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I'm new to Cache and trying to follow the Using Cache Studio PDF. In section 2.4.3(Adding a Zen form) it tells you insert the following code;

<button caption="Save" o select="zenPage.saveRecord();" />

Unfortunately that code fails compilation. If you try and use the tools there is no o select option nor a select or onselect option. I was wondering if anyone has used this PDF before and knows what the correct attribute should be?

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Customer is experimenting with %vid variable for selecting row numbering for sql queries. Basically he's trying to implement paging functionality.

He is confused that select %vid from (select ...) returns dummy number whilst select *,%vid from (select...) returns correct data.

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I have the following problem:

  • There are several classes with method generators, which needs to be compiled during every compilation
  • I have "ckub" qualifiers enabled in studio
  • I don't want to remove "u" qualifier because I need it very much in another namespaces

So how do I force classes with method generators to recompile when "u" qualifier is present?

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· Jul 14, 2016
Opening generated classes

I'm wondering if there is a setting to show generated classes in Atelier, if there is, I haven't been able to locate it. I have code which is generating other classes, but am unable to locate those classes on the Server tab, but can see them when I open studio. Is there a setting I'm missing?

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I have a DeepSee KPI defined based on %DeepSee.KPI following the documentation I've then enabled the KPI on a dashboard by adding a Widget where the data source is the KPI. Currently the ability to show a Detail Listing is implemented by the call back %OnGetListingSQL. This method documents the parameter

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NewBie's Corner Session 3 More Read and Write commands & Multiple commands

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Click on the Caché Cube in your system tray and select Terminal to try out the commands.

Write command with carriage return and line feed

When the exclamation point "!" is inserted after a Write command, a carriage return and line feed combination is produced. Note in this example, that a comma separates the exclamation point from the variable "X".

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We had a major problem recently where a participant was sending unexpected data. It was not enough to throw an error or warning in the actual trace, but when examining the message in the viewer it did show the following:

Build Map Status = 'ERROR <EnsEDI>ErrMapSegUnrecog: Unrecognized Segment 4:'CON' found after segment 3 (CON)'

How can I query for these or be notified of them? This caused major ramifications but we did not notice it. I have Managed Services investigating but I want to cover all my bases.

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· Jul 13, 2016
Overriding soap body

We can override soap body by using WriteSOAPBodyMethod. Something like:

Method Online(ByRef Obj1 As myClass1, Obj2 As myClass2, Output ObjOutput1 As myClass1Output(XMLNAME="Obj")) [ ..., WebMethod ]


s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod="override"

d (..WebMethod("Online","ProcessRequest")).Invoke($this,"Online",.Obj1,.Obj2,. ObjOutput1)

s ..WriteSOAPBodyMethod=""


Method override(proxy As %SOAP.ProxyDescriptor, tag As %String)



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One of our AP would like us to provide the file upload/download sample code by using ZEN Mojo.

I already provided them the attached "upload-sample".

I tried to create the "download-sample" in a similar way, but I couldn't do it yet.

Does anyone have a good idea/sample about this?

I'd like to download the server side file(e.g. c:\temp\nene.jpg) into client machine with a OpenFileDialog(image.png).

Thank you in advance.

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· Jul 13, 2016
Access namespace files

Hello, guys!

I want to get access to the folder where all files of the namespace are stored using COS. I found a way to get access to class files and found a folder where all csp, html, css etc files are stored.

However, is there any folder which contains all files(even .mac and .int)?

Or, probably, there is a method which gives all files content?

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Today my customer ask me a question about how to write the MDX with a summary row however this row with different aggregate functions for each column.

We know in DeepSee analyzer has pivot table option "Summary", user can select sum, avg ... aggregate functions to get the summary row/column. However we can not specify different aggregate function for each measure column.

Here show the example to use All level and IIF function achieve that. see the example (Holefood cube in Sample namespace) below

WITH MEMBER measures.[with avg summary info] AS

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Does the Caché installer do all of the necessary setup for using Atelier when upgrading a pre-Atelier instance?

I just upgraded an Ensemble 2016.1 instance to 2016.2 and the /api/atelier web application wasn't created automatically. Aside from creating this web application is there anything else that needs to be done to support Atelier?

** UPDATE **
See my comment below -- this was caused by a permissions problem during the upgrade. After fixing the permissions problem and upgrading again Atelier works.

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· Jul 10, 2016 4m read
NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

NewBie's Corner Session 12 Do and Goto

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

InterSystems Caché provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called Caché Studio. Developers can use Studio to create and maintain applications.

Controlling Process Flow

Controlling Process Flow means controlling the execution path of code. The execution of code flows from the top to the bottom in a routine, except for the following:

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++Update: August 2, 2018

This article provides a reference architecture as a sample for providing robust performing and highly available applications based on InterSystems Technologies that are applicable to Caché, Ensemble, HealthShare, TrakCare, and associated embedded technologies such as DeepSee, iKnow, Zen and Zen Mojo.

Azure has two different deployment models for creating and working with resources: Azure Classic and Azure Resource Manager. The information detailed in this article is based on the Azure Resource Manager model (ARM).

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NewBie's Corner Session 11 Routine Line Types and Gotos

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

InterSystems Caché provides a GUI (Graphical User Interface) based Integrated Development Environment (IDE) called Caché Studio. Developers can use Studio to create and maintain applications.

In this session we will cover Routine Line types; which are Label lines, Executable code lines and the Routine Header line as well as Gotos.

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Hi. This about a migration of code from a DEV environment to a PROD environment.

If an (under development) business host is Enabled in DEV environment and the production class is migrated across environments, this means that the Enabled status of the same business host in PROD would also become enabled (even if it may have been disabled before the update)

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Hello Community,

I am trying to create a simple Ensemble DTL transform using the GUI. In order to test something very simple, I have created a transform that does nothing.

I'm using test data from here:

It's a very small test 835 file.

My transform looks like this in the compiled class:

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I am writing a static SOAP response to simply test connectivity. The end users is getting an error "Message: The processing instruction target matching [xX][mM][lL] is not allowed.", which I believe is related to white space. if I observe the response, it looks like there are two blank lines between the header and the body, which I'm guessing is the white space problem. But I can't seem to get rid of it.

Any ideas?


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Does anyone have a sample that demonstrates how to use the Data Transformation option create='existing', in order to update an existing object by its ID? My use-case is that I have an HL7 message coming in which contains data on a patient that may or may not already exist in a (non-HL7) table. I want to use the PatientID from the (source) HL7 message, check if that patient exists in the (target) object, and if so, insert some new data into the existing patient, or if not, create a new patient.

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