· Dec 25, 2021 2m read

After >40 years of writing in-countable lines of code in M*/COS/ISOS (and a bunch of archaic languages)
I decided for myself to set a strong signal for the future. We have Embedded Python available
(still pre-release)! I just felt it as a sacrilege to ignore this excellent NEW opportunity and
stay with the old sermon that I had used for decades.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,638 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


I am in the process of trying to create a GIT repository and I am struggling to export all the relevant classes from Studio, as I only have access to Studio and not able to export via the Management Portal. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can export from Studio as one project to include all the relevant folders and its associated classes?

Are there also any recommended documentations/links you would suggest to help me get a better understanding of GIT and how it works etc?



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Hi Community,

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Updates on Security: OpenSSL and a New "Security" Database
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Hey Community,

Welcome to the second InterSystems technical article writing competition! Write an article on any topic related to InterSystems technology:

🎄 InterSystems Tech Article Contest: Christmas Edition 🎄

Duration: November 25 – December 25, 2021

Prizes for everyone: Everyone who publishes an article on Dev Community during this period will receive a special prize pack!

Main Prizes: Apple AirPods Max / Oculus Quest 2 (VR Headset) / Amazon Kindle / Apple AirPods Pro / Raspberry Pi

Join our new contest and your content will be seen by over 55K monthly readers! Details below.

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As you can see in my profile I teach at a university and I wanted to share my take on teaching IRIS (or Caché before it).

It’s been some time but I remember seeing a series of articles by @Yuri Marx earlier this year about the course “Developing with InterSystems Objects and SQL”. He actually gave a brief description of what’s done on Day 1, Day 2, and Day 3 with comments from instructor @Joel Solon. And I thought to myself, it may be interesting to share my experience.

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· Dec 21, 2021 8m read
IntegratedML hands-on lab

Have you tried the InterSystems learning platform lab for IRIS IntegratedML? In that lab you can train and test a model on a readmission dataset and be able to predict when a patient will be readmitted or not, or calculate its probability of being readmitted.

You can try it without any installation on your system, all you have to do is start a virtual lab environment (Zeppelin) and play it around!

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I want to make the LOCATION for a %Stream.FileCharacterGzip property we have in a class parameterisable (as in stored in a global), so it can be different for different customers. Is that possible? I've tried doing it a few different ways:
Creating a parameter
Parameter STREAMLOC = {^websystem("auditstream-location")};
then I tried to reference that in the

Property HTMLZIPDoc As %Stream.FileCharacterGzip(LOCATION = ..#STREAMLOC);

but the compiler doesn't like that.

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I need some help with unescaping a value in TXA 2 of an MDM message that I am writing to a variable, to be used in a filename for a PF. Would I use the method Unescape(pData) if so how can I use it in a transform to set the variable? The reason I need to do this is I need to use the name as file name when writing the PDF to a directory. The escape characters and invalid for file names .

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I am so proud and excited to share this news!

InterSystems Global Masters program 🎉 WON the 2021 Influitive BAMMIE Award for People’s Choice: Most Passionate Community 🎉

Influitive Announcement with all Winners here

BIG thanks to you, our awesome Community members - you made this possible! We got this win together!
We will continue building the best engagement program for you, dear Community Members - more exciting things to come in 2022! Stay with us!

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Hi Community,

Join us for this walk-through of InterSystems Package Manager ZPM advanced features for developing and deploying InterSystems IRIS solutions:

InterSystems Package Manager Advanced Topics
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Hello all,

I'm "playing" a little bit with IRIS as document database, as it seems really simple to use.

So far, creating a database and inserting documents is fine. Creating a Property so it can be indexed seems very useful and it works well when this property is created at the very beginning. But here my "problem": whenever a new property is added, how can the values be recalculated and inserted, so indices can be correctly updated?

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