long, must be no more than 31 characters in length."

Is this length limitation a new restriction or could I have done something years ago to increase the maximum character length.



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· Aug 5, 2021
Convert hexadecimal to base64

Hello, first of all thanks for your time reading our question 💭

We would need to be able to transform a hexadecimal string to a base64 coded one. 🔄

To be specific, our use case is this:

1º We have our hexadecimal as follows:


2º We convert it to ASCII:


using this online tool:

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Hey Developers,

Watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Adaptive Analytics in InterSystems IRIS
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I'm trying to implement an OAuth2 server, but I have som issues when trying to setup JWT under OAuth 2.0->Client.

I get the error message saying "No match between server name 'localhost' and SSL certificate values 'cache'". I have set up a SSL/TLS configuration as simple as possible without any certificate files. I'm accessing my server via HTTPS with an unsigned certificate.

Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to resolve the issue I'm encountering.

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I am trying to delete a field based on a value in one of the subfields. I would like to remove the below Field with the Field value "Field8". I know how to find the number of fields and iterate. If I just use "" I still get a tilde at the end.

Ex .


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