· May 26, 2022 1m read

Interoperability example. DICOM production + simulator

Hi developers! have you ever implemented a DICOM integration? Maybe you have searched for an example, or even a simulator. Here you can find a example that may be useful.

DICOM is a message standard widely used in healthcare for diagnostic images.You can use DICOM standard in interoperability productions using both IRIS For Health and Health Connect, here you can find the documentation.

On many occasions, when you are developing a DICOM integration it's really useful that you can run a simulator to play as some external system (e.g. PACS), allowing you to fully test the flow you want to implement before even trying to connect to a real system.

Here you can find an DICOM integration example using IRIS For Health and also a simulator called dcm4che

In the example, there are two different scenarios implemented:

Receiving a DICOM message with a embedded PDF


Query and retrieve DICOM images from a PACS

Query flow:


Retrieval flow:


Any contribution will be very welcomed :)

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