· Jul 6, 2023
REST Documentation Confusion

I had attempted to create a REST Operation before but did not have success. As I am going through the Tutorials and Documentation everything references REST services, but I have a case where I want to create a REST Operation that makes Epic API calls against Interconnect. I have done SOAP operations before and we currently have one in our Production Namespace, but from what I understand SOAP has the wsdl which defines al the structures and etc, where REST does not.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,657 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Remote Job Oportunity - IRIS For Health

Job description

RARUS HEALTH help patients and their families to improve dignosis and treatment of rare diseases. We are developing a web platform for patients to easily upload and organize their medical information, and an intersystems IRIS for Health platform to interact and keep this medical data in sync with clinics and patients organizations in the health sector in Latin America.
The ideal candidate is a self-motivated, self disciplined and demonstrated team-player, with keen attention to detail.
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Hi Developers,

This June, you've posted the whooping 105 new questions on the Developer Community:


10 Best Questions Ever

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Hello Everyone,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services is in the process of developing two exams focused on using SQL in InterSystems IRIS and we need input from our InterSystems IRIS SQL community. Your input will be used to evaluate and establish the contents of the exam.

How do I provide my input? We will present you with a list of job tasks, and you will rate them on their importance as well as other factors.

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1 351

I need to create a routing rule where I've got to check for the value of "-" in field 5 of a repeating RQD segment, if the "-" is found in any of the RQD-5 I want to send it to a transform, if the rule doesn't find a "-" in any of the RQD-5 I want to send it to another transform.

Unfortunately we are running an older version of Ensemble and the foreach function is not available.

The other thing to add is the transforms are writing the output to a flat file so my business process is using the EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine class.

Sample message:

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1 442

Hi I am trying to run a debugger in VS Code. I have the settings.json file and the launch.json file. I am trying to debug code using the attach to a process method, however when I run the debugger I get the following error.

Launch.json code


// Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.

// Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.

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· Jul 3, 2023
Cache Studio for Windows 11

Has anyone tried loading Cache 2017 on Windows 11?

I'm working with my corporate IT department to get a version published that will work on Windows 11 desktops but I have to prove that it can be loaded before they will give me the rights to install it.

It looks like Cache 2018 is supported but we're still supporting a bunch of 2017 installations until we can begin the move to IRIS.

Meanwhile the new laptops are all being issued with Windows 11 and the installers are all blocked by corporate.

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· Jul 7, 2023 8m read
Iris FHIR Python Strategy


With InterSystems IRIS FHIR Server you can build a Strategy to customize the behavior of the server (see documentation for more details).


This repository contains a Python Strategy that can be used as a starting point to build your own Strategy in python.

This demo strategy provides the following features:

  • Update the capability statement to remove the Account resource
  • Simulate a consent management system to allow or not access to the Observation resource
    • If the User has sufficient rights, the Observation resource is returned
    • Otherwise, the Observation resource is not returned
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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

HealthShare Analytics Solution: So Many Tools, So Much Power @ Global Summit 2022
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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Based on your experience, do you know any reason why IRIS would enter a deadlock/hang state ?

When such thing occurs, it's no more possible to connect to Portal or Studio, despite IRIS service (IRIS.EXE processes) being still active. CPU/memory/network usage are usually very low (eg: it does not occurs because server is overloaded). The only fix is a full restart of IRIS (eg: by clicking on IRIS icon in notification toolbar and choosing appropriate action).

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· Jul 6, 2023 1m read
How to overload methods in ObjectScript

InterSystems FAQ rubric

The InterSystems ObjectScript language does not allow you to define methods of the same name with different arguments. It is generally classified as a programming language called a dynamic language.

In ObjectScript, you can freely control which arguments are used when executing a method, so unlike languages ​​such as Java, which are not dynamic programming languages, there is no need to strictly distinguish methods by the number of arguments at the compilation stage.

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Hi Community,

Please give me an example on how to configure email alerting based on the rules and send out emails accrordingly.

As a message comes into the business service component I want to check specific fields and if a field for example active = true i want to send it to a different email and if active = false I want to send it to a different email as well.

Guide me on how to accomplish this requirement and let me know if InterSystems uses a default SMTP server or I must have that server in place.


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NOTE: This content was originally presented at the InterSystems Global Summit in 2014, however related topics often come up on the Developer Community so I have decided to turn this into an article for easier reference and discussion. However, much of the content was pulled directly from the presentation slides so the article format resembles that of a PPT deck more than paragraphs.

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